Rania Hafez

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LM network resources

Rania Hafez is an academic and was born in 1964. She is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network in that she has written for Spiked[1] and the Institute of Ideas Education Forum[2], spoken for the Battle of Ideas [3], the Birmingham Salon[4], the East Midlands Salon[5] and the Manchester Salon[6], participated in Debating Matters [7], appeared on WORLDbytes[8] and signed the petition of Academics For Academic Freedom [9]. Like many associated with the LM network, she has written for The Free Society and the Independent’s Independent blogs. Amongst the groups she likes on Facebook are Academics For Academic Freedom, Institute of Ideas Education Forum, Birmingham Salon, Leeds Salon, Manchester Salon and Take a Liberty (Scotland). She has held a post at the University of East London, which has a strong LM network presence.



  1. Shisha scaremongering”Spiked website, accessed 5 Sept 2013
  2. ”[www.instituteofideas.com/transcripts/SubjectCurriculum.pdf‎ Towards a subject based curriculum]” Institute of ideas website, accessed 5 Sept 2013
  3. Speaker detail: Rania Hafez”Battle of Ideas website, accessed 5 Sept 2013
  4. Criminalising forced marriage” Birmingham Salon website, accessed 5 Sept 2013
  5. Eat, Drink and Be Merry” Institute of Ideas website, accessed 5 Sep 2013
  6. Religion, Education and Tolerance” Manchester Salon website, accessed 5 Sept 2013
  7. People: Rania Hafez”Debating Matters website, accessed 5 Sept 2013
  8. Rania’s story” WORLDbytes website, accessed 5 Sept 2013
  9. Signature no. 386” Academics For Academic Freedom website, accessed 5 Sept 2013