Foodspin Portal
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Welcome to Foodspin the project dedicated to exposing and reporting on the spin and lobbying efforts of the food industry.
- Food Industry lobby groups
- Foodspin Front Groups
- Food and Agriculture Industry
- Foodspin Government Agencies
- British Retail Consortium
- British Soft Drinks Association
- Satellite and Cable Broadcasters Group
- MediaSmart
- Advertising Association
- Phunky Foods
- linked to them are Purely Nutrition
- Save Kids TV.
- The Advertising Association
- BAFTA Children's Committee
- Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery Association
- British Cheese Board
- British Dental Association
- The British Dietetic Association
- British Heart Foundation
- British Medical Association
- British Nutrition Foundation
- The British Psychological Society
- British Retail Consortium
- Cadbury Schweppes
- The Caroline Walker Trust
- Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Network
- Children's Food Bill coalition
- Co-operative Group
- Coca-Cola
- Consensus Action on Salt and Health
- The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
- Ferrero UK Limited
- Five
- Flextech Television
- Food Advertising Unit
- Food and Drink Federation
- Food Commission
- Food Ethics Council
- Food Standards Agency
- Foodaware
- IASO International Obesity TaskForce
- Irish Heart Foundation
- Jetix, Nickelodeon and Turner Broadcasting
- Kellogg's
- Kids Inc
- Kraft Foods UK and Ireland
- Masterfoods
- McDonald's Restaurants Limited
- MediaVest Manchester Limited
- Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research
- MindShare Media UK Ltd
- National Children's Bureau
- National Consumer Council
- National Family and Parenting Institute
- National Federation of Women's Institute
- National Heart Alliance
- National Heart Forum
- National Oral Heath Promotion Group
- National Union of Teachers
- National Youth Agency
- NHS Borders, Health Promotion
- Northern Ireland Chest Heart Stoke
- The Nutrition Society
- Ofcom Advisory Committee for England
- Ofcom Advisory Committee for Northern Ireland
- Office of the Children's Commissioner
- Pepsico
- Public Voice
- Royal College of Nursing
- Royal College of Physicians
- Royal Society of Health
- Safefood
- J Sainsbury
- School Food Trust
- Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition
- Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People
- Snack Nut & Crisp Manufacturers Association
- Trading Standards Institute
- UK Public Health Association
- Unilever
- United Biscuits
- University of Liverpool
- Vimto
- Voice of the Listener and Viewer
- Weight Concern
- Welsh Assembly Government
- Welsh Consumer Council
- Wiltshire Farm Foods
- Women’s Institute/Sustain Postcard campaign, 328 postcards were received in respect of the Food Advertising of Food and Drink to Children Consultation
- Wrigley Company Ltd
- ZenithOptimedia