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==Further 161 most cited scholars (not incorporated into Bulk List)==
==Further 161 most cited scholars (not incorporated into [[Terrorexpertise:Bulk List|Bulk List]])==
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Citations of articles on Terrorism from ISI Web of Knowledge
Articles on Terrorism from 1970-2007 from ISI Web of Knowledge

Below are two lists of experts from the Social Science Citation Index between 1970 and 2007 based on a search for 'terrorism'.[1]

The search reveals a massive increase in academic writing on terrorism following the 11 September attacks in the US. The increase in citations of such work is even more marked with a notable increase in 2007 when the total number of articles in the Social Science Citation Index decreased slightly.

The list of Most Published Scholars shows the 132 most prolific scholars on terrorism between 1970 and 2007. They are listed in order of number of articles authored and then alphabetically according to surname.

The list of Most Cited Scholars below it is based on the 105 most cited articles on terrorism published between 1970 and 2007. Since most articles had multiple authors that 105 article sample yielded 262 unique authors. The list below represents the 100 most cited authors within the 105 most cited articles. The authors are listed in order of number of citations and then alphabetically according to surname.

This list is one of a number compiled including:

Most Published Scholars

Author Record Count Percentage of articles
Todd Sandler26 0.41%
Paul Wilkinson20 0.31%
Edward Moxon-Browne160.25%
Martha Crenshaw150.23%
John Murphy15 0.23%
Yonah Alexander140.22%
Walter Laqueur140.22%
Grant Wardlaw14 0.22%
Margaret Braungart130.20%
Richard Braungart130.20%
P Mann13 0.20%
Hsinchun Chen120.19%
Patrick Clawson120.19%
Charles Figley120.19%
Adrian Guelke120.19%
Stephen Sloan120.19%
LC Green100.16%
Janera Johnson100.16%
Olivier Mongin100.16%
Betty Pfefferbaum100.16%
Joseph Turek100.16%
Daniel Byman90.14%
Peter Calvert90.14%
Boaz Ganor90.14%
Michel Wieviorka90.14%
Jim Dawson80.12%
Ami Pedahzur80.12%
William Waugh80.12%
Simon Wessely80.12%
S Bertocci70.11%
Joseph Boscarino70.11%
Yacov Haimes70.11%
Donald Henderson70.11%
Bruce Hoffman70.11%
Brian Jenkins70.11%
David Markenson70.11%
Tara O'Toole70.11%
Ruth Pat-Horenczyk70.11%
Noëlle Quenivet70.11%
Irwin Redlener70.11%
Adam Roberts70.11%
Zahara Solomon70.11%
Jonathan Stevenson70.11%
Michael Stohl70.11%
Charles Townshend70.11%
Clive Walker7 0.11%
Leonard Weinberg70.11%
Max Abrahms60.09%
Scott Atran60.09%
Noam Chomsky60.09%
Richard Clutterbuck60.09%
Anoushiravan Ehteshami60.09%
Lois Ember60.09%
Samuel Francis60.09%
Arthur Friedlander60.09%
Donald Fry6 0.09%
Marc Gelkopf60.09%
Stevan Hobfoll60.09%
John Ikenberry60.09%
Howard Kunreuther60.09%
Maurice Latey6 0.09%
Geoffrey Levitt60.09%
Abdul Gafoor Noorani60.09%
Augustus Norton60.09%
Xavier Raufer60.09%
Andrew Silke60.09%
Harold Swartz60.09%
Kevin Tonat60.09%
Michael Walzer60.09%
Gabriel Weimann60.09%
Richard Adams50.08%
David Altheide50.08%
Carlos Barros50.08%
Steven Becker50.08%
Francis Beer50.08%
Avraham Bleich50.08%
David Brom50.08%
Robert Brooks50.08%
Robert Chesney5 0.08%
David Ciraulo50.08%
Ethan de Mesquita50.08%
Kevin Desouza50.08%
Laura Dugan50.08%
Donald Dusenberry50.08%
David Eisenman5 0.08%
Edward Eitzen50.08%
Walter Enders50.08%
Baruch Fischoff50.08%
David Franz50.08%
Eric Frykberg50.08%
Sandro Galea50.08%
Lawrence Gostin50.08%
William Gutteridge50.08%
James Harris5 0.08%
Gerald Haynes50.08%
Thomas Inglesby50.08%
Michael Johnson5 0.08%
Ali Khan5 0.08%
Sunil Khilnani50.08%
Robert Kupperman50.08%
Gary Lafree50.08%
Eva Lautemann50.08%
Jennifer Lerner50.08%
Itzhak Levav50.08%
Neil Livingstone50.08%
Clark McCauley50.08%
Paul Mlakar50.08%
John Moulder50.08%
Aryeh Neier50.08%
Donald Noah50.08%
Conor O'Brien50.08%
Michael Osterholm50.08%
Long Phan5 0.08%
Daniel Pipes50.08%
Jialun Qin50.08%
Edna Reid50.08%
Fernando Reinares50.08%
Alex Romanyukha50.08%
Jeffrey Ross50.08%
Charles Rowley50.08%
Reinhard Rupprecht50.08%
Philip Russell50.08%
Margaret Scanlan50.08%
SC Shapira50.08%
Deborah Small5 0.08%
Mete Sozen50.08%
Cass Sunstein50.08%
Klaus Timm50.08%
Phebe Tucker50.08%
Joseph Waeckerle50.08%
Miles Wolpin50.08%
Raymond Zilinskas50.08%

Most Cited Scholars

Author Number of citations
Michael Johnson310
Todd Sandler310
Walter Enders186
Christopher Byrne177
Ernesto Díaz177
Michael Friedman177
Krzysztof Kaniasty177
Fran Norris177
Patricia Watson177
Steven Poe143
C. Neal Tate143
Nobumasa Kato141
Ezra Susser124
Nozomu Asukai109
Akira Iwanami109
Toshiyuki Ohtani109
Miyuki Sadamatsu109
Tsukasa Sasaki109
Hidenori Yamasue109
Lawrence Gostin108
Jennifer Ahern105
M Bucuvalas105
Sandro Galea105
Joel Gold105
Dean Kilpatrick105
Heidi Resnick105
David Vlahov105
Martha Crenshaw93
Simon Wessely93
Scott Lillibridge92
John Tschirhart89
Ali Khan83
Baruch Fischhoff 79
Roxana Gonzalez79
Jennfer Lerner79
Deborah Small79
Avraham Bleich78
Marc Gelkopf78
Zahava Solomon78
Osamu Abe77
Steven Aoki77
Rin Fukuda77
Shunichi Furukawa77
Kiyoto Kasai77
Noriomi Kuroki77
K Ohtomo77
Mamoru Tochigi77
Haruyasu Yamada77
Jon Cauley59
Joseph Barbera57
Craig DeAtley57
Thomas Inglesby57
Marci Layton 57
Anthony Macintyre57
Tara O'Toole57
Kevin Tonat57
Stephen Morse53
Robert Pape53
Scott Burris51
James Hodge51
Julie Mair51
Jason Sapsin51
Stephen Teret51
Jon Vernick51
Judith Cohen49
Daniel Pine49
William Daniell46
Charles Treser46
Donald Wetter46
Bruce Ackerman44
Thomas Glass44
Monica Schoch-Spana44
Lucien Abenhaim42
William Dab42
L. Rachid Salmi42
Kenneth Miller40
Richard Brennan39
Trueman Sharp39
Joseph Waeckerle39
Quan Li38
Curtis Bradley37
Jack Goldsmith37
Alan Krueger37
Jitka Malecková37
Heather Gibson32
Taku Hamamoto32
Andrew Lepp32
Akio Matsumoto32
Koji Matsuo32
Yuji Sakano32
Cass Sunstein32
Kotaro Taneichi32
M. Brinton Lykes31
Margarita Melville31
Scott Atkinson30
Cleto DiGiovanni30
Dennis Juranek30
David Rapoport30
David Swerdlow30
John Tschirhart30

Further 161 most cited scholars (not incorporated into Bulk List)

Author Number of citations
Bartholomew RE29
Cohen F29
Greenberg J29
Kydd A29
Landau MJ29
Pyszczynski T29
Solomon S29
Walter BF 29
Hyams KC27
Ikenberry GJ27
Murphy FM27
Cole D26
King G26
Zeng L26
Bryant RA25
de la Roche RS25
Harvey AG25
Tarrier N25
Burstin H 24
Chen FM24
Fink KS24
Galliher JM24
Graefe AR24
Hickner J24
Laqueur W24
Sonmez SF24
Abadie A23
Amann DM23
Cardozo BL23
Dickinson LA23
Gardeazabal J23
Heal G23
Kaiser R23
Kunreuther H23
Nackerud L23
Sabin M23
Varese L 23
Wedgwood R23
Bauman CW22
Berry SH22
Carter A22
Collins RL22
Deutch J22
Elliott MN22
Jaycox LH22
Klein DJ22
Leone JM22
Mullen E22
Reyna VF22
Schuster MA 22
Skitka LJ22
Stein BD22
Zelikow P22
Abu-Lughod L21
Aronowitz R21
Capelos T21
Clauw DJ21
Engel CC21
Feldman S21
Frey BS21
Huddy L21
Jones E21
Kipen HM21
Kroenke K21
Luechinger S21
Moore WH21
Provost C 21
Ratzan S21
Sharpe M21
Adams RE20
Allen G 20
Bonanno GA20
Boscarino JA20
Bremner JD20
Dekel S20
Dickson W20
Figley CR20
Foa EB20
Mallaby S20
Mayberg HS20
McDonald NB20
Nemeroff CB20
North CS20
Pfefferbaum B20
Rennicke C20
Schaub D20
Shaw JA20
Stein MB 20
Tucker P20
Abenhaim L19
Dab W19
Deschaseaux-Voinet C19
Felton C19
Fitzpatrick J19
Herman D19
Lamping DL19
Lindell MK19
Loze JY19
Perry RW19
Rouillon F 19
Verger P19
Alexander DA18
Freedman S18
Jinks D18
Joshi PT18
Klein S18
O'Donnell DA18
Rosendorff BP18
Shalev AY18
Sloss D18
Archer J17
DiMaggio C17
Fremont WP17
Graham-Kevan N17
Halpern-Felsher BL17
Markenson D17
Millstein SG17
Redlener I17
Amir M16
Brandt PT16
Brewin CR16
Brunet A16
Cairns E16
Duchet C16
Fordham BO16
Friedman S16
Gal R16
Gidron Y16
Greenberg N16
Guelfi JD 16
Jehel L16
Kaplan Z16
Kotler M16
Ladd GW16
Paterniti S16
Pollins B 16
Rubin GJ16
Shankar V16
Simpson J16
Sultan F16
Trappler B16
Urban GL16
Williams JT16
Zahavi S16


  1. Details of the search are as follows: TS=(Terrorism) DocType=All document types; Language=All languages; Database=SSCI; Timespan=1970-2007 Results found: 4,511 Sum of the Times Cited information : 8,171 Average Citations per Item information : 1.81 h-index information : 30. search conducted December 2007