Jonathan Goldberg

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Jonathan Goldberg is a barrister specialised in criminal law.[1] He has a monthly column in the Jewish Chronicle.

UCU case

In an article written in 2013 he claimed Ronnie Fraser's (founder and director of the Academic Friends of Israel) lost lawsuit against the UCU was a legal and public relations disaster. He wrote:

In context, the court was saying no more than that an attachment to the modern State of Israel (“modern” is important here) is not intrinsic to Jewishness. And that is surely correct. I yield to nobody in my love for Israel and my support for Zionism. But who can ignore the stark fact that many fellow Jews, including, for example, certain Israeli academics and at least one sect of ultra-Orthodox Jews, are among Israel’s most rabid detractors, whereas many gentiles are fervent Zionists (Lord bless them). Why was not a fraction of these legal resources used instead to bring a private prosecution against those activists who disrupted the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra or the Batsheva Dance Company?[2]



  1. Cobden House Chambers Jonathan Goldberg QC, accessed 1 March 2014
  2. Jonathan Goldberg , Why the Ronnie Fraser case against the UCU was a legal and public relations disaster, The Jewish Chronicle, April 22, 2013, accessed 1 March 2014.