Category:Zionist movement UK
UK movement
Israel government entities
Zionist movement entities
- Zionist Federation | Jewish National Fund UK | United Jewish Israel Appeal | Jewish Agency for Israel - UK office | World Zionist Organisation UK
Membership of the Zionist Federation
Academic Friends of Israel | AJEX | Alyth | BBYO UK | Bromley Reform Synagogue | Christian Friends of Israel | Cockfosters and N Southgate Synagogue | Edgeware and District Reform Synagogue | European Friends of Israel | Emunah | Federation of Zionist Youth | Habonim Dror UK | Mosaic | Jewish Labour Movement | JLGB | Kenton Jewish Community | Kinloss | Likud-Herut UK | LJY Netzer | Manchester ZCC | Masorti Judaism | Mercaz | Meretz UK | Merseyside Jewish Representative Council | Mosaic Reform Synagogue | Reform Judaism | Noam Masorti Youth | North West Surrey Synagogue | Nottingham Liberal Synagogue | Progressive Religious Zionists | British Friends of Rambam Medical Center | The Zionist Youth Movement for Reform Judaism/RSY-Netzer | Share Tsedek | Share Zedek | South Hampstead Synagogue | WIZO UK | Woodside Park Synagogue[1]
- Federation of Zionist Youth | Zionist Federation Education Trust | Scopus Jewish Education Trust (charity number 313154) | Shalom Foundation of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland (charity number 1026535) | Palestine Relief Board (created 1917) | Youth Education Fund of Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland (charity number 294111)
Companies and groups that are linked to JNF UK
- Jewish National Fund Ltd 05480314 - Incorporated on 14 June 2005 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- Jewish National Fund For Israel Ltd 05480334 - Incorporated on 14 June 2005 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- JNF Limited 05478230 - Incorporated on 10 June 2005 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- JNF Executor & Trustee Company Limited 03743903 - Incorporated on 30 March 1999 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- JNF UK Limioted 05562921 - Incorporated on 13 September 2005 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- J.N.F. Charitable Trust 00355248 - Incorporated on 21 July 1939 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- KKL Limited 05478228 - Incorporated on 10 June 2005 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- KKL Charity Accounts Matching previous names: KKL Accounts 05118360 - Incorporated on 4 May 2004 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- K.K.L. Executor and Trustee Company Limited 00453042 - Incorporated on 23 April 1948 - Mountcliff House, 154 Brent Street, London, England, NW4 2BF
- JNF/KKL Limited 05478239 - Dissolved on 29 March 2011 - JNF House, Spring Villa Park, Spring Villa Road, Edgware, Middx, HA8 7ED
- The KKL(Scotland) Charitable Trust SC316740 - Incorporated on 16 February 2007 - 222 Fenwick Road, Giffnock, Glasgow, G46 6UE
- Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Limited 00092825 - Incorporated on 8 April 1907 - CH. HAUSMANN & CO., 5 De Walden Court, 85 New Cavendish Street, London, W1W 6XD
- The KKL Charitable Trust 03726261 - Incorporated on 1 March 1999 - CH. HAUSMANN & CO., 5 De Walden Court, 85 New Cavendish Street, London, England, W1W 6XD
- Association for Jewish Youth Incorporated(The)- 00493669 - Incorporated on 31 March 1951 - 1 Torriano Mews, London, England, NW5 2RZ
- UJ Events Plus Ltd - 02194244 - Incorporated on 16 November 1987- 1 Torriano Mews, London, NW5 2RZ
- Jewish Continuity - 02836858 - Incorporated on 16 July 1993 - 1 Torriano Mews, London, England, NW5 2RZ
- United Jewish Israel Appeal (formerly Joint Jewish Charitable Trust(16 Dec 1996 - 26 Jun 2000) - Company number 03295115 - Incorporated on 16 December 1996 - 1 Torriano Mews, London, England, NW5 2RZ
- Keren Hayesod - United Israel Appeal UK - 10332876 - Incorporated on 17 August 2016 - Third Floor, 20 Old Bailey, London, United Kingdom, EC4M 7AN
- Erez Israel (Palestine) Foundation Fund Keren Hayesod Limited(The) - 00173860 - Incorporated on 23 March 1921, Dissolved on 17 May 2016 - 1 Torriano Mews, London, England, NW5 2RZ
- UJIA Events Ltd- 07465097 - Incorporated on 9 December 2010, Dissolved on 2 January 2018 - 1 Torriano Mews, London, NW5 2RZ
- UJIA Legacy Services Ltd - 08005139 - Incorporated on 26 March 2012, Dissolved on 11 May 2021- 1 Torriano Mews, London, England, NW5 2RZ
Other formal members of affiliates of the WZO
Youth movements
The World Zionist Organization lists 15 Youth movements, many of which are world organisations.[2] There are UK branches of around half of these:
- Hashomer Hatzair UK is the UK branch of the Hashomer Hatzair World Movement and is the youth movement of Meretz UK, part of the World Union of Meretz
- Hanoar Hatzioni UK
- TZAMERET - Youth movement of the Israel Zionist Council.[3]
- Hamahanot Ha'olim - Appears to be no UK branch.
- Haihud Hahaklai - No UK branch.
- Ariel - Appears to have no UK branch.
- Betar - The UK branch is Betar - Tagar UK - affiliated with Revisionist Zionism and thus with Likud UK. In some countries Betar and Tagar are separate organisations. In the UK they were historically one. In recent years a group claiming the name Betar UK has had a social media presence.
- NoarLeumi (National Youth)
- HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed (NOAL)
- Tzofim - UK branch is Tzofim UK, which like the FZY is part of Atid and affiliated to the World Confederation of United Zionists.
- World Bnei Akiva. The UK branch is Bnei Akiva UK. It is part of is part of the Religious Zionist movement, affiliated with Mizrachi UK, the British Emunah Fund and the Zionist Youth Council (UK)[4] Mizrachi UK is part of World Mizrachi.
- Maccabi Hatzair the youth wing of the Maccabi World Union. The UK branch is Maccabi GB.
- Ezra Haredi Youth Movement - the UK branch is Ezra Youth Movement. The Ezra movement is ultra-orthodox.
- Habonim Dror - Habonim Dror UK is the UK branch.
- Netzer Oamil - the UK has a Reform and Liberal branch of Netzer: RSY-Netzer and LJY-Netzer. Netzer is the youth movement of the World Union for Progressive Judaism and of Arzenu
Young Adults movements
The WZO lists the following young adults movements. They are listed below with a note of whether they have a UK branch.[5]
- Magshimei Tora VeAvode
- Bana
- Tagar - The young adult wing of the Revisionist movement. the UK branch is known as Betar-Tagar UK and associated with Likud-Herut UK and Likud in Israel.
- Tamar - Based in Israel, appears to be no UK branch
- Maccabi - UK branch is Maccabi GB
- Atid is an international partnership of three Zionist youth movements, Young Judaea in the US, the Tzofim (Scouts) in Israel and Federation of Zionist Youth (FZY) in the UK. The FZY is affiliated with the World Confederation of United Zionists.
- Marom - associated with Masorti UK, part of the worldwide Masorti Olam.
- Magshimei Herut - There appears to be no branch in the UK, but it is associated with Herut UK the British branch of World Herut. The global organisation is known as World Magshimei Herut and was founded 1999.[6] Karma Feinstein Cohen, executive director of World Magshimei Herut attended the launch event of Herut UK.[7]
- Kidma
- Kidma Anilevich is part of the World Union of Meretz. There appears to be no UK branch.[8]
Affiliated Zionist Organisations
Union of Jewish Students/B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation | Hadassah UK | B'nai B'rith UK | British Emunah Fund | Masorti Judaism | (Members of the World Union for Progressive Judaism: Reform Judaism UK | Liberal Judaism) | WIZO UK
UK affiliates of World Unions
Mercaz UK | Arzenu UK | Herut UK - affiliated with World Herut | Meretz UK | | Mizrachi UK | Hanoar Hatzioni UK | Over the Rainbow UK
The UK representation at the World Zionist Congress, which decides policy for the World Zionist Organisation, is via 'an allocation of only 19 seats out of 525.' [9]
- Plans to hold an online public election to choose the UK representation this year had to be abandoned because of the pandemic. Instead, the Zionist groups agreed to allocate seats among themselves, based on assessments of their support within the community. The controversy began when Likud-Herut UK – now calling itself Likud UK – which had not been involved in the previous Congress, wanted to run this time. To complicate matters, there is an alternative group called Herut UK. As a new slate, Likud UK had to muster 500 signatures from the community to indicate it had sufficient support. But although the chairman of the UK’s area election committee Rabbi Lea Muhlstein initially accepted the Likud list, others committee members challenged its validity. The dispute then went to a tribunal set up by the Zionist Federation adjudicated by Jonathan Goldberg QC and barrister Gary Grant. In June, they ruled in favour of Likud UK’s eligibility. In their decision, they stated, "At an earlier stage it appeared to us that allegations of bad faith were possibly being bandied about somewhat carelessly on both sides. "Happily on closer examination we ourselves detected no such element in the case whatever. We emphasise that we have seen no evidence whatever that either side, or the personalities involved, behaved with anything other than complete propriety and good faith in endeavouring to do their best in difficult conditions, not least brought about by the current pandemic." Rabbi Muhlstein had conducted herself in “exemplary fashion”, they said.
- According to the minutes of an area election committee in March, Likud UK had been willing to accept one of the 19 seats. But it subsequently increased its demand at one point to three seats. Rabbi Muhlstein resigned as chair of the committee, saying she no longer had time given her responsibilities as a congregational rabbi and as chairman of Arzenu, the international Progressive Zionist movement.
- Finally, last month the Zionist parties reached a deal that gave Likud UK two seats. Zalmi Unsdorfer, Likud UK chairman, said, “The one seat proposal was mooted by World Likud's chairman at an earlier stage but without our prior knowledge or agreement here in the UK. “They later suggested two seats which, at the eleventh hour, we accepted to break the deadlock which would have rendered the whole ZFUK slate out of time.” He said the group would revert to the Likud Herut UK brand “immediately after the congress. It has been, and always will be ours.” [9]
The final division of the 19 seats was agreed as follows: 'Mizrachi and Pro-Zion will each have four seats: Mercaz UK, Likud UK, FZY (representing the Confederation of Zionists) two each: and the Jewish Labour Movement, Herut UK, Over the Rainbow, Meretz and Hanoar Hatzioni one apiece.'[9]
The main factions of UK Zionism have various connections to both global umbrella bodies and in some cases to othe groupings within the formal; Zionist movement as follows:
- Mizrachi UK, affiliate of World Mizrachi, a movement of religious Zionists founded in the early years of the Twentieth Century in Vilnius, Lithuania. Strongly associated with modern orthodox Judaism and in particular by the United Synagogue. According to a briefing note by Keith Kahn-Harris 'Modern Orthodox' Judaism (comprising the United Synagogue and the Federation of Synagogues) encompasses some 52% of British Jews in 2016.[10]
- Pro-Zion, (now renamed Arzenu UK, part of Arzenu), represents Liberal Judaism and Reform Judaism, both of which are part of the World Union for Progressive Judaism.
- Mercaz UK, affiliate of Mercaz Olami which refers to itself as 'the Zionist arm of the worldwide Masorti movement' of Conservative Judaism. Obviously the worldwide Masorti movement is also 'Zionist' too, being a direct member of the WZO.
- Likud UK, affiliate of World Likud
- FZY (representing the Confederation of Zionists)
- Jewish Labour Movement, affiliate of the World Labour Zionist Movement
- Herut UK, affiliate of World Herut
- Over the Rainbow UK, Led in the UK by Jeremy Newmark, affiliate of the new faction Over the Rainbow
- Meretz UK, affiliate of the World Union of Meretz
- Hanoar Hatzioni UK, a youth group, affiliate of Hanoar Hatzioni
Self described Zionist groups that are not formally part of the Zionist Movement
Pro-Israel groups which are not formal members of the Zionist Movement
All-Party Britain-Israel Parliamentary Group | Belmont and Kenton for Israel | Board of Deputies of British Jews | BICOM | Bournemouth Action for Israel | Britain Israel Trade Union Dialogue | Confederation of Friends of Israel Scotland | Conservative Friends of Israel | Christian Friends of Israel |
Israel Advocacy Movement | Israel Britain Alliance | Israel Coalition |
Jewish Leadership Council | Labour Friends of Israel | Leeds Lobby Network | Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel
Northern Ireland Friends of Israel | North East Friends of Israel | North London Friends of Israel | North West Friends of Israel | North West London Friends of Israel
Pro Israel Pro Palestine, Pro Peace |
Scottish Israel Forum | StandWithUs UK | Sussex Friends of Israel | Trade Union Friends of Israel
UK Lawyers for Israel | We Believe In Israel | West Midlands Friends of Israel | Yorkshire Friends of Israel
- ↑ Zionist Federation Affiliate Members. Accessed 15 June 2018.
- ↑ WZO Youth Movements.
- ↑
- ↑ Bnei Akiva Standing Orders: The constitution of Bnei Akiva
- ↑ WZO Young Adults Movements]
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- ↑ Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 Simon Rocker UK Zionist groups agree on congress delegation after heavy wrangling 5 August 2020.
- ↑ Keith Kahn-Harris Factsheet: Judaism in Britain, The Religion Media Centre.
Pages in category "Zionist movement UK"
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