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Average Citations per Item information : 1.81
Average Citations per Item information : 1.81
h-index information : 30</ref>
h-index information : 30</ref>
[[Image:Terrorismcitations.jpeg|right|thumb|300px|Citations of articles on Terrorism from ISI Web of Knowledge]]
[[Image:Terrorismcitations.jpeg|right|thumb|600px|Citations of articles on Terrorism from ISI Web of Knowledge]]
[[Image:Terrorismarticles-2007.jpeg|right|thumb|300px|Articles on Terrorism from 1970-2007 from ISI Web of Knowledge]]  
[[Image:Terrorismarticles-2007.jpeg|right|thumb|600px|Articles on Terrorism from 1970-2007 from ISI Web of Knowledge]]  
This list is one of a number compiled including:
This list is one of a number compiled including:

Revision as of 22:43, 7 January 2008

Below is a list of the top 133 cited terror scholars from the Social Science Citation Index between 1970 and 2007 based on a search for 'terrorism'. They are arranged alphabetically according to surname.[1]

Citations of articles on Terrorism from ISI Web of Knowledge
Articles on Terrorism from 1970-2007 from ISI Web of Knowledge

This list is one of a number compiled including:

Scholar List

  1. Details of the search are as follows: TS=(Terrorism) DocType=All document types; Language=All languages; Database=SSCI; Timespan=1970-2007 Results found: 4,511 Sum of the Times Cited information : 8,171 Average Citations per Item information : 1.81 h-index information : 30
1 Max Abrahms
2 RE Adams
3 Yonah Alexander
4 David Altheide
5 Scott Atran
6 Carlos Barros
7 Steven Becker
8 FA Beer
9 S Bertocci
10 Avraham Bleich
11 Joseph Boscarino
12 Margaret Braungart
13 Richard Braungart
14 David Brom
15 Robert Brooks
16 Daniel Byman
17 Peter Calvert
18 HC Chen
19 Robert Chesney
20 Noam Chomsky
21 David Ciraulo
22 Patrick Clawson
23 Richard Clutterbuck
24 Martha Crenshaw
25 J Dawson
26 Ethan de Mesquita
27 Kevin Desouza
28 Laura Dugan
29 Donald Dusenberry
30 Anoushiravan Ehteshami
31 David Eisenman
32 Edward Eitzen
33 Lois Ember
34 Walter Enders
35 Charles Figley
36 Baruch Fischoff
37 Samuel Francis
38 David Franz
39 AM Friedlander
40 DE Fry
41 Eric Frykberg
42 Sandro Galea
43 Boaz Ganor
44 Marc Gelkopf
45 Lawrence Gostin
46 LC Green
47 Adrian Guelke
48 William Gutteridge
49 Yacov Haimes
50 JR Harris
51 G Haynes
52 Donald Henderson
53 Stevan Hobfoll
54 Bruce Hoffman
55 John Ikenberry
56 Thomas Inglesby
57 Brian Jenkins
58 J Johnson
59 Michael Johnson
60 AS Khan
61 S Khilnani
62 Howard Kunreuther
63 Robert Kupperman
64 Gary Lafree
65 Walter Laqueur
66 M Latey
67 Eva Lautemann
68 Jennifer Lerner
69 Itzhak Levav
70 Geoffrey Levitt
71 Neil Livingstone
72 P Mann
73 David Markenson
74 Clark McCauley
75 Paul Mlakar
76 Olivier Mongin
77 Robert Moss
78 John Moulder
79 Edward Moxon-browne
80 John Murphy
81 Aryeh Neier
82 Donald Noah
83 AG Noorani
84 Augustus Norton
85 Conor O'Brien
86 Michael Osterholm
87 Tara O'Toole
88 Ruth Pat-Horenczyk
89 Ami Pedahzur
90 Betty Pfefferbaum
91 LT Phan
92 Daniel Pipes
93 JL Qin
94 Noëlle Quenivet
95 Xavier Raufer
96 Irwin Redlener
97 E Reid
98 Fernando Reinares
99 A Roberts
100 Alex Romanyukha
101 JI Ross
102 Charles Rowley
103 Reinhard Rupprecht
104 PK Russell
105 Todd Sandler
106 Margaret Scanlan
107 SC Shapira
108 Andrew Silke
109 Stephen Sloan
110 DA Small
111 Zahara Solomon
112 Mete Sozen
113 Jonathan Stevenson
114 Michael Stohl
115 Cass Sunstein
116 HM Swartz
117 KJ Timm
118 Kevin Tonat
119 Charles Townshend
120 P Tucker
121 Joseph Turek
122 Joseph Waeckerle
123 C Walker
124 Michael Walzer
125 Grant Wardlaw
126 William Waugh
127 Gabriel Weinmann
128 Leonard Weinberg
129 Simon Wessely
130 Michel Wieviorka
131 Paul Wilkinson
132 Miles Wolpin
133 Raymond Zilinskas