Edward McMillan-Scott

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Edward McMillan-Scott, MEP

Edward McMillan-Scott (born 15 August 1949, Cambridge) is a British MEP (1984- ) for Yorkshire and the Humber from Conservative and Unionist Party.[1]


Parliamentary Affiliations

22.07.1999 / 14.01.2002 : Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (EEA)
20.07.2004 / 15.01.2007 : Parliament's Bureau
20.07.2004 / 15.01.2007 : European Parliament
16.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Parliament's Bureau
16.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : European Parliament
14.07.2009 / ... : European Parliament
20.09.2004 / 11.06.2008 : Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly
24.07.1984 / 24.07.1989 : European Democratic Group
26.07.1984 / 20.01.1987 : Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, Information and Sport
12.02.1985 / 31.12.1985 : Delegation to the European Parliament/Portuguese Piarliament Joint Committee
21.01.1987 / 24.07.1989 : Delegation for relations with the countries of Estern Europe - Group I
21.01.1987 / 24.07.1989 : Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, Information and Sport
25.07.1989 / 30.04.1992 : European Democratic Group
26.07.1989 / 14.01.1992 : Delegation for relations with Poland
26.07.1989 / 14.01.1992 : Committee on Transports and Tourism
15.01.1992 / 18.07.1994 : Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security
15.01.1992 / 10.02.1993 : Delegation for relations with Poland
28.01.1992 / 18.07.1994 : Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament
01.05.1992 / 03.02.1993 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group)
04.02.1993 / 18.07.1994 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group)
11.02.1993 / 31.01.1994 : Delegation for relations with Poland
01.02.1994 / 18.07.1994 : Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee
19.07.1994 / 16.09.1997 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group)
21.07.1994 / 17.09.1995 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy
21.07.1994 / 14.09.1994 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
17.11.1994 / 11.07.1995 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
12.07.1995 / 15.01.1997 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
18.09.1995 / 15.01.1997 : Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights
16.01.1997 / 19.10.1998 : Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament
29.01.1997 / 13.10.1997 : Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council
17.09.1997 / 19.07.1999 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group)
14.10.1997 / 23.02.1999 : Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council
24.02.1999 / 19.07.1999 : Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council
20.07.1999 / 11.10.1999 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
21.07.1999 / 14.01.2002 : Committee on Budgets
22.07.1999 / 14.01.2002 : Conference of Delegation Chairmen
12.10.1999 / 07.03.2002 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
04.02.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Committee on Budgets
07.03.2002 / 30.04.2004 : Delegation to the EU-Poland Joint Parliamentary Committee
08.03.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
20.07.2004 / 30.08.2004 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
21.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Foreign Affairs
31.08.2004 / 13.07.2009 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
15.09.2004 / 19.09.2004 : Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly
15.09.2004 / 15.09.2004 : Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Foreign Affairs
31.01.2007 / 11.02.2007 : Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
12.02.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
12.06.2008 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly
14.07.2009 / 19.07.2009 : European Conservatives and Reformists
14.07.2009 / ... : Parliament's Bureau
16.07.2009 / 13.06.2010 : Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
20.07.2009 / 11.05.2010 : Non-attached Members
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
12.05.2010 / ... : Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
14.06.2010 / ... : Committee on Petitions
26.07.1984 / 24.03.1985 : Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection
25.03.1985 / 20.01.1987 : Committee on Budgets
21.01.1987 / 24.07.1989 : Committee on Budgets
21.01.1987 / 24.07.1989 : Committee on Petitions
26.07.1989 / 14.01.1992 : Political Affairs Committee
26.07.1989 / 14.01.1992 : Committee on Petitions
15.01.1992 / 10.02.1993 : Delegation for relations with the Republics of Yugoslavia
15.01.1992 / 18.07.1994 : Committee on Petitions
15.01.1992 / 07.06.1993 : Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment
11.02.1993 / 31.01.1994 : Delegation for relations with the Republics of former Yugoslavia
01.02.1994 / 18.07.1994 : Delegation for relations with the Republics of former Yugoslavia
21.07.1994 / 19.07.1995 : Temporary committee on employment
21.07.1994 / 15.01.1997 : Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy
10.10.1994 / 15.01.1997 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
16.01.1997 / 19.07.1999 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
16.01.1997 / 19.07.1999 : Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy
16.01.1997 / 13.10.1997 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
14.10.1997 / 23.02.1999 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
24.02.1999 / 19.07.1999 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
21.07.1999 / 14.01.2002 : Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy
17.01.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy
13.03.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Delegation to the European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee (EEA)
22.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
15.09.2004 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
15.09.2004 / 13.03.2007 : Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (including Libya)
28.02.2005 / 13.03.2007 : Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
31.01.2007 / 08.02.2007 : Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
31.01.2007 / 08.02.2007 : Committee on Development
31.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Foreign Affairs
31.01.2007 / 11.02.2007 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
14.03.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (including Libya)
15.03.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia
16.09.2009 / 11.05.2010 : Delegation for relations with Japan
16.09.2009 / 11.05.2010 : Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America
08.06.2010 / ... : Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly[2]

Record and Controversies

Declaration of Financial Interests

Remunerated Functions or Activities:

  • European Adviser to Unquoted Companies Group, UK[3]

Former Declaration of Financial Interests

Remunerated Functions or Activities:

  • Occasional consultancy
  • European Advisor to the UK Unquoted Companies Group

Additional Information:

  • I receive benefits such as free parking at UK airports etc, common to all Members of the European Parliament[4]

Record of Parliamentary Votes

  • Voted against the directive on "establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy" (A5-0027/2000). The directive covers all water management aspects in order to achieve a 'good status' of all waters by 2015.[5]
  • Voted in favour of the directive on "national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants" (A5-0063/2000). The amendment allows setting less ambitious national emission ceilings for sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia (NH3) and volatile organic compounds (VOC), which would result in more damage to human health and the environment.[6]
  • Voted against the directive on "waste electrical and electronic equipment" (A5-0100/2002). The amendment sets higher reuse and recycling rates for IT and telecommunication equipment.[7] Rejected due to lack of absolute majority.
  • Voted in favour of the report on "Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network" (A5-0135/2002). The Trans-European Network of Transport (TEN-T) is a network of so-called 'transport corridors' through Europe. This amendment calls for a full Strategic Environmental Assessment of these transport corridors and calls on the Commission to improve methods for analysing the environmental and economic impact of the TEN-T.[8]
  • Abstained from voting the regulation concerning "traceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms and traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms" (A5-0229/2002). The amendment allows customers the right to choose GM free food.[9]
  • Voted against the report towards a "thematic strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides" (A5-0061/2003). The amendment proposes to ban or severely restrict use of pesticides in areas around sources of drinking water and nature protected zones.[10]

Personal Information

Curriculum Vitae

  • Educated privately by Dominican Friars.
  • Tour manager with US companies (1968).
  • Parliamentary and political consultant, London (1977).
  • Established own public affairs consultancy in Westminster (1983).
  • Board member, Conservative Party (1998-2001).
  • Member of the European Parliament (since 1984).
  • Leader of the Conservatives (1998-2001).
  • Chairman of the Delegation to the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee (1999-2002).


Parlement européen
Bât. Altiero Spinelli
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
+32 (0)2 28 45959
+32 (0)2 28 49959
edward.mcmillan-scott AT europarl.europa.eu
EU Insigna.png This article is part of the MEPedia project of Spinwatch.



  1. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Edward McMillan-Scott, accessed 01 December 2010.
  2. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Edward McMillan-Scott, accessed 01 December 2010.
  3. European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Edward McMillan-Scott, 14 July 2009, accessed 05 November 2009.
  4. European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Edward McMillan-Scott, 22 January 2009, accessed 10 February 2009.
  5. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  6. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  7. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  8. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  9. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  10. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.