Propaganda Portal

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Welcome to the Propaganda Portal on Powerbase - your guide to networks of power, lobbying and deceptive PR

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Priority pages

British Propaganda

The Central Office of Information page needs expanding, as do CoI projects such as:

US Propaganda

  • NATO
  • Israeli Propaganda
  • Theorists

Recent Articles on Spinwatch

BBC charity committed to promoting UK Government propaganda in Afghanistan (December 2010)

Propaganda Techniques and Concepts

Astroturf | Black Propaganda | Counter-Propaganda | Deception | Disinformation | False Flag | Forged Documents | Front Groups | Grey Propaganda | Hard Power | Information Warfare | Misinformation | Perception Management | Propaganda | Psyops | Psywar | Public Affairs | Public Diplomacy | Public Relations | Smart Power | Sock Puppets | Soft Power | Spin | Third Party Technique | White Propaganda

Propaganda bodies

UK: 15 (UK) Information Support Group | 15 (UK) Psychological Operations Group | 7644 (Public Relations) Squadron | Ambassador News Service | American Labor Committee to Aid British Labor| Britain Abroad Task Force | British Council | British Forces Broadcasting Service | British Information Services | British Information Services (Ottawa) | British Satellite News | British Security Coordination |British Society for Cultural Freedom | British War Propaganda Bureau | Cabinet Publicity Committee | Central Office of Information | Coalition Information Center | Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies | Defence Advisory (DA) Notice System | Defence Media Operations Centre | Department of Propaganda in Enemy Countries | Directorate General Media and Communications | Empire Marketing Board | Engaging with the Islamic World | Government Communication Network | Government Information and Communication Service | Information Department | Information Liaison Department | Information Policy Unit | Information Research Department | Institute for the Study of Conflict | Islamic Media Unit | Joint Warfare Establishment | London Radio Service | Media Operations Group (V) | National Propaganda | News Department | Northern Ireland Information Service | Operation Mass Appeal | Overseas Information Department | Overseas News Agency | Political Warfare Executive | Public Diplomacy Board | Public Diplomacy Department | Public Diplomacy Group | Public Diplomacy Partners Group | Public Diplomacy Policy Department | Public Diplomacy Strategy Board | Quilliam Foundation | Research, Information and Communications Unit | Services Sound and Vision Corporation | Targeting and Information Operations
US: Air Force Cyber Command (Provisional) | America Abroad Media | American Committee for a United Europe | British Society for Cultural Freedom | Coalition Information Center | Committee on Public Information | Congress for Cultural Freedom | Forum World Features | Free Trade Union Committee | Information Operations Task Force | Internews | Kern House Enterprises | National Committee for a Free Europe | Office of Information Activities | Office of Media Affairs at the White House | Office of Strategic Influence | Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Support to Public Diplomacy | Policy Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group | Psychological Strategy Board | Radio Free Europe | United States Information Agency
Israel: | IDF Spokesperson's Unit | National Information Directorate | StandWithUs International
NATO: Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom | Atlantic Council of the United States | Atlantic Treaty Association | NATO Psyop Working Group | NATO Public Diplomacy Division


A list of categories associated with this page:

References and Resources

Getting Started

Looking for somewhere to start?

To learn how you can edit any article right now, visit Powerbase:About, Welcome, newcomers, our Help page, Frequently Asked Questions, A quick guide to editing or experiment in the sandbox.

Or contribute a new article: go to Quick Guide to Getting Started.

Research and Writing Tips

How to research front groups | Resources for studying propaganda | Research using the web

Can you help?

Powerbase can be made more effective if more people join the project. If you have research or writing skills or just spare time, you can help.

If you are unsure where to start, you could expand some of the recently created but currently very brief articles. (If you look at the recent changes page you will see some noted as being 'stubs' - articles that may just be a line or two and needing to be fleshed out). So if you would like to add to some of those you would be most welcome.

There is an automatically updated page which includes the pages which have been signalled by Powerbase users as most wanted. In addition there is a page which includes a list of Things you can do to help.

Or if you would like some other suggestions closer to your interests you could drop Powerbase editor, David Miller an email. His address is editor AT

Start Here

Powerbase history

Powerbase is a collaborative venture initiated by Spinwatch in collaboration with Lobbywatch, GM Watch Red Star Research and Corporate Watch, but put into effect by a wide variety of volunteers and independent researchers.

Contributors are now working on 19,335 articles.

Disclaimer: Powerbase is an encyclopedia of people, issues and groups shaping the public agenda. It is a project of the Spinwatch—email editor AT

Antispam note: To avoid attracting spam email robots, email addresses on Powerbase are written with AT in place of the usual symbol, and we have removed "mail to" links. Replace AT with the correct symbol to get a valid address. We regret the inconvenience this entails. Campaign for more effective antispam regulations.
