Gabriel Weimann
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Gabriel Weimann was a Senior Fellow In Residence (October 2003 - July 2004) at the United States Institute of Peace[1] and professor of communication at Haifa University, Israel.[2]
A USIP biographical note states:
- Gabriel Weimann is professor of communication at Haifa University, where he has taught since 1984. A prolific analyst of terrorism and the mass media, his publications include five books, among them Communicating Unreality: Mass Media and Reconstruction of Realities', The Theater of Terror: The Mass Media and International Terrorism, and Hate on Trial: The Zundel Case, the Media and Public Opinion in Canada. He has also written more than 100 book chapters and articles, including papers in the American Sociological Review, Sociological Inquiry, Social Psychology Quarterly, Journal of Communication, Social Networks, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, and European Journal of Communication.
- He has held visiting positions at universities around the world, including the National University of Singapore, the University of Pennsylvania, Universitaet Mainz (Germany), Stanford University, and Carleton University in Ottawa.
- Weimann has received grants from the Ben Gurion Foundation, the Fulbright Foundation, the Canadian-Israel Exchange, the Canadian government, the U.S. Education Foundation, the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, the Berman Center at Lehigh University, the German National Research Foundation, the Israel Democracy Institute, and the Research Authority at the University of Haifa. He received a Sasakawa Fellowship Grant for the Salzburg Seminar and the Wally Langschmidt Award for Communication Research (South Africa). He holds a Ph.D. in communications from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.[3]
Resources, Affiliations, Publications
- International Institute for Counter-Terrorism
- Israel Democracy Institute
- United States Institute of Peace
- First International Conference on Radicalisation and Political Violence participant
"Conversation Networks as Communication Networks" (Hebrew), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1981. Supervised by Professor Elihu Katz, 279 pp.
- Weimann, Gabriel and Conrad Winn, 1986. Hate on Trial: The Zundel Case, the Media and Public Opinion in Canada, Toronto: Mosaic Press, Canada, 201 pp.
- Weimann, Gabriel and Conrad Winn, 1993. The Theater of Terror: The Mass Media and International Terrorism, New York: Longman Publishing/Addison-Wesley, 295 pp.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1994. The Influentials: People Who Influence People, New York: State University of New York Press (SUNY), 380 pp.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2000. Communicating Unreality: Mass Media and Reconstruction of Realities, Sage Publications. 440 pp.
- Weimann, Gabriel and Baruch Nevo, 2001. The Singaporean Enigma, Jerusalem: Zivonim, 248 pp. (H).
- Weimann, Gabriel, (2006). Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, The New Challenges, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 360 pp..
- Weimann, Gabriel and Tamir Sheafer, 2004. The Quality of Coverage: Analysis of Media Coverage of Israeli Elections. Monograph, Tel Aviv: Herzog Institute for Communication, Society and Politics.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. WWW.Terror.Net: How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet. Special Research Report, Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. Cyberterrorism: How Real Is the Threat?, Special Research Report, Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace.
- Tustin, D.H., D. van Vuuren, J.P.R. Joubert and G. Weimann (2006). An Exploratory Study on Influencer Marketing in South Africa. Research Report published by the Bureau of Market Research, Pretoria: University of South Africa (71 pp.).
- Weimann, Gabriel, Yariv Tsfati and Rebekah Tukachinsky 2006. The Media Coverage of the Israeli 2006 Elections, Herzog Institute Report, University of Tel Aviv, (H), (37 pp.).
- Weimann, Gabriel. 2007. The Israeli Public's Criticism of the Media During the Labanon War of 2006, Rotchild-Cesarea School Series on Media in Wartime, University of Tel Aviv (H), (33 pp.).
Articles in Refereed Journals and Books
(H=in Hebrew)
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1983. "The Theater of Terror: The Effects of Press Coverage", Journal of Communication: 33: 38‑45.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1985. "Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Labeling Terrorism in the Israeli Press", Political Communication and Persuasion, 2(4): 433‑445.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1987. "Media Events: The Case of International Terrorism", Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 31 (1): 21‑39.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1987. "Conceptualizing the Effects of Mass‑Mediated Terrorism", Political Communication and Persuasion, 4: 213‑216.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1988. "Mass Mediated Theater of Terror: Must the Show Go On?", in Bruck, P. (ed.), The News Media and Terrorism, Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1‑22.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1988. "Critics in the Theater of Terror: Weimann's Reply", in Bruck, P. (Ed.), The News Media and Terrorism, Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 79‑84.
- Weimann, Gabriel, Arye Rattner and Gideon Fishman, 1988. "Who is Visually Perceived as a Criminal?", Megamot, 31 (2): 208‑220 (H).
- Weimann, Gabriel and Hans‑Bernd Brosius, 1989. "The Predictability of International Terrorism: A Time‑Series Analysis", Journal of Terrorism, 11(6): 491‑502.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1989. "Terrorism in the Global Village", in Y. Wyant (ed.), Canadian‑Israeli Perspectives on Culture, Women and Media, Jerusalem: Academon, 75‑89.
- Brosius, Hans‑Bernd and Gabriel Weimann, 1991. "The Contagiousness of Mass‑mediated Terrorism", European Journal of Communication, 6: 63‑75.
- Weimann, Gabriel and Hans‑Bernd Brosius, 1991. "The Newsworthiness of International Terrorism", Communication Research, 18 (3): 333-354.
- Weimann Gabriel, 1994, "Can the Media Mediate? Mass Mediated Diplomacy in the Middle East", in G. Ben Dor and D. Dewitt (Eds.), Confidence Building Measures in the Middle East, New York: Westview, 291-307.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1996. "Can the Media Mediate? Mass Mediated Diplomacy in the Middle East", Conflict Processes, 2(1): 31-41. An earlier version of this paper appeared in G. Ben Dor and D. Dewitt (eds.), Confidence Building Measures in the Middle East, New York: Westview, 291-307.
- Brosius, Hans-Bernd and Gabriel Weimann, 1996. "Who Sets the Agenda? Agenda-Setting as a Two-Step Flow", Communication Research, 23(5): 562-581.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1997. "Can A Spiral Be a Bridge? On Noelle-Neumann's Work as Bridging Micro-Macro Levels of Analysis", Publizistik, 42 (1): 97-103.
- Fishman, Gideon and Gabriel Weimann, 1997. "Motives to Commit Suicide: Statistical Versus Mass-Mediated Reality", Archives of Suicide Research 3:1-14.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1997, "Their Finest Hour: The Functions of the Israeli Mass Media Following the Murder of Prime Minister Rabin", in D. Caspi (Ed.), Democracy and Media, Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute, 223-239. (H).
- Yanovitzky, Itzhak, and Gabriel Weimann, 1998. "The Attitudes of Jewish Settlers: An Analysis of 'Nekuda', the Settlers' Main Publication", Megamot 39: 191-215 (H).
- Weimann, Gabriel, 1999. "The Theater of Terror As A Challenge to Democracy", in R. Cohen-Almagor (Ed.), Basic Issues in Israeli Democracy, Tel Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, pp. 247-264 (H).
- Tsfati, Yariv and Weimann, Gabriel, 1999. "Terror on the Internet", Politika, 4: 45-64 (H).
- Cohen, Jonathan and Gabriel Weimann 2000. Cultivation Revisited: Some Genres Have Some Effects on Some Viewers, Communication Reports 13: 99-114.
- Tsfati, Yariv and Weimann, Gabriel, 2002. " Terror on the Internet", Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 25(5): 317-332.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2003. “Ten Dilemmas of the Press during Wartime”, Panim, 23: 10-17 (H).
- Weimann, Gabriel. 2004. “The Theater of Terror: The Psychology of Terrorism and the Mass Media”. In Yael Danieli, Danny Brom, and Jonas Waizer (Eds.), The Trauma of Terror: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, New York: The Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, 379-390. Reprinted in Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 9(3-4), 379-390.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. "Terrorists and Their Tools: Using the Internet", Yale Global Online, at:
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. "Terror on the Net: The New Arena". In Arye Idan (Ed.), Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Tel Aviv: Misrad Habitahon, 40-50 (H).
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2004. "The Theater of Terror: Challenging Democracy". In Arye Idan (Ed.), Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Tel Aviv: Misrad Habitahon, 17-39 (H).
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2005. "Terrorist Dot Com: Using the Internet for Terrorist Recruitment and Mobilization", in J. Forest (Ed.), The Making of a Terrorist. Westport, CT: Praeger, pp. 53-65.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2005. "Online Terrorism: How Modern Terrorists Use the Internet", in Javier Ignacio Mayorca (Eds)., Terrorismo, ensayos para el debate, pp. 67-1-104.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2005. "Cyberterrorism: The Sum of All Fears?" Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 28: 129-149.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2005. "How Terrorists Use the Internet", Journal of International Security Affairs, 8: 91-105.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. "Virtual Terrorism: How Modern Terrorists Use the Internet", in Internet and Governance in Asia - A Critical Reader, Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Center (forthcoming).
- Edna Reid, Jialun Qin, Yilu Zhou, Guanpi Lai, Marc Sageman, Gabriel Weimann, and Hsinchun Chen, 2005. "Collecting and Analyzing the Presence of Terrorists on the Web: A Case Study of Jihad Websites", Computer Science, Volume 3495: 402 – 411
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. "Virtual Terrorism", in Liebes, T. and P. Frosh (Eds.), Meeting the Enemy in the Living Room: Terrorism and Communication in the Contemporary Era , Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuchad pp 72-109. (H).
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. "Virtual Training Camps: Terrorist Use of the Internet", in J. Forest (Ed.). Teaching Terror: Strategic and Tactical Learning in the Terrorist World, Boulder, Colorado: Rowman & Littlefield 110-132.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. "Deadly Conversations", Yale Global Online, at:
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2006. "Virtual Disputes: The Use of the Internet for Terrorist Debates", Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 29 (7): 623-639.
- Weimann, Gabriel and Eimi Lev, 2006. "Mass-Mediated Medicine", Israel Medical Association Journal, 8 757-762.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. "The Theater of Terror: Modern Terrorism and the Mass Media", Routledge's Encyclopedia of American Journalism History (forthcoming).
- Weimann, Gabriel. 2006. "Cyberterrorism: Are we Barking at the Wrong Tree?". In Von Knop, K., Neisser, H, Salnikov, A, and B. Ganor (Eds.), Security, Terrorism and Privacy in Information Society, Bielfeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, pp. 41-52.
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. ”Entertainment Content and Reality Perception", in Donsbach, W. (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication (forthcoming).
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. ”Opinion Leaders", in Donsbach, W. (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication (forthcoming).
- eimann, Gabriel, Sheafer, Tamir and Yariv Tsfati. 2007. “The Media and the 2006 Election Campaign: The Needs of the Public and the Media's Performance”. In Arian, Asher and Michal Shamir (Eds.), The Israeli Elections 2006, Jerusalem: The Israel Democracy Institute.
- Weimann, Gabriel. 2007. "Online Terrorism: Modern Terrorism and the Internet". In Glaab, Sonja (Ed.): Medien und Terrorismus. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag (forthcoming).
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. "American Style Campaigning". In Christina Holtz-Bacha and Lynda Kaid (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Political Communication (forthcoming).
- Weimann, Gabriel, 2007. "The Psychology of Mass-Mediated Terrorism", American Behavioral Scientist (forthcoming).
- Weimann, Gabriel. 2007. "The Digital Gap in Israel: Internet's Center and Periphery", in Tamar Gross (Ed.), Center and Periphery (forthcoming).
- Weimann, G. Tustin, D.H., D. van Vuuren, and J.P.R. Joubert, 2007. "Looking for Opinion Leaders: Traditional vs. Modern Measures in Traditional Societies”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research. (forthcoming).
- Sheafer, Tamir , Yariv Tsfati and Gabriel Weimann, 2007. "Campaigns in the holy land: Their content, coverage and effects", in Handbook of Election Coverage Around the World (Eds. Jesper Strömbäck and Lynda Lee Kaid), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (forthcoming).
- eimann, Gabriel, 2007. "Using the Internet for Terrorist Recruitment and Mobilization", in Hypermedia Seduction for Terrorist Recruiting (forthcoming).
- Weimann, Gabriel. 2007. "Hezbollah Dot Com: Hezbollah's online campaign", in New Media and Innovative Technologies (Eds. D. Caspi and T. Azran), (forthcoming) (H).
- Weimann, Gabriel. 2007. "Mass-Media Theater", E-Journal USA: Countering the Terrorist Mentality , May 2007, at: [4]
Research reports
- " How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet" (United States Institute of Peace Special Report, March 2004)
- "Cyberterrorism: How Real is the Threat?" (United States Institute of Peace Special Report, May 2004)
Contact, References
- Personal website:
- ↑ USIP Gabriel Weimann
- ↑ Gabriel Weimann How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet March 2004 | Special Report No. 116
- ↑ USIP Gabriel Weimann
- ↑