Moral Maze

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LM network resources

The Moral Maze, broadcast on BBC Radio 4 since 1990 and chaired by Michael Buerk, describes itself as presenting "combative, provocative and engaging live debate examining the moral issues behind one of the week's news stories". [1] The libertarian anti-environmental LM network has a consistent presence on the programme: the programme’s regular panellists include Claire Fox and Kenan Malik, while James Panton has also been a panellist; additionally, guests on the programme have included LM associates or favourites Daniel Ben-Ami, Piers Benn, Jennie Bristow, David Chandler, Suzy Dean, Ceri Dingle, Martin Durkin, Michael Fitzpatrick, Ann Furedi, Frank Furedi, Luke Gittos, Dennis Hayes, Ellie Lee, Philippe Legrain, Munira Mirza, Brendan O'Neill, Shiv Malik, James Panton, Stuart Waiton and Kevin Yuill. This presence has been widely noted. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] The producer, Phil Pegun, has officiated for Debating Matters. Fox's first appearance as a regular panellist was on 28 June 2006. [8]




  1. "Moral Maze", BBC website, accessed 13 Nov 2010
  2. "RCP hegemonise The Moral Maze", Shiraz Socialist website, accessed 13 Dec 2010
  3. "The RCP establishment", Harry's Place website, accessed 13 Dec 2010
  4. "The Moral Maze: a RCP/LM double act", RCP/LM watch website, accessed 13 Dec 2010
  5. "Another Moral Maze double act", RCP/LM watch website, accessed 13 Dec 2010
  6. "Long March to the Microphone", Standpoint Magazine website, accessed 13 Dec 2010
  7. "Karadzic, photography and revisionism", David Campbell website, accessed 13 Dec 2010
  8. "Institute of Ideas March 2006 Newsletter", Institute of Ideas website, accessed 1 July 2011