Associate Parliamentary Group on Business, Finance and Accountancy

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The purpose of the Associate Parliamentary Group on Business, Finance and Accountancy is 'to enable high level discussion between Parliament and business leaders on major issues relating to business, finance and accountancy, including social responsibility and sustainability'. [1]


Officers, July 2015-April 2016

Officers as of March 2015

Members as of March 2015

Lord Robin Hodgson of Astley Abbotts - Conservative Party | Jeremy Lefroy - Conservative Party | Mark Garnier - Conservative Party | Baroness Sheila Noakes - Conservative Party | Andrew Tyrie - Conservative Party | Mark Field - Conservative Party | Lorely Burt - Liberal Democrats | Ian Swales - Liberal Democrats | Bill Esterson - Labour | Lord John McFall of Alscluith - Labour | Andy Love | Labour | Christopher Leslie - Labour | Tom Blenkinsop - Labour | Bryan Davies (Lord) - Labour | Ian Murray - Labour [5]


Other Members

Additional members as of November 2011

Registered benefits

Registered benefits as of July 2015

As stated in the register of All-Party Groups: The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the groups secretariat, paid (in bands of £1,500) £4,501-£6,000. (Registered July 2015) [7][3]


The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) acts as the group's secretariat and also pays for occasional group events/receptions.


Parliamentary: Mr Iain Wright MP, House of Commons, London SW1A OAA. Tel: 020 7219 5587

The contact person for the group is Vincent Paulger of the ICAEW.

Address:Chartered Accountants Hall, Moorgate Place, London EC2R GEA

Tel: 07825 570 848



  1. 1.0 1.1 House of Commons, Register Of All-Party Groups (as at 2nd November 2011)
  2. Register of 30 July 2015Parliament website, accessed 14 October 2015
  3. 3.0 3.1 Business, Finance and Accountancy APPG Register Feb 16,, accessed 17 February 2016
  4. Business, Finance and Accountancy APPG, Register 28 April 2016,, accessed 11 May 2016
  5. Register at March 30 2015Parliament website, accessed 14 October 2015
  6. House of Commons, REGISTER OF ALL-PARTY GROUPS SECTION 2: SUBJECT GROUPS, p157. (As at 30 September 2010)
  7. Register of 30 July 2015Parliament website, accessed 14 October 2015