Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress

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The Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress (ICSEP) is "an independent pro-market public policy think tank" set up in 1984[1] and it has a number of board members connected to neoconservative causes and free market fundamentalism.

It claims that its work 'facilitates crucial economic reforms and helps overcome resistance to them'. It considers Israel to be 'plagued by painful social, economic and political problems rooted in its socialist-statist system' and states that its mission is 'to help Israel realize its enormous potential by freeing its economy from the shackles of this regressive system'.[2] Its motto is 'Where there is no bread, there is no Torah.'

ICSEP has been praised by Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, former Deputy Prime Minister of Industry and Trade Natan Sharansky and by Milton Friedman, widely considered to be the father of free-market economics. Friedman said:

ICSEP is like a breath of fresh air… It deserves the support of all of us who are deeply committed to the survival of a strong and healthy Israel.[3]


ICSEP says that since its inception it has 'led the effort in creating a consensus for economic liberalization and deregulation'. Its right wing credentials have been clear from the start and are evidenced by the personnel involved in the organisation.

The late Arthur Seldon who co-founded British free-market thinktank the Institute of Economic Affairs was a member of the British friends of ICSEP along with the IEA's co-founder Lord Ralph Harris of High Cross. The US Board of Governors includes American neoconservative Irving Kristol, while the UK board includes Sir Stanley Kalms, ex-Treasurer of Conservative Party, and former director of the Centre for Policy Studies, another British free-market think tank.

It claims to have had a significant impact on Israeli policy makers and the Israeli public's understanding of economics, moving it towards a free-market stance. ICSEP states:

When ICSEP began its work, market economics were either unknown, ignored or derided in this country. Today, as a result of ICSEP’s continuing efforts and the growing international momentum toward market economies, public opinion has dramatically changed.
Israeli policy-makers no longer ask whether Israel should reduce government interference in the economy, rather, they ask where and at what speed, and how to overcome resistance to change.[4]


The problem according to ICSEP

ICSEP considers Israel to have a 'dysfunctional political and economic system' which it states causes high unemployment and low productivity. It also regards there to be 'a culture that resists' free-market reforms and believes this is because of 'a strong and politically well-connected oligarchy and media determined to perpetuate the monopoly-dominated system'.

Among Israel's problems, according to ICSEP's analysis, are:

oligopolistic businesses; militant labor unions; huge unaccountable government bureacracies; a strong leftist ethos with a belief in big governmentl high unemployment; low productivity; slow real wage growth; poverty remains widespread; the young flee; defence is underfunded.

ICSEP's solution

ICSEP’s says that its work has 'served as a major catalyst for reforms in the Israeli economy', citing examples which include:

financial market de-monopolization and deregulation; a major drive for privatization; banking sector reform; tax reform; the release of large tracts of government-owned land; deregulation of the building industry and break-up of building materials monopolies; simplification and abbreviation of construction and planning procedures; movement towards privatization of municipal services; substantial reduction of government interference in the agricultural sector; privatization of the immigrant absorption processCite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

ICSEP's work aims to impact policy makers directly but is also targeted at the wider Israeli public, with the intention of creating a market-friendly political climate. It claims to be 'at the forefront of the struggle to educate Israelis and inspire them with market thinking'.

Free market proselytising

Israeli public

The centre has translated free market texts such as Free to Choose by Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman into Hebrew. According to ICSEP's website it is currently producing a book about the reform of the financial market initiated by then Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and is also working on a TV series.

The centre also translates into Hebrew articles from publications that share its economic analysis - such as Commentary, The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard and others - in order to 'expose Israeli readers to a wider range of thinkers and ideas than is available in the mostly one-sided Israeli media' via its website Kivunim. Among others, it has carried articles by well known neoliberals and neoconservatives:



ICSEP has a small core administrative staff and hires outside expert help for each of its projects, 'thereby cutting costs and achieving operational flexibility and quality'.

Dr. Gabriel Ben-Ami: Policy Programming Consultant | Lavie Seigmann: Director of University Programming & IT and Internet projects | Yosi Ganel: Course Coordinator, Tel Aviv University and Sapir College; Programming and Assistant Director, The Center for Choice in Education | Yossi Tamar: Policy Programming Consultant. Also manages the Constitution Project at the Shalem Center | Iri Rikin: Media Relations[5]

Board of Advisors

ICSEP has an Israeli Board of Advisors comprised of 'over forty of the country's most distinguished economists, jurists and social scientists'. ICSEP states that it is 'completely non-partisan, its board members representing all Israel's universities and a broad spectrum of opinions'. All Board members agree, however, that Israel's economy 'needs basic structural reform'. In 2012 they were listed as:[6]

Former Board Members

Prof. Tikva Darvis | Prof. Yohanan Schamurov | Prof. Jacques Silver | Prof. Arie Avishur | Prof. Avri Ravid | Prof. Allan Kirshenbaum | Prof. Marhall Sarnat


US Board of Governors

ICSEP's US Board includes Irving Kristol and prominent Jewish leaders, including two former National Chairmen of the United Jewish Appeal. In 2012 they were listed as:

Richard Fox - Chairman | Prof. Irving Kristol, Chairman Emeritus | Kenneth Abramowitz - Vice Chairman | Edward Minor - Vice Chairman | Milton J. Schubin - Secretary | Daniel Doron - Director [7]

Registered address: c/o Fox Enterprises, 955 Chesterbrook Road, Suite 125, Wayne, PA 19087-5615, +1 (610) 640-1400

American Friends

ICSEP's Friends organization in the US is chaired by Richard Fox, Chairman of the Board of Temple University, a leading developer and a major figure in American-Jewish politics. In 2012 they were listed as:

Howard Berkowitz | Midge Decter | Eugene M. Grant | Roger Hertog | Robert Israeloff | Morris M. Kaplan | Curtis Katz | Leslie Lenkowsky | Prof. Henry G. Manne | Prof. David Meiselman | Prof. David Sidorsky | Prof. S. Fred Singer | Judge Abraham Sofaer

UK Board of Governors

David Lewis - CBE, FCA, President | Lord Stanley Kalms - Vice-President | Lord Young of Graffham - Patron | The late Sir Emmanuel Kaye - founder | Sir Ronald Cohen - President Emeritus

Registered address: c/o David Lewis, Chelsea House, Westgate, Hanger Lane, London, W51DR, +44 (208) 998-8822

British Friends

Sir David Alliance | Stephen Barclay | Stanley Cohen | Ivor Connick | Walter Goldsmith | Maurice Hatter | Sir Anthony Jacobs | Sir Geoffrey Leigh | Conrad Morris | Gerald Ronson | Arthur Seldon | Sir Sigmund Sternberg | Monty Sumray | Barry Townsley | Fred Worms [8]
Bernard Groveman - former Vice Chairman, US Board of Governors | Alexander Grass - former American Friend | Arthur Powell - former American Friend | Stephen Shalom - former American Friend | James S. Tisch - former American Friend | David Wachs - former American Friend | Alan Wurtzel - former American Friend | Lord Harris of High Cross - former patron, UK Board of Governors | Arthur Seldon - former British friend | Sir Leslie Porter - former British friend



59 Hadror St.
PO Box 84124
Mevasseret Zion 90805


+972 (2) 534-6463
+972 (2) 533-0122 fax




  1. 'About us', ICSEP website
  2. Support: Why Support ICSEP?, ICSEP, accessed 8 August 2012
  3. Praise, ICSEP, accessed 8 August 2012
  4. Support: ICSEP's impact, ICSEP, accessed 8 August 2012
  5. Organization: Staff, ICSEP, accessed 8 August 2012
  6. Organisation - Advisors & Friends, ICSEP, accessed 8 August 2012
  7. 'Organization', ICSEP website
  8. 'Organization', ICSEP website