Neoconservatives Portal

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Welcome to the Neoconservatives Portal on Spinprofiles

Welcome to the Neoconservatives Portal on Spinprofiles—your guide to networks of power, lobbying and deceptive PR.

According to Irving Kristol, one of the leading US neoconservatives, it is a movement of liberals "mugged by reality."

Stephen J. Sniegoski reports that "the term was coined by socialist Michael Harrington as a derisive term for leftists and liberals who were migrating rightward. Many of the first generation neoconservatives were originally liberal Democrats or even socialists and Marxists, often Trotskyites. Most originated in New York, and most were Jews. They drifted to the right in the 1960s and 1970s as the Democratic Party moved to the anti-war McGovernite left."

Key US neoconservatives

Policy makers

Elliot Abrams | Kenneth Adelman | William Bennett | John Bolton | Douglas Feith | Jeane Kirkpatrick | I. Lewis Libby | Richard Perle | Paul Wolfowitz | James Woolsey | David Wurmser


Robert Bartley | David Brooks | Charles Krauthammer | William Kristol | Bret Stephens | Norman Podhoretz


Fouad Ajami | Elliot Cohen | Aaron Friedberg | Bernard Lewis | Ruth Wedgwood

Think-tank pundits

Max Boot | David Frum | Reuel Marc Gerecht | Robert Kagan | Michael Ledeen | Joshua Muravchik | Daniel Pipes | Danielle Pletka | Michael Rubin | Meyrav Wurmser

US Neoconservative Institutions


Commentary | New York Sun | Wall Street Journal | Weekly Standard

Think Tanks and Advocacy Groups

American Enterprise Institute | Center for Security Policy | Hudson Institute | Foundation for Defense of Democracies | Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs | Middle East Forum | Project for a New American Century | Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Neoconservatives in the UK

Key individuals

Dean Godson | Douglas Murray


Standpoint magazine

Think Tanks and Advocacy Groups

Centre for Social Cohesion | Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic Geopolitics | Policy Exchange

Text needed here

Spinprofiles has a policy of strict referencing and is overseen by an Managing editor and a Sysop and several Associate Portal editors. The Editor of the Neonconservatives Portal is Tom Griffin.

Priority pages on Neocons





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What is Neoconservatism?

Text needed here


Recent Articles on US Politics on Spinwatch

Latest articles on 'US Politics' on Spinwatch<rss title=off desc=off></rss>


There are a list of categories associated with this page:

Recent changes on Northern Ireland on Spinprofiles


 title=Newest Pages



 title=Recently Updated Articles


References and Resources




Getting Started

Looking for somewhere to start?

To learn how you can edit any article right now, visit Spinprofiles:About, Welcome, newcomers, our Help page, Frequently Asked Questions, A quick guide to editing or experiment in the sandbox.

Research and Writing Tips

Article guidelines | How to research front groups | Resources for studying propaganda | Research using the web

Can you help?

Spinprofiles can be made more effective if more people join the project. If you have research or writing skills or just spare time, you can help.

If you are unsure where to start, you could expand some of the recently created but currently very brief articles. (If you look at the recent changes page you will see some noted as being 'stubs' - articles that may just be a line or two and needing to be fleshed out). So if you would like to add to some of those you would be most welcome.

There is an automatically updated page which includes the pages which have been signalled by Spinprofiles users as most wanted. In addition there is a page which includes a list of Things you can do to help.

Or if you would like some other suggestions closer to your interests you could drop Spinprofiles editor, David Miller an email. His address is editor AT

Start Here

Spinprofiles history

Spinprofiles is a collaborative venture initiated by Spinwatch in collaboration with Lobbywatch, GM Watch Red Star Research and Corporate Watch, but put into effect by a wide variety of volunteers and independent researchers.

Contributors are now working on 19,340 articles.

Disclaimer: Spinprofiles is an encyclopedia of people, issues and groups shaping the public agenda. It is a project of the Spinwatch—email editor AT

Antispam note: To avoid attracting spam email robots, email addresses on Spinprofiles are written with AT in place of the usual symbol, and we have removed "mail to" links. Replace AT with the correct symbol to get a valid address. We regret the inconvenience this entails. Campaign for more effective antispam regulations.
