Terrorexpertise:Experts from the Social Science Citations Index

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Below is a list of the top 132 cited terror scholars from the Social Science Citation Index between 1970 and 2007 based on a search for 'terrorism'. They are listed in order of number of articles authored and then alphabetically according to surname.[1]

Citations of articles on Terrorism from ISI Web of Knowledge
Articles on Terrorism from 1970-2007 from ISI Web of Knowledge

This list is one of a number compiled including:

Scholar List

  1. Details of the search are as follows: TS=(Terrorism) DocType=All document types; Language=All languages; Database=SSCI; Timespan=1970-2007 Results found: 4,511 Sum of the Times Cited information : 8,171 Average Citations per Item information : 1.81 h-index information : 30
Author Record Count Percentage of articles
Todd Sandler26 0.41%
Paul Wilkinson20 0.31%
Edward Moxon-browne160.25%
Martha Crenshaw150.23%
John Murphy15 0.23%
Yonah Alexander140.22%
Walter Laqueur140.22%
Grant Wardlaw14 0.22%
Margaret Braungart130.20%
Richard Braungart130.20%
P Mann13 0.20%
HC Chen120.19%
Patrick Clawson120.19%
Charles Figley120.19%
Adrian Guelke120.19%
Stephen Sloan120.19%
LC Green100.16%
J Johnson100.16%
Olivier Mongin100.16%
Betty Pfefferbaum100.16%
Joseph Turek100.16%
Daniel Byman90.14%
Peter Calvert90.14%
Boaz Ganor90.14%
Michel Wieviorka90.14%
J Dawson80.12%
Ami Pedahzur80.12%
William Waugh80.12%
Simon Wessely80.12%
S Bertocci70.11%
Joseph Boscarino70.11%
Yacov Haimes70.11%
Donald Henderson70.11%
Bruce Hoffman70.11%
Brian Jenkins70.11%
David Markenson70.11%
Tara O'Toole70.11%
Ruth Pat-Horenczyk70.11%
Noëlle Quenivet70.11%
Irwin Redlener70.11%
A Roberts70.11%
Zahara Solomon70.11%
Jonathan Stevenson70.11%
Michael Stohl70.11%
Charles Townshend70.11%
C Walker7 0.11%
Leonard Weinberg70.11%
Max Abrahms60.09%
Scott Atran60.09%
Noam Chomsky60.09%
Richard Clutterbuck60.09%
Anoushiravan Ehteshami60.09%
Lois Ember60.09%
Samuel Francis60.09%
AM Friedlander60.09%
DE Fry6 0.09%
Marc Gelkopf60.09%
Stevan Hobfoll60.09%
John Ikenberry60.09%
Howard Kunreuther60.09%
M Latey6 0.09%
Geoffrey Levitt60.09%
AG Noorani60.09%
Augustus Norton60.09%
Xavier Raufer60.09%
Andrew Silke60.09%
HM Swartz60.09%
Kevin Tonat60.09%
Michael Walzer60.09%
Gabriel Weinmann60.09%
RE Adams50.08%
David Altheide50.08%
Carlos Barros50.08%
Steven Becker50.08%
FA Beer50.08%
Avraham Bleich50.08%
David Brom50.08%
Robert Brooks50.08%
Robert Chesney5 0.08%
David Ciraulo50.08%
Ethan de Mesquita50.08%
Kevin Desouza50.08%
Laura Dugan50.08%
Donald Dusenberry50.08%
David Eisenman5 0.08%
Edward Eitzen50.08%
Walter Enders50.08%
Baruch Fischoff50.08%
David Franz50.08%
Eric Frykberg50.08%
Sandro Galea50.08%
Lawrence Gostin50.08%
William Gutteridge50.08%
JR Harris5 0.08%
G Haynes50.08%
Thomas Inglesby50.08%
Michael Johnson5 0.08%
AS Khan5 0.08%
S Khilnani50.08%
Robert Kupperman50.08%
Gary Lafree50.08%
Eva Lautemann50.08%
Jennifer Lerner50.08%
Itzhak Levav50.08%
Neil Livingstone50.08%
Clark McCauley50.08%
Paul Mlakar50.08%
John Moulder50.08%
Aryeh Neier50.08%
Donald Noah50.08%
Conor O'Brien50.08%
Michael Osterholm50.08%
LT Phan5 0.08%
Daniel Pipes50.08%
JL Qin50.08%
E Reid50.08%
Fernando Reinares50.08%
Alex Romanyukha50.08%
JI Ross50.08%
Charles Rowley50.08%
Reinhard Rupprecht50.08%
PK Russell50.08%
Margaret Scanlan50.08%
SC Shapira50.08%
DA Small5 0.08%
Mete Sozen50.08%
Cass Sunstein50.08%
KJ Timm50.08%
P Tucker50.08%
Joseph Waeckerle50.08%
Miles Wolpin50.08%
Raymond Zilinskas50.08%