Fifth Herzliya Conference

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The Fifth Herzliya Conference took place on 13-16 December 2004, organised by the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya.[1]



Strategic Shifts and the Balance of National Security

07:00 Registration 08:00 Morning Sessions Opening of the Fifth Herzliya Conference "Defining the National Agenda"

"From State to Community Council"

  • Avraham Bigger, Deputy Chairman, Caesarea Foundation Edmund Benjamin de Rothschild

"The Record of the Herzliya Conferences"

The “Herzliya Indices”and the Balance of National Security "Assessing Israel's National Security"

  • Maj. Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, Head of the National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office

"The Herzliya Indices" – A Task Force Report

"The Social Component of National Security" – A Task Force Report

  • Prof. Gabriel Ben-Dor, Director, National Security Studies Center, University of Haifa


Society, Media, and Governance

  • Ehud Olmert, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Industry, Trade, Employment and Communications

A Media Roundtable Discussion "Media and State, Media and Wealth: Reciprocal Relations"


Coffee break

National Intelligence and Decision-Making at the Top

  • Chair: Adv. Dalia Rabin-Pelossof, Chair of the Executive Committee, The Yitzhak Rabin Center for Israel Studies

"National Intelligence - Lessons Learned and Future Challenges"

  • Prof. Phillip Zelikow, Executive Director, 9/11 Commission, Director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia

"National Security Councils – A Comparative Perspective"

  • Dr. Uzi Arad, Conference Chair and Head of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya

"Legislative Proposals for the National Security Council Law"

  • Dr. Yehuda Ben-Meir, Law Offices of Lipa, Meir and Partners
  • Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Member of Knesset, Chairman, Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee

Discussion Lunch

"Future Directions in American Foreign Policy"

14:30 Afternoon Sessions

Nuclear Proliferation

  • Chair: Dr. Uzi Arad, Conference Chair and Head of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya

"The Second Nuclear Age – A New Look at Arms Control and Counterproliferation"

  • Prof. Paul Bracken, School of Management, Department of Political Science, Yale University

"Iran's Nuclear Posture"

"India's Strategic Role in the Global Arena"


Global Trends and Strategic Changes

"Global Trends – An American Perspective"

"The Rise of Asia"

"Global Trends – A European Perspective"



20:00 Opening Ceremony

Lighting of the 7th Hanukah Candle

  • Awarding of The Friendship Prizes by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, President, The International Fellowship of Christian and Jews (Hakeren L’yedidut, Israel)


Harnessing Social and Economic Resources – National Strategies 08:00 Morning Session

Human and Social Resources – Comparative Indices

  • Chair: Prof. Rafi Melnick, Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya

"Measuring Scientific-Technological Progress in Israel"

"Women in the Labor Force Scene – Checks and Balances"

  • Dr. Linda Efroni, Lawyer, Economist and Expert on the Labor Markets

"Improving Social Indices"

"Defining and Quantifying Poverty"

  • Prof. Jack Habib, Director, Myers JDC Brookdale Institute


Government and Civic Society: Allocating Responsibilities

"Who is Responsible? The State and Civic Society" – A Task Force Report

"The National Friendship Foundation as a Model for Enlarging State Funding Through the Influence of NGO s"

  • Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, President, International Fellowship of Christian and Jews, U.S.A.

"Philanthropy Cannot Replace the State"

"Sderot – A Case Study"

"Distribution of Responsibility – An Industrialist's Point of View"

"National Partnership or Communal Paternalism – The Demise of the Welfare State?”

Discussion Coffee break

Social Security: A New Paradigm

"Social Security in Israel – A Proposal for Reform”

"Social Security in Israel – From Past to Future"

  • Yael Andorn, Deputy Director, Budget Department, Ministry of Finance

"A New Deal in Israel?"

  • Dr. Neri Horowitz, Head, Programs for Senior Civil Servants; Mandel Leadership Institute; Ben Gurion University of the Negev


Sources for Future Economic Growth

"The Economic Model"

"The High-Tech Industries"


  • Mr. Eli Hurvitz, Founder, Chairman of the Board, Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd.

"Global Services"



14:00 Afternoon Sessions

The Defense Industries

  • Chair: Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yaron, Director General, Ministry of Defense

"Future Structuring of Israel's Defense Industries"

  • Maj. Gen. (res.) Herzle Bodinger, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, RADA Electronic Industries

"Israeli Defense Industries in the Global Arena"

"The Role of the Mid-Size Defense Company"

"The Development and Acquisitions Factor in the Domestic Defense Budget"


Developments in the Energy Sector "The Oil and Refineries Market"

"Israel as a Two-Way Strategic Bridge for Oil Movement" – A Task Force Report


Coffee break

Removing the Barriers in the Financial Markets


National Policy Towards Israel’s Arab Community

  • Chair: Ami Nahshon, President and CEO, The Abraham Fund Initiatives

"Barriers in the Implementation of the Government's Policy Towards the Arab Citizens of Israel”

  • Dr. Elie Rekhess, Senior Research Fellow, Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University

"Socio-Economic Shifts Within Israeli Arab Society"


20:00 Dinner

Lighting of the 8th Hanukah Candle


Upgrading Israel's International Status and Strengthening its Strategic Partnerships 08:00 Morning Sessions Upgrading the Strategic Partnership with the U.S. "Re-Energizing U.S.-Israeli Special Relations"

"A Defense Treaty with the United States?"

Countering the Anti-Israel Campaign

"Reconstructing the Myth of Zionist Racism"

  • Prof. Robert Wistrich, Head, Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

"Israel and the World: Getting the Message Right"

"Coping with the United Nations"


Coffee break

"National Security Policy from a Foreign Policy Perspective"

  • Ambassador Ron Prosor, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Deepening Israel-EU Relations

  • Chair: Ambassador Ran Curiel, Deputy Director-General for Western Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"Israel's European Option"

  • Ambassador Marc Otte, European Union Special Representative to the Middle East Peace Process, Council of the European Union
  • Ambassador Dr. Janusz Reiter, President, Center for International Relations, Warsaw, Poland

"A Transatlantic Perspective of EU-Israel Relations"

  • Karsten D. Voigt, Coordinator for German-American Cooperation, Federal Foreign Office, Germany


Israel and the Euro-Atlantic Community - Upgrading Relations with NATO



"A New World Order: Global Government Networks"

  • Prof. Anne-Marie Slaughter, Dean, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University

15:00 Afternoon Sessions Trends and Continuity in the Jewish World

"The Future of the Jewish People”

"Bringing Judaism Closer"

  • Rabbi Chaim Druckman, Director, Conversion Administration, Prime Minister's Office

"A Turning Point in the Identity of European Jewry"

“North American Jewry, Quo Vadis?"

  • Mr. Marc Gold, Associate Member, Board of Governors, Jewish Agency for Israel; Member of Keren Hayesod/ United Israel Appeal

Discussion Soft Power Within the Jewish People "The Soft Power of the Jewish People"

"Strategies to Augment the Soft Power of the Jewish People"

"Science As a Source of Jewish Strength"

"The American Jewish Communities as a Strategic Network"

“A Council for Dialogue – the Jews and Israel”


Coffee break

16:45 'Solidifying Israel-Diaspora Connections

"Israel-Diaspora Relations: Taglit birthright israel As a Model"

"Ten Days to Launch a Life-long Connection to Israel: The Impact of Taglit birthright israel"

  • Prof. Leonard Saxe, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University
  • Brig. Gen. Ilan Harari, Chief Education Officer, IDF


Culture and Education in the Jewish World

  • Chair: Tzipi Livni, Minister of Justice, Minister of Absorption and Housing, Minister of Construction

"The People of Israel or the Israeli People"

"Jewish Heritage Education"

"Sea Change in the Jewish Consciousness of Secular Youth in the Last Decade"

  • Ehud Prawer, Deputy Head of the National Security Council for Domestic Policy

"Jewish Education in American Universities"

'"The Dovrat Report and the Future of the Jewish People"

"A Cultural, Qualitative Dimension"

"The Coalition Committee on Civil Marriages"

  • Ronnie Bar-On, Member of Knesset, Chairman, Knesset House Committee

"Science as a Source of Jewish Strength"

"The American Jewish Communities as a Strategic Network"

  • Brig. Gen. (res.) Nachman Shai, Senior Vice President and Director General, United Jewish Communities Israel

“A Council for Dialogue – the Jews and Israel”


20:00 Dinner

"Domestic Policy and Foreign Policy in a Changing World"

  • Ambassador Zalman Shoval, Chairman, Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
  • Silvan Shalom, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Awarding of a Scholarship Award in memory of the late Ehud Sprinzak, by Eti Livni, Member of Knesset


National Challenges and Alternative Strategies for the Arab-Israeli Process 08:00 Morning Sessions The National Challenge of Developing the Negev

" 'Blueprint Negev' – The Vision and the Reality"

"The Negev Facing a Major Breakthrough"

"Israel Railways Moving South"

  • Moshe Leon, Chairman of the Board, Israel Railways

"Developing the Negev: From Stagnation to Action"

  • "Incorporating the Bedouins and Closing the Gaps: The Key to Realizing Ben Gurion's Vision"
  • Talal Alkrinawi, Mayor of Rahat

"KKL - A Base for Joining Forces to Develop the Negev"

  • Yehiel Leket, World Chairman, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, Jewish National Fund

"Developing the Negev: Why We Will Succeed Today"


The Road Map and the Disengagement Plan

  • Chair: Dr. Israel Elad-Altman, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya

"The Road Map"

"The Disengagement Plan as a Molding Force on the National Level"

  • Col. (res.) Itamar Ya’ar, Deputy Head of the National Security Council for Defense Policy


"International Security Involvement – The Conceptual Framework"

"The Disengagement: A Road to Peace"

  • Ambassador Terje Roed Larsen, United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process

Coffee break

Jordanian Alternatives

  • Chair: Dr. Shmuel Bar, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
  • Hani Al-Hassan

"Jordan as a Palestinian National State – A Base for a Regional Settlement"

"The Comeback of the Jordanian Optio – An Historical Perspective"



14:00 Afternoon Sessions

Bilateral Final Status Plans

  • Chair: Dr. Israel Elad-Altman, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya

"Territorial and Population Swaps Between Israel and the Palestinians"

"The Geneva Initiative"

"The People’s Voice"


Coffee break

Final Status Plans: Multilateral Arrangements and Territorial Swaps

  • Chair: Dr. Uzi Arad, Conference Chair, Head of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya

"Multilateral Territorial Swaps – Geographic, Demographic and Economic Perspectives"


"The Future of Israel – A View From Abroad"

Summing Up

  • Dr. Uzi Arad, Conference Chair, Head of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
  • Prof. Jerry (Yoram) Wind, Lauder Professor and Director, SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

20:00 Dinner Festive Closing Ceremony

"The Herzliya Address"

  • Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of the State of Israel
  • Farewell: Dr. Uzi Arad, Conference Chair, Head of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.[2]

Media coverage


  1. The 5th Conference - 2004,, accessed 6 June 2012.
  2. Conference Agenda, The 5th Conference - 2004],, accessed 6 June 2012.