Suzy Dean

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LM network resources
Suzy Dean in 2009

Suzy Dean is a sales director and is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network in that she works for ClerksWell, co-founded the Modern Movement, played a role in the Manifesto Club, [1], is a member of the Battle of Ideas Committee and co-organiser of the Institute of Ideas Current Affairs Forum, appeared on WORLDbytes [2] has adjudicated for Debating Matters and writes for Spiked[3] and The Free Society.[4]

She studied at the London School of Economics and has previously been a writer and journalist.


Blog: 'Suzy Dean'
LinkedIn: Suzy Dean'
Twitter Dean_Of_Suzy


  1. "Suzy Dean’s blog" Open Democracy website, accessed 31 May 2010
  2. 'Booze bans WORLDbyres website, accessed 6 october 2013
  3. "Speaker detail", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 31 May 2010
  4. Who Are We?, The Free Society website, accessed 5 August 2010.