Sixth International Conference: Terrorism's Global Impact - Programme
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The International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya held its Sixth International Conference on Counter-terrorism, entitled Terrorism's Global Impact, from 11-14 September 2006.[1]
September 11
The Second Lebanon War - Conclusions and Insights Connotations in Dealing with Terror and Guerrilla Warfare
Opening Remarks
- Prof. Uriel Reichman - Founding President Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Panel 1 - The War Preparations
- Chair, Shabtai Shavit - Former Head of the Mossad; Chairman ICT Board of Directors.
- Dr Brig. Gen. (Res) Ariel Heimann - Former Chief Reserve Officer, IDF.
- Col (Res.) Shlomo Mofaz - International Consultant (terrorism & Intelligence) and ICT Research Fellow.
- Maj. Gen. (Res.) Uri Sagi, Former Intelligence Director, IDF.
- MK Dr. Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, former head of IDF Intelligence Research Division.
Panel 2 - Conduction of the War
- Chair, Col. (Res.) Lior Lotan - Executive Director ICT
- Maj. Gen. (Res.) Giora Eiland - Former Head of Israel's National Security Council.
- Dr (Col. Res.) Shmuel Gordon - Head of the Technology and National Security Program, Holon Institute of Technology
- Brig. Gen. (Res.) Ran Ronen (Pekker) - Former Senior Commander, Israeli Air Force.
- Brig. Gen. Danny Van-Buren - Chief Reserve Officer, IDF.
- Maj. Gen. (Res.) Yoram Yair
The Effects of the War on the Public Image of Political Leaders: Prime Minister Olmert and Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah
- Shaul Kimhi - Psychology Department, Tei Hai Academic College, Israel.
- Professor Yochanan Eshel - Psychology Department, Tei Hai Academic College and Haifa University.
Panel 3 - Ramifications of the War in Different Arenas
- Chair, Dr. Boaz Ganor - ICT Founder, Deputy Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.
- MK Silvan Shalom - Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Dr. (Col. Res.) Eitan Azani - Senior Researcher, ICT, IDC Herzliya.
- Prof. Irwin Cotler - Member of Canadian Parliament, Former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
- (Col Res.) Yoni Fighel - Senior Researcher, ICT , IDC Herzliya.
- Brig.Gen. (Res.) Shalom Harari - ICT Research Fellow.
- Dr Ely Karmon - Senior Research Scholar , ICT, IDC Herzliya.
- Dr Uzi Landau - Former Minister of Internal Security.
- Col. (Res.) Daniel Reisner - Former Head of the International Law Branch of the IDF Legal Division.
Opening Ceremony
- Prof. Amnon Rubinstein - President, IDC Herzliya.
- Prof. Uriel Reichman - Founding president, IDC Herzliya.
- Shabtai Shavit - Former Head of the Mossad, Chairman, ICT Board of Directors.
Guest Speaker
- MK Avi Dichter - Minister of Internal Security.
- Dr. Boaz Ganor - ICT Founder, Deputy Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.
- Col. (Res.) Lior Lotan - Executive Director ICT
Memorial ceremony commemorating victims of the 9/11 terror attacks in the US and victims of terrorism in Israel and throughout the world
- Michael Mason - Executive Assistant Director for Criminal Investigations, FBI.
- Jonathan Davis - Vice President for External Relations, IDC Herzliya.
September 12
Counter-Terrorism Policies: Best Practices
- Greetings - Prof. Moshe Barniv - Provost, IDC Herzliya
- The Terrorism of Global Jihad: The Challange to the Civilised World - Dr Boaz Ganor,ICT, Deputy Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.
- Unintended Consequences of Counter-Terrorist Policies - Prof. Martha Crenshaw, Professor of Government, Wesleyan University, US.
- Terrorism and Media: A Preliminary Quantative Analysis - Prof. Rafi Melnick, Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.
- Israel, the United States, and Approaches to Unconventional Conflict - Dr Thomas H. Henriksen, Senior Fellow, Joint Special Operations University and Hooever Institution, Stanford University, US.
- What Makes Tehran Tick: Preventing a Nuclear-Armed Iran; Coercing a Terror-Exporting Iran - Prof. Raymond Tanter, Founder and co-chair, Iran Policy Committee (IPC), Professor, Georgetown University, US.
- Terrorism and Human Rights: The Dilemma of Democracies - Prof. Irwin Cotler, Member of Canadian Parliament, Former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
- Dr Sergey Kurginyan, President, the International Foundation Experimental Creativity Center, Russia.
- The Grand Deception: Militant Islam, the Media and the West - Steven Emerson, Executive Director, the Investigative Project on Terrorism, US.
- Al-Qaeda Threats to Israel and Jewish Interests - Col. (Res.) Lior Lotan, Executive Director ICT, IDC Herzliya.
- Guest Speaker - Benjamin Netanyahu, Former Prime Minister, Chairman of the Likud Party.
Film Screening - Suicide Killers
- Pierre Rehov - Director "Suicide Killers"
- Bassem Eid - Executive Director, Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group
- Dr Boaz Ganor - ICT Founder, Deputy Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.
September 13
The Balkans as a Breeding Ground for Terrorists
- Co-chair, Dr Shaul Shay, Head of IDF Military History Department, Senior Research Fellow, ICT.
- Co-Chair, Darko Trifunovic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Prof. Gideon Biger, Professor of Geography, Department of Geography and Human Environment, Tel Aviv University.
- Dr Dejan S. Miletic, Founder Member of the International Counter-Terrorism Academic Community (ICTAC), Director of the Center For Terrorism Research and Center for Globalization Studies at the Institute for Strategic Studies and Development "Braca Karic" university, Serbia.
- Vojislav Milosevic, Director, Centre for Counter-Terrorism and World Peace, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Prof. Dr Dragan Simeunovic, Director of the Center for Terrorism Research; Head of Post-Graduate Studies on Terrorism, Belgrade University, Serbia.
The Challenge of Suicide Terrorism
- Co-Chair, Col. (Res.) Jonathan Fighel, Senior Researcher, ICT, IDC Herzliya
- Co-Chair, Prof. Robert Friedmann, Director, Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange, US.
- Michael Chandler, International Consultant on Terrorism, Security and Related Matters, UK.
- Prof. Rafi Eldor, Lecturer, Arison School of Business, IDC Herzliya, Israel.
- Lt Col. Guermantes Lailari, USAF, US.
- Col. Behram A. Sahukar, Research Fellow, United Service Institution of India, Former Research Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, India, Member International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, England.
- Michael Whine, Government and International Affairs Director, Community Security Trust, UK.
- Maj. Gen. Israel Ziv, Former Head of the Operations Directorate, IDF.
Non-Conventional Terrorism: Assessment of the Threat
- Co-Chair, Dr Ely Karmon, Senior Research Scholar, ICT.
- Co-Chair, Dr. Leonard A. Cole, Adjunct Prof. Rutgers University, US.
- Asaf Ashkenazi, Security Planning and Counter CBRN Terrorism Division, Rotem Sharvit, Israel.
- Dr Yehoshua Gozes
- Peter Probst, Director of Programs, Institute for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence.
- Col. (Res.) Yossi Sagiv, Former Head of Central Region, Home Front Command, IDF.
- Prof. Gerald Steinburg, Senior Research Associate, BESA Center for Strategic Studies.
Islamic Radicalism: Challenges to the Muslim World
- Co-Chair, Dr Guy Bechor,Lecturer, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.
- Co-Chair, Steven Emerson, Executive Director, The Investigative Project on Terrorism.
- H.E. Ambassador Richard H. Jones, United States Ambassador to Israel.
- Itamar Marcus, Director, Palestinian Media Watch.
- Jonathan S. Paris, Middle East and Islamic Movement Analyst, London; Member and Former Middle East Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, US.
- Dr Abe Wagner, Professor, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University, President SRDC, US.
Terrorism and Medicine
- Co-chair, Prof. Shmuel Shapira, MD, MPH, Deputy Director General, Hadassah University Hospital.
- Co-chair, Dr Leonard A. Cole, Adjunct Professor, Rutgers University, US.
- Prof. Eran Dolev, Director of Internal Medicine, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.
- Dr Moshe Michaelson, Director, Emergency & Trauma Services, Rambam.
- Dr Meir Oren, MD, MPH, M.Sc., Director-General, The Hillel-Yaffee Medical Center.
Anonymous and Accessible Communications: A Current Terror Arena
- Chair, Dalia Ya'iri, Journalist.
- Jonathan Davis, Vice President for External Relations, IDC Herzliya
- Itay Engel, Journalist, Channel 2, Israel.
- Jacob Perry, Chairman of the Board, Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank Ltd.
- Col. Sima Vajnin-Gil, Chief Censor, IDF.
- Prof. Gabriel Weimann, Chair Department of Communications, Haifa University.
- Zvi Yehezkeli, Report on Arab Affairs, Channel 10, Israel.
September 14
The Financing of Terrorism
- Co-chair, Dr (Col. Res.) Eitan Izani, Senior Researcher, ICT, IDC Herzliya.
- Co-chair, Dr Loretta Napoleoni, Economist, political analyst and novelist.
- Dr Zachary Abuza, South East Asia Terrorism Expert.
- Victor D. Comras, Attorney and Consultant on Sanctions and Terrorism Financing, US.
- Stephen J. Landes, Partner, Wildman, Harrold Allen & Dixon, Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University School of Laws.
- Adv. David Scharia, Legal Officer, Counter-Terrorism Committee, Executive Directorate, UN.
- Darko Trifunovic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Belgrade, Serbia.
Threat Asssessment as a Tool in Counter-Terrorism
- Chair, Col. (Res.) Lior Lotan, Executive Director, ICT, IDC Herzliya.
- LTC (Ret.) Patrick Bettane, Former Chief of Water Security and Safety, IDF.
- Col. (Res.) Haim Blumenblat, Special Advisor, Counter-Terrorism Bureau, Israel.
- Eric Herren, International Concultant and ICT Associate.
- Omer Laviv, Chief Operations Officer, Athena GS3 Security Implementations Ltd, Israel.
Iran: International Terrorism and the Nuclear Threat
- Co-chair, (Col. Res.) Dr Ephraim Kam, Deputy head of Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Co-Chair Prof. Raymond Tanter, Dounder and co-chair of the Iran Policy Commitee (IPC) and Professor (Georgetown University, US.
- Dr Allan Gerson, Chairman, AG International Law, PLLC, US.
- Col. (Res.) Shlomo Mofaz, International Consultant (Terrorism & Intelligence) and ICT Research Fellow.
- Dr Doron Zimmermann, Senior Researcher, Center for Security Studies, Switerland.
- Dr Shaul Shay, Head of IDF Military History Department, Senior Research Fellow, ICT.
- Shabtai Shavit, Former head of the Mossad, Chairman, ICT Board of Directors.
Lunch and Guest lecture
- Radicalisation of the Sunni-Shi'a Divide: From Pakistan and Afghanistan to Iraq, Lebanon and the Gulf - Dr Ely Karmon, Senior Research Scholar, ICT, IDC Herzliya.
Terrorism Informatics and Data Mining
- Co-chair, Yael Shahar, ICT Senior Researcher, IDC Herzliya.
- Co-chair, Dr. Hinschun Chen, Director, The Artificial Intelligence Lab and McLelland Professor of Management Information Systems, University of Arizona, US.
- Dr Mark Last, Senior Lecturer, Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
- Dr Joshua Sinai, Programme Manager for CounterTerrorism Studies and Education, The Analysis Corporation, McLean, VA, US.
- Dr Katharina Von Knop, Adjunct Professor at the Program on Terrorism and Security Studies.
- Mr Aaron Weisburd, Director, Society for Internet Research
International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism
- Co-chair, Dr Boaz Ganor, ICT Founder, Deputy Dean Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.
- Co-chair, Prof. Martha Crenshaw, Professor of Government, Wesleyan university, US.
- Co-chair, Prof. William Banks, Director, Institute for National Security and Counter-Terrorism, Syracuse University, US.
- Brig. Gen. (Res.) Dani Arditi, Director Counter-Terrorism Bureau, Israel.
- Col. (Res.) Nick Pratt, Director, Program on Terrorism and Security Studies, Marshall Center.
- Prof. Alex P. Schmid, Chair in International Relations, University of St Andrews, Director, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence.
- Dr. Thomas Henriksen, Senior Fellow, Joint Special Operations University, and Hoover Institution, Stanford University, US.
Iran: State-Sponsored Terrorism
- Chair, Shabtai Shavit, Former Head of the Mossad, Chairman, ICT Board of Directors.
- Dr (Col. Res.) Eitan Azani, Senior Researcher, ICT, IDC Herzliya.
- Prof. David Menashri, Director of the Center for Iranian Studies and Dean of Special Programs, Tel Aviv University.
- Prof. Moshe Sharon, Hebrew University, Israel.
- Prof. Raymond Tanter, Founder and Co-chair of the Iran Policy Committee, and Professor, Georgetown University, US.
- Zvi Yehezkeli, Reporter on Arab Affairs, Channel 10, Israel.
Conclusion of the Conference
- Shabtai Shavit, Former Head of the Mossad, Chairman, ICT Board of Directors.
- Col. (Res.) Lior Lotan, Executive Director, ICT, IDC Herzliya.
- Dr Boaz Ganor, ICT Founder, Deputy Dean Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya.
- ↑ Terrorism's Global Impact, ICT's Sixth International Conference, accessed 23 May 2009.