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Peter Salmon is a pseudonym for an activist, researcher and author. Currently he is working with the Undercover Research Group into undercover officers and related matters to the policing of protest movements. You can reach him on twitter at @petersalmon7 or mail contact~at~undercoverresearch dot net .


Undercovers Police Units Police Officers Corporate Spying and police corruption Other
Mark Jenner National Co-ordinator for Special Branch David Veness Christopher Cully Maintains URG portal page and templates.
Mike Chitty National Domestic Extremism Database Bernard Hogan-Howe RISC Management, ISC Global, RISC-ISC Global company network, Animus Associates John Adams
N81 & associated pages † National Domestic Extremism Unit and associated articles. Paul Stephenson (Police Officer) Duncan Hanrahan Roy McComb
Lynn Watson^ European Cooperation Group on Undercover Activities Martin Hewitt Alec Leighton † & Mayfayre Associates
Carlo Neri National Co-ordinator Ports Policing Gordon Mills Clifford Knuckey, Keith Hunter †, Anthony Brightwell, Tony Imossi
RC (alias) National Undercover Scrutiny Panel Richard Walton Michael Relton
Matt Rayner (alias) Lawrence Review Team Clive Driscoll
Christian Plowman National Undercover Working Group Phil Gormley
Gary R. and Abigail L. Covert Policing Ethics Committee Mick Creedon
Adrian Radford^ AC-PIT Andrew Robbins
Roger Pearce N offices (page 1) & page 2
Simon Wellings (alias) Operation Elter
Andy Coles & Andy Davey
Rod Richardson set of articles.
John Graham (alias)
Bill Lewis (alias)
Christine Green (alias)

Those marked † have joint authorship with Eveline Lubbers.
Those marked ^; have joint authorship with Bristol Chris & Eveline Lubbers.

Other articles contributed to: Global Open, Rod Leeming, Heather Millgate