Culture for Coexistence

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Culture for Coexistence is an organisation that opposes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The organisation launched with a letter in The Guardian in October 2015 signed by more than 150 people drawn from the arts and politics.[1]


Committee members

Neil Blair | Loraine da Costa | Yigal Elstein | John Levy | Karen Smith | Mark Smith | Rob Suss

Letter Signatories

Naomi Alderman | Shay Alkalay | Bennett Arron | Jonathan Aycliffe | Daniel Battesk | John Battsek | Guto Bebb MP | Gina Bellman | Michael Berg | Josh Berger | Bob Blackman MP | Neil Blair | Iwona Blazwick OBE | Elli Bobrovizki | Gabi Bobrovizki | Melvyn Bragg | David Burrowes MP | Teresa Cahill | Colin Callender | Simon Chinn | Danny Cohen |Frank Cohen | Prof Susan Collins | Wendy Cope | Loraine da Costa | Marcus Davey | Oliver Dowden MP | Daniel Easterman | Ruth Dudley Edwards | Michael Dugher MP | Brian Elias | Yigal Elstein | Allie Esiri | Michael Etherton | Moris Farhi MBE | Niall Ferguson | Stanley Fink | Larry Finlay | Amanda Foreman | Michael Foster | Andrew Franklin | Nick Fraser | Mike Freer MP | Julian Friedman | Sonia Friedman | Jonny Geller | Adele Geras | David Glick | Taryn Gold | Amanda Goldman | Richard Goldstein | Graham Gouldman | Michael Grade | Maurice Gran | Linda Grant | Miriam Gross | Tom Gross | Stephen Grosz |Peter Halban | Martine Halban | Jan Harlan | Sir Ronald Harwood | Noreena Hertz | John Heyman | Lilian Hochhauser | Tom Holland | John Howell MP | Judy Ironside | David Japp | Andrea Jenkyns MP | Zygi Kamasa | Jack Kirkland | Evgeny Kissin | Michael Kuhn | David Kustow | Norman Lebrecht | Sam Leifer | Teddy Leifer | Camilla Lewis | David Levy | John Levy | Maureen Lipman | Andrew Macdonald | Dame Hilary Mantel | Stephen Margolis | Dan Marks | Laurence Marks | Denis McEoin | Charlotte Mendelson | Yael Mer | Ivan Moscovich | Maajid Nawaz | Anthony Newman | Gavin Newman | Hayley Newstead | Paula Noble | Tracy-Ann Oberman | Matthew Offord MP | Cosh Omar | Martin Paisner | Robin Pauley | Leo Pearlman | Daniel Peltz | Andrew Percy MP | Sir Eric Pickles | Stuart Polak (Lord Polak of Hertsmere) | Monica Porter | Baroness Gail Rebuck | Charlie Redmayne | Andrew Roberts | JK Rowling | Sir Paul Ruddock | Prof Carol Rumens FRSL | Marc Samuelson | Charles Robert Saumarez Smith CBE | Prof Robert Saxton | Joanna Scanlan | Kenny Schachter | Simon Schama | Simon Sebag Montefiore | Francesca Segal | Sir Anthony Seldon | Rick Senats | Zaab Sethna | Jonathan Shalit | Bernard Shapero | David Shelley | Clive Sinclair | Daniel Silver | Lucy Silver | Dan Silverston | Chloe Smith MP | Karen Smith | Mark Smith | Prof Ashley Solomon | Claire Speller | Rob Suss | Dr George Szirtes | Paul Trijbits | Kevin Tsjiuhara | Gabe Turner | Moni Varma | Rebecca Wallersteiner | Minette Walters | Zoë Wanamaker


No address is provided on the website but signing up to the organisation's mailing list yields the London postcode WC1N 3XX. Interestingly it is the same postcode as the Simon Wiesenthal Centre In The United Kingdom and Labour Friends of Israel.

The URL was registered by Rachel Kaye of We Believe in Israel on 9 July 2015.[2]

Internet Archive holdings of:


  1. Harriet Sherwood, 'Star authors call for Israeli-Palestinian dialogue rather than boycotts', The Guardian, 22 October 2015, accessed 23 October 2015
  2. Whoxy Accessed 16 April 2020.