All-Party Parliamentary China Group

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The purpose of the All-Party Parliamentary China Group is:

To ensure parliamentarians are kept well informed on China, and to act as a platform for discussions on all issues of importance to the UK-China relationship.


Officers (updated from June 2016 annnual general meeting of the APPCG)




Hong Kong sub committee chair

Deputy Chairs

Vice chairs

[1] [2]

Former Officers


The APPCG is one of the largest All Party Parliamentary Groups by membership. Full list of members can be found here: File:APPCG members list.docx (accessed from APPCG website in November 2016). [3]


Benefits received

From 19-26 February 2011 some members of the group visited Hong Kong. All costs were met by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (registered March 2011).
£10,000 from GKN plc, and £5000 from City of London (registered April 2011). £5000 from London Export Corporation Ltd and £10,000 from John Swire & Sons (registered May 2011). £10,000 from GlaxoSmithKline (registered July 2011). £10,000 from Astra Zeneca (registered July 2011).
The group’s chairman visited China from 29 July to 26 August 2011, assisted by the following: London South Bank University covered the cost of return flights from London to Beijing; Huawei covered the cost of two football tickets and hospitality for the Italian Super Cup final at the Beijing Birds Nest Stadium on 6 August 2011; Confucius Institutes Headquarters (Hanban) covered costs for accommodation, Chinese language training including a Chinese language course, and general expenses from 29 July to 26 August 2011. £5000 from Arup. £5000 from University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (Registered September 2011). £10,000 from HSBC (registered October 2011). £5000 from University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (Registered November 2011). Free upgrades on flights were provided (at a cost of approximately £13,040) by Virgin Atlantic when members of the group visited China from 16-23 December 2011 (registered January 2012). [4] [2]

Financial benefits

These organisations paid the APPG:

Benefits in kind



  • June 29: Annual general meeting & briefing from UK ambassador to China.
  • May 4: APPCG meeting on 'the UK-China strategic partnership: mapping out Britain’s relationship with China'. Speakers include Prof. Kerry Brown (director, Lau China Institute at King’s College, London), Jeanne-Marie Gescher OBE (former Legal Advisor to successive British Ambassadors in Bejiing), Prof. Danny Quah (director, Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre at LSE).
  • March 21: APPCG members briefing on Hong Kong and the Sino-British Joint Declaration. Speakers include Jonathan Fenby CBE (co-founder and managing director of the China team at Trusted Sources) and Isabel Hilton OBE (CEO and Editor, chinadialogue).
  • March 9: APPCG meeting to discuss the rule of law in China (in cooperation with the Human Rights APPG and Rule of Law APPG).
  • March 2: APPCG members briefing from H.E. Liu Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador to the UK.
  • February 25: APPCG meeting to discuss 'the growth of aviation in China and how the UK can benefit'. Speakers include: Jeegar Kakkad,, Mark Johnson, Richard Tams (executive vice president, greater China, British Airways), Jiang Sunan (minister counsellor for science & technology, Chinese embassy).
  • February: APPCG annual Chinese new year reception. Sponsored by VisitBritain and the China-Britain Business Council (with support from InvestUK and Wei Yang & Partners).
  • January 20: APPCG meeting on 'The Story of China' with Michael Wood, co-hosted with the BBC.



APPG China Group Coordinator, Office of Richard Graham MP

Address: London SW1P 0AA

Tel: 02072197077




  1. APPCG | Officers,, accessed 11 November 2016.
  2. 2.0 2.1 China APPG, Register 28 April 2016,, accessed 11 November 2016
  3. APPCG | Members,, accessed 11 November 2016.
  4. Register of all-Party parliamentary groups (as at 28 April 2016),, accessed 11 November 2016.
  5. 5.0 5.1 China APPG,, accessed 22 April 2016
  6. APPCG | Past events,, accessed 11 November 2016.