Helene Guldberg

Helene Guldberg, Reclaiming Childhood

Helene Guldberg in a photo from Amazon.co.uk
Helene Guldberg (DoB 23.10.1965) is a teacher and an associate of the libertarian anti-environmental LM network, having been co-publisher of Living Marxism and co-funder and (current) Managing Editor of Spiked. On occasion in writing for Living Marxism she used the pseudonym Helene Gold.
From the Battle of Ideas 2007 biography:[1]
- Dr Helene Guldberg is co-founder and Managing Editor of spiked-online, the first custom-built online current affairs publication in the UK. Her writing - in publications from spiked-online and the New Scientist to the Independent and Guardian - specialises on issues of science and society, human psychology and child development.
After working as a primary school teacher for a few years, Guldberg obtained a PhD in developmental psychology from the University of Manchester in 1999. She currently teaches a post-graduate course in child development (as part of an MA in Education) with the Open University, and an undergraduate course in child development at Centres for Academic Programs Abroad (CAPA) and the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES).
Company Directorships
- Spiked, Director, appointed 19.9.2000; Secretary, Appointed 12.12.2005
- Journalism Education Limited, Director and Secretary, Appointed 19.12.2007
- Informinc (LM) Limited, Director and Secretary appointed 29.01.1997, Dissolved 21.04.2004[2]
Resources, References and Contact
- Helene Guldberg Sorry, but it can be GOOD for children to be bullied, Daily Mail Last updated at 8:30 AM on 27th May 2010.
- Helene Guldberg Reclaiming Childhood: Freedom and Play in an Age of Fear,London: Routledge, January 2009.
- Helene Guldberg 'Information Technology: Prospects and Barriers' in Dolan Cummings (2002) The Internet: Brave New World?, Hodder and Stoughton.
- Helene Guldberg 'Design Tokenism and Global Warming' in Ian Abley and James Heartfield (eds) (2001) Sustaining Architecture in the Anti-Machine Age , Wiley & Sons.
- Helene Guldberg 'Child Protection and the Precautionary Principle' in Julian Morris (Ed.) (2000) Rethinking Risk and the Precautionary Principle, Butterworth Heinemann.
- Helene Guldberg, 'Why ban racist Brand?', Living Marxism, No. 91 - June 1996, p. 20.
- Helene Guldberg and Stuart Derbyshire, 'Futures: No Natural Born Killers', Living Marxism, No. 80 - June 1995, p. 38.
- Helene Guldberg, 'The Marxist Review of Books', Living Marxism, No. 76 - February 1995, p. 43.
- Helene Gold, 'Who killed Cambodia?', Living Marxism, No. 57 - July 1993, p. 28.
- Website www.heleneguldberg.com
LM network resources