Built Environment All-Party Parliamentary Group

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The Built Environment Group Group exists 'to promote excellence in the built environment.'[1]

The Construction Industry Council defined the group in the following way:

'The group’s primary remit is to present a holistic and overarching view from all sectors involved in the planning, design, construction, management and maintenance of the built environment.The built environment encompasses all forms of building (housing, industrial, commercial, hospitals, schools, etc., and civil engineering infrastructure, both above and below ground and includes the managed landscapes between and around buildings.'[2]


Officers, November 2015-April 2016

Members, 2015

Officers, 2006

Chairs Bill Olner Alistair Burt Vice-Chair Lord Davies of Coity Treasurer Lord Gregson Secretary Lord Chidgey [1]

Officers, 2003


The Construction Industry Council acts as the group's secretariat.

Registered benefits

It was registered in June 2015 that the Construction Industry Council had paid (in bands of £1,500) £1,501-£3,000 toward the cost of printing reports on the group.

In July, it was registered that the Council had paid (in bands of £1,500) £12,001-£13,500 in benefits to the group.[1][3]

Register of interests


Parliamentary Monitoring Services Ltd provides secretarial services. 23 October 2002: Hanover Housing Association sponsored a lunch in the Commons (registered November 2002). 26 November 2002: Group sponsored a reception in the Commons to launch the Foundations Trust, who paid for the occasion (registered November 2002). 17 September 2003: Seminar followed by lunch funded by the Fire Safety Development Group (registered September 2003). 22 October 2003: Seminar at Commons funded by Hanover Housing Associates (registered October 2003).


Westminster Advisers Ltd provides secretarial services. 20 June 2005 seminar funded by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment and Parliamentary Perceptions Ltd (registered July 2005).[2]


Douglas Smith is Director, Parliamentary Monitoring Services Ltd; Managing Director, Westminster Advisers Ltd; Chairman, Political Intelligence Ltd (all are political intelligence and advisory consultancies).


External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Built Environment APPG, www.parliament.uk, accessed 20 November 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 CIC Services, Construction Industry Council, accessed 20 November 2015
  3. 3.0 3.1 Built Environment APPG Register Feb 16, www.parliament.uk, accessed 18 February 2016
  4. Built Environment APPG, Register 28 April 2016, parliament.uk, accessed 11 May 2016