Transatlantic Democracy Network Conference

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The Transatlantic Democracy Network Conference took place in Brussels on 25-26 May 2005.[1]


Maria Elena Aguero - Club of Madrid | Mensur Akgun - TESEV, Turkey | Mohamed Al-Tayeb - Liberties and Civic Organisations Committee of the Council, Yemen | Michael Allen - National Endowment for Democracy | Fernando Andresen-Guimares - Robert Schumann Foundation, Paris | Ron Asmus - German Marshall Fund of the United States | Iryna Bekeshkina - Democratic Initiatives Fund | Francesca Binda - International IDEA | Daniel Bombey - Financial Times | Emma Bonino MEP, Italy | Andy Bruce - European Commission | Pia Bungarten - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany | R. Nicholas Burns - US Department of State | Scott Carpenter - US Department of State | Sean Carroll - Club of Madrid | Eric Chevalier | Robert Cooper - European Union Council | Lorne Craner - International Republican Institute | Muna Darwish - Arab Civic Education Network | Gianfranco Dell'Alba - No Peace Without Justice, Italy | Pavol Demes - German Marshall Fund of the United States | Jonathan Dunn - Foreign and Commonwealth Office | Kristie Evenson - Freedom House | Steven Everts - European Union Council | Niccolo Talamanca-Figa - No Peace Without Justice, Italy | David French - Westminster Foundation, UK | Daniel Fried - US Department of State | Ralf Fuecks - Heinrich Boll Foundation - Germany| Bronislaw Geremek MEP | Carl Gershman - National Endowment for Democracy | Nicola Giovannini - No Peace Without Justice, Italy | Aryeh Green - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel | Jean-Dominiugue Giuliani - Robert Schumann Foundation, Paris | John Glenn - German Marshall Fund of the United States | Alexander Gupman - Freedom House | | Ambassador Istvan Gyarmati - Democracy Transition Centre Project | Amr Hamzawy - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Geoffrey Harris - Head of Unit for Human Rights, European Parliament | Christiane Hoehn - Council of European Union, General Secretariat | Jana Hybaskova - Member of the European Parliament, Czech Republic | Saad Eddin Ibrahim - Ibn Khaldun Center, Egypt | Toomas Ilves - European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs | Balazs Jarabik - Pontis Foundation, Belarus | Salah Jorshe - Tunisian Human Rights League | Bogdan Klich MEP | Karel Kovanda European Commission | Ivan Krastev - Center for Liberal Strategies, Bulgaria | Ambassador George A. Krol - US Department of State | John Kubiniec - Freedom House | Steve Larrabee - RAND | Patricia Lerner - US Department of State | John Lis - US House of Representatives | Lee Litzenberger - US Department of State | David Lowe - National Endowment for Democracy | Riad Malki - Panorama Palestine | Mohsen Marzouk - Arab Partnership Democracy Center, Tunis | Michael McFaul - Hoover Institution, Stanford University | Edward McMillan-Scott MEP, UK | Thomas Melia - Freedom House | Michael Meyer-Resende - European Commission | Marta Mucznik - The Transatlantic Institute | Igor Munteanu - Institute for Development and Social Initiatives | Ziba Norman - TransAtlantic Institute, London, UK | Uwe Optenhogel - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany | Ana Palacio - Co-Chairperson of the East West Institute and member of the Spanish Parliament | Ted Piccone - Democracy Coalition Project | Tomas Pojar - People In Need, Czech Republic | Gideon Rachman - The Economist | Rob Rieman - Nexus Institute, Holland | Dan Runde - United States Agency for International Development | Andrei Sannikov - Belarus 97 | Leo Spaans - National Democratic Institute for International Affairs | Walpurga Speckbacher - General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union | Adrian Severin - UNSR for Belarus | Pirkka Tapiola - Policy Unit, Secretariat of the EU Council (Ukraine/Belarus) | Rolf Timans - European Union Human Rights and Democracy Unit | Marc De Tollenaere - ECDPM | Merieke Van Doorh - Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy | Viorel Ursu - Open Society Institute | Ryan Van Wijk - German Marshall Fund of the United States | Gianni Vernetti - Democrazia & Liberte, Italy | Ivan Vejvoda - Balkan Trust for Democracy, German Marshall Fund | Vincuk Viacorka - Belarusian Popular Front Party | Viktoria Villanyi - Freedom House | Karen Volker - US Department of State | Roel Von Meijenfeldt - Institute for Multiparty Democracy, The Netherlands | Andrei Vardamacki - Belarus | Alexandr Vondra - Program of Atlantic Security Studies, Czech Republic | Claude Weinber - Heinrich Boll Foundation | Karen Weissblatt - Transatlantic Institute | Kenneth Wollack - National Democratic Institute for International Affairs | Richard Youngs - FRIDE, Spain[2]


  1. Transatlantic Democracy Network Conference May 25-26, 2005, Brussels, Mission Statement, National Endowment for Democracy FOI response, 15 April 2009.
  2. Transatlantic Democracy Network Conference May 25-26, 2005, Brussels, National Endowment for Democracy FOI response, 15 April 2009.