David Lee Clements

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Dave Clements

Dave Clements is a local government officer and writer on social policy associated with the libertarian and anti-environmental LM network through writing for Culture Wars[1] and the Manifesto Club, [2] organising and speaking at the Battle of Ideas and the Manchester Salon, participating in the Future Cities Project and writing and being a shareholder of Spiked Ltd. [3] He has co-written a book "The Future of Community" with Alastair Donald, Martin Earnshaw and Austin Williams.


Dave Clements Alastair Donald Martin Earnshaw Austin Williams (Ed) The future of community reports of a death greatly exaggerated London : Pluto Press, 2008

Introduction : who needs community anyway? Austin Williams
Faking civil society Dave Clements
A green unpleasant land Alastair Donald
Public space : designing-in community Richard Williams
New new urbanism Austin Williams
Density versus sprawl Karl Sharro
Salvation by brick? : the life and death of British communities Penny Lewis
Strictly personal : the working class confined to community Andrew Calcutt
Virtual communities versus political realities Martyn Perks
Minorities, multiculturalism and the metropolitan experience Neil Davenport
From little Italy to big America Elisabetta Gasparoni-Abraham
Rio on Galway : immigration and Ireland Suzy Dean
Communities on the couch Martin Earnshaw
Youthful misbehaviour or adult traumas? Stuart Waiton
Parish pump politics Dave Clements
Conclusion : a death greatly exaggerated Alastair Donald



  1. "Profile of Dave Clements", Culture Wars website, accessed 2 May 2010
  2. "Social Care for Free Citizens", Manifesto Club website, accessed 1 Jan 2011
  3. Companies House, Spiked Ltd. AR01 Annual Return 2010