Fracking lobbying map

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FrackWell.png This article is part of the Spinwatch Fracking Portal and project

Meet the Frackers

<youtube size="small" align="right" caption="Meet the Frackers: a Spinwatch lobbying tour">toTLr2yIJ5E</youtube> For an overview of UK fracking firms and their lobbyists watch Spinwatch's 'Meet the Frackers' lobbying tour video, released January 2017.

Fracking firms

Celtique Energy | Centrica | Cuadrilla | Ineos | Igas Energy | Oil and Gas UK | Tamboran Resources | Third Energy

Oil and gas industry shareholders and backers

Centrica | China National Offshore Oil Corporation Ltd (CNOOC) | Total |

Lobbying agencies

Government departments

Parliamentary groups

Think Tanks

Consultancy firms

Financial backers

Trade associations and business lobby groups
