Category:Zionist movement UK

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UK movement

Membership of the Zionist Federation

Academic Friends of Israel | AJEX | Alyth | BBYO UK | Bromley Reform Synagogue | Christian Friends of Israel | Cockfosters and N Southgate Synagogue | Edgeware and District Reform Synagogue | European Friends of Israel | Emunah | Federation of Zionist Youth | Habonim Dror UK | Mosaic | Jewish Labour Movement | JLGB | Kenton Jewish Community | Kinloss | Likud-Herut UK | LJY Netzer | Manchester ZCC | Masorti Judaism | Mercaz | Meretz UK | Merseyside Jewish Representative Council | Mosaic Reform Synagogue | Reform Judaism | Noam Masorti Youth | North West Surrey Synagogue | Nottingham Liberal Synagogue | Progressive Religious Zionists | British Friends of Rambam Medical Center | The Zionist Youth Movement for Reform Judaism | Share Tsedek | Share Zedek | South Hampstead Synagogue | WIZO UK | Woodside Park Synagogue[1]

Companies and groups that are part of JNF UK

KKL Charity Accounts | KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd | JNF Charitable Trust

Companies related to the UJIA

Other formal members of affiliates of the WZO

Youth movements

Hashomer Hatzair UK | Hanoar Hatzioni UK | Ezra UK | Bnei Akiva UK | Maccabi GB | Betar UK | Habonim Dror UK

Young Adults movements

Affiliated Zionist Organisations

Union of Jewish Students/B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation | Hadassah UK | B'nai B'rith UK | British Emunah Fund | Masorti Judaism | (Members of the World Union for Progressive Judaism: Reform Judaism UK | Liberal Judaism)

World Unions

Mercaz UK | Arzenu UK

Self described Zionist groups that are not formally part of the Zionist Movement

pro-Israel groups which are not formal members of the Zionist Movement

Board of Deputies of British Jews | BICOM | Jewish Leadership Council | Labour Friends of Israel | Conservative Friends of Israel | We Believe In Israel


  1. Zionist Federation Affiliate Members. Accessed 15 June 2018.

Pages in category "Zionist movement UK"

The following 64 pages are in this category, out of 64 total.