The Kasner Charitable Trust

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The Trust was founded by Josef Kasner and registered on 16 September 1974 with the Charity Commission.[1] It gives money to a variety of Zionist causes including those operating on illegal settlements in the West Bank.

It would appear to have some relationship with the J. Kasner Foundation which states that it "was founded in London in 1967 by the late Josef Kasner, a man who considered it his duty and privilege to strengthen and support the Jewish People."[2] Baruch Erlich is associated with both..



Name Role Date of appointment Other trusteeships
David Winegarten Trustee 01 July 2020 The Yes Foundation Limited | B H Gur Limited
Judith Erlich Trustee 20 February 2015
Baruch Erlich (sometimes given as Baruch Ehrlich) Trustee The Yes Foundation Limited

Grant recipients

BC Trust | Chasdei Esther | Chevras Mo'oz Ladol | Dignity Organisation | Ezer Bekovoid Limited | Friends of Gur Foundation Israel | Friends of the United Institutions of Arad | Herzog Memorial Hospital | Ichud Talmudei Yesodey Hatorah | JNF Charitable Trust | Kehal Chasidei Wiznitz Limited | UK Toremet Limited | Yad Eliezer Trust | Yesamach Levav | Yeshuas Chaim Synagogue

Grant recipients of The Kasner Charitable Trust in £ sterling
Recipient 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
A T.I.M.E Limited 12,000 17,000 29,000
A World for Girls 100 100
Achisomoch 1850 1,850
Action Against Hunger 10 22 32
Action for Hearing 20 20
Action for Kids 42 10 52
Action Medical Research 10 10 20
Action on Hearing Loss 20 20
Adath Yisroel / Adath Yisroel Synagogue 95 75 170
Age UK 10 10
Ahavas Chesed Trust 150 150
AJEX Charitable Foundation 500 500
Akim Jerusalem 200 200
Aleh Charitable Foundation 100 100 200
Alei Siach 350 350
Alexander Shtiebel 15,000 15,000
Alzheimer Care & Research Fund 55 55
Amud Hatzdoko Trust 127 127
Amud Hatzdokoh Trust (A.H.T) 100 100
Amud Hatzokoh Trust 50 50
Arachim 100 100
Arthritis Care 20 20
Asser Bishvil 100 500 600
Asthma UK 10 10 20
Ateres Girls High School 5,000 5,000
Atime Shas a Thon 12,000 12,000
B.U.B.A 200 200
Bais Hamedrash Bais Avraham 879 879
Bais Teffilah Trust 50 50
Bais Yaacov Primary School 750 750
Bajis Lepletot 100 100
Bamesillah UK 100 100
Battersea Royal 10 10
Bayis Lapleytos 500 500
BC Trust 90,000 90,000
Be'er Avrohom 100 100
Be'er Shmuel 200 50 250
Beis Aharon Trust 50 50
Beis Avraham Trust 100 100
Beis Brucha 180 700 880
Beis Hamidrash Beis Avraham 1,264 1,264
Beis Rochel 200 200
Beis Ruzhin / Beis Ruzhin Trust 250 200 450
Beis Yaacov School 100 100
Beis Yakov Girls School (BYGS) 280 280
Beis Yisroel 200 200
Ben Gurion University Foundation 50 150 200
Beth Aharon Trust 50 50
Beth Jacob Youth Movement 50 50
Blesma 15 45 60
Blind Veterans UK 20 10 30
Bnos Choyil 100 100
Bostoner Rebbe 100 100
Boys Clubhouse 50 50
Brain Research Trust 20 20
Bread and water for Africa UK 30 30
Breadline Africa 20 10 30
British Committee for Chinuch in Israel 200 500 700
British Committee for Yad Pagilim in Israel 200 200
British Friends of Bar Ilan University 500 500 1,000
British Friends of Birkas Mordechai 300 200 500
British Friends of Bnei Brak Hospital 5,000 5,000 10,000
British Friends of Boys Town Jerusalem 500 500
British Friends of Ezer Mizion 1,500 1,500
British Friends of Hatzalan Israel 300 300
British Friends of Jerusalem Institute of Talmudic Research 500 500
British Friends of Jewish Community Cyprus 100 100
British Friends of Kolel 50 50
British Friends of Kupas Ha'ir 100 100
British Friends of Mayamei Hayeshua 250 250
British Friends of MIgdal Ohr 500 500
British Friends of Nefesh Hachaim 100 100 200
British Friends of Neve / British Friends of Neve Institute Fund 100 100 200
British Friends of Nishmas Yisroel 100 100 200
British Friends of Ohel Sarah 500 500
British Friends of Peilim 100 100
British Friends of Peyillim Yad L'Achim 120 120
British Friends of Shalva 100 300 400
British Friends of Shema Koleinu 200 200
British Friends of Shemaya School 200 200
British Friends of Shesagaga School 100 100
British Friends of Shuvu 300 300
British Friends of Sulam 400 400
British Friends of the Community of Cyprus 100 100
British Friends of The Hebrew Univesrsity 300 300
British Friends of The Israel Guide Dog Centre For The Blind (BFIGDCB) 100 100
British Friends of Tiferet Shlomo Orphanage 200 200
British Friends of Tzidkas Eretz Hakodesh 100 250 350
British Friends of United Hatzalah 300 300
British Friends of Yeshivat Ofakim 100 100
British Friends of Zaka 200 800 1,000
British Heart Foundation 10 10 20
British Lung Foundation 10 10
British Red Cross Society 10 10
British Supporters of Ephrat 500 500
British Youth Music Theatre (B.M.Y.T) 50 100 150
BSD Charitable Trust (BSD) 100 100
BST 100 100
C.B.M 20 30 50
C.F.T.E Trust 400 200 600
Camp Kef 300 300
Camp Simcha 360 360
Cancer Recovery Foundation 10 10 20
Cancer Research UK 30 10 40
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) 10 10
Center for Jewish Life 100 100
Centre for the Study of Emotion and Law (C.S.E.L.) 50 20 70
Centre for Torah Education Trust 400 400
Chabad Lubavitch 300 300
Chai Cancer Care 100 400 500
Chana Charitable Trust 360 360
Chaplancy 250 250
Chareidei David 50 50
Chasadim Tovim 50 50
Chasdei Dovla 50 50
Chasdei Esther 18,000 39,865 74,050 72,525 51,750 256,190
Chasdei Shalom 100 100
Chasdei Tovim Meards 100 100
Chevras Ezras Nitzrachim 100 200 300
Chevras Mo'oz Ladol 125,000 30,000 155,000
Child Hope UK 10 10
Child Survival Fund 30 50 80
Children Society 10 10
Children Trust 10 25 35
Children With Cancer 20 10 30
Children's Town Settlement 300 800 1,100
Children's Wish Foundation 10 10
Chizuk 100 100 100 300
Chofetz Chaim Trust Foundation 50 50
Choyme Dalim 50 50
Christian Aid 10 10
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (C.M.L.) 1,170 150 1,320
Clapton Common Boys Club 50 50
Colel Chabad 100 300 400
Colel Chibath Yerushalayim 450 450
Colen Polen Kupath Ramban Limited 400 400 23,000 23,000 46,000 92,800
Combat Stress 10 10 20
Comet Charities Ltd / Comet Charities Ltd Pardes House School 400 12,500 12,900
Community Security Trust (C.S.T.) 100 100
CORAM 10 10
Cpyce 50 50
Crisis 10 20 30
Dalaid 100 100 200
Dalaville Limited 70,000 559,000 70,000 699,000
Darchei Horaa 250 250
Dementia Research UK 10 10
Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation 30 30
Diaspora Yeshiva 100 100
Dignity Organisation 1,500 49,800 20,000 144,000 74,572 88,000 377,872
Dover Sholem Community Trust 200 200
Dr Adler Support Group 100 100
Edgware Torah Centre 100 100
Eizer Lezedoko 275 50 325
Emerge 10 10
Emunah 100 100
Emuno Educational Centre Limited 650 49,000 48,000 97,650
Eve Appeal 50 50
EVL 105 125 230
Ezer Bekovoid Limited 95,000 95,000
Ezer Help 105 150 255
Ezer Leyoldos 100 300 400
Ezer V'Yeshua 100 100
Ezra Umarpeh 600 600
Family Action 10 10
Farm Africa 10 10
Feed My People 20 10 30
Fight for Sight 22 10 32
Food Lifeline 50 200 250
Friends of Ashdod 50 50
Friends of Ateres Moshe 200 500 700
Friends of Bambi 50 50
Friends of Be'er Miriam Trust 620 620
Friends of Beis Eliyahu Trust 300 300
Friends of Boyan 50 50
Friends of Care for the Needy of Jerusalem 100 200 300
Friends of Collel Chibath Yerushalaim 400 400
Friends of Gur Foundation Israel 470,000 465,000 935,000
Friends of Idus 100 100
Friends of Israel Educational Foundation 100 100
Friends of Karlin Stolyn 100 100
Friends of Knesset Yehoda 50 50
Friends of Kol Torah 300 200 500
Friends of Kolel Daf Hayomi Trust 100 100 200
Friends of Lubavitch Scotland 100 300 400
Friends of Mekor Chaim 50 50
Friends of Meleches Shomayim 100 100 200
Friends of Mir 800 800
Friends of Ohel Sarah 100 100
Friends of Ohr Yechiel 50 50
Friends of Rabbi Sender Dominitz 200 100 300
Friends of Rachashei Lev 100 200 300
Friends of Rachashei Lov 100 100
Friends of Seret Vishnitz 100 100
Friends of Shovei Golah 50 50 100
Friends of Tashbar Chazon Ish 100 100
Friends of The Elderly 20 10 30
Friends of The Sick 350 250 250 850
Friends of the United Institutions of Arad 751,500 713,550 998,000 584,000 450,000 3,497,050
Friends of Yad Idud 50 100 150
Friends of Yad Sarah 1,100 500 1,600
Friends of Zichron Dovid (FOZD) 110 140 250
FUIA 18,000 338,000 356,000
Gandhi World Hunger Fund 22 22
Gateshead Beis Hatorah U.K. 100 100
Gateshead Jewish Boarding School 400 500 900
Gateshead Jewish Primary School 200 200
Gateshead Law Academy for Torah Studies 100 100
Gateshead Talmudical College 4,200 600 4,800
Gertner Chariable Trust 100 100
Gevurath Ari Academy Trust 5,000 5,000 10,000
Gift 100 500 600
Gitter Foundation 50,000 50,000
Give Youth Break 50 50
Guide Dogs 10 20 30
Gurka Welfare Trust 20 20
H.K. Trust 125 50 20 195
Hachnosas Kallah 100 100
Hachsokas Torah 100 100
Hakerem Trust 200 200
Handicap Internationl UK 40 20 60
Happy Days 100 100
Hearing Dogs 10 10
Hearing for Deaf People 10 10
Hechal Hakodesh Institutions 100 100
Heichal Hatalmud 50 50
Helenshea Tzedaka 100 100
Helping Children Succeed in School Foundation (HCSS) 500 500
Herzog Memorial Hospital 526,000 526,000
Hospice Aid UK 30 30
Hospital Kosher Meals Service 1,125 1,200 2,325
HTVC 50 50
Hungry Children Project 10 20 30
Huntingdon Foundation 700 200 350 1,250
Ichud Hayashivah 50 50
Ichud Mosdos Gur Limited 35,600 35,600
Ichud Talmudei Yesodey Hatorah (ITYH) 21,905 48,160 57,200 36,200 57,700 26,650 47,900 295,715
Independent Age 20 20
Initiation Society 500 500 1,000
Inspiratiooon 50 50
Institute for Cancer Research 10 10
Institute for Higher Rabbinical Studies 400 300 700
International Fund for Animal Welfare 10 10 20
Ishau 50 50
Israel Day Centre 100 100
J.T.A. 200 200
JAMI 300 200 500
JET 50 50
Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service (JBCS) 300 100 400
Jewish Blind and Disabled 300 300
Jewish Care 1,100 1,100
Jewish Child's Day (JCD) 350 300 650
Jewish Deaf Association 200 200 100 500
Jewish Leadership Council 15,000 15,000
Jewish Marriage Council 100 500 600
Jewish Rescue Relief Committee (JRPC) 200 300 200 700
JNF Charitable Trust 500 1,200 361,000 516,949 338,850 400,000 545,000 2,163,499
Kahal Chasdei Bobov 50 50
Kahal Imrei Chaim 100 100 200
Kehal Chasidei Wiznitz Limited 50,000 25,000 75,000
Kehila Netzach Yisroel 100 100
Keren Chochmas Shloma Trust (KCST) 200 50 5,200 5,450
Keren Shmuel 35,000 72,000 18,000 490,000 615,000
Keren Shoshana 100 100
Keren Yechiel 50 50
Keren Yom Tov Fund 50 50
Kesser Torah School 100 100 200
Kids N'Action 250 250
Kisharon Charitable Trust 200 100 100 25,000 25,400
KKL Charity Accounts 250,000 250,000
Kol Nidrei Appeal 200 200
Kol Yom Trust 200 700 900
Kolel Aish Tomid 50 50
Kolel Binyan Simcha Aadass Yeshurun 50 50
Kolel Binyan Simcha 50 50
Kolel Gur 50 50
Kolel LeHoraih Tottingham 50 50
Kolel Rabinow 50 50 100
Kolel Shaare Zion 50 50
Kolel Shaarei Halacha 50 50
Kolel Sharei Chaim 50 50
Kolel Shomrei Hachomoth 360 400 760
Kolel Zichron Eliyahu 50 50
Kollel Beer Simcha 100 100
Kollel Friends of Or Yechiel 50 50
Kollel Gur 100 50 50 200
Kollel Mishkan Hatorah 50 50
Kollel Nachlas Dovid (KND) 100 100 200
Kollel Netzach Yisroel 100 100
Kollel Shaarei Halacha 50 50
Kollel Sifse Da'as 50 50
Kollel Toherndbl 50 50
Kollel Toras Chaim Har Nof 50 50
Kollel Zichron Shaul 200 200 400
Kolyom Trust 650 650
KSA 10 10
KSA 10 10
KST 50 200 1,226 1,476
KTT 100 50 150
Kupas Rashbi 50 50
Kupas Tzedoko Vochesed 140 400 540
Langdon College 300 300
Langdon Foundation 200 200
Laniado UK 250 500 750
Law of Truth Talmudical College 100 600 700
Leads Trust 100 100
Learning Center 50 50
Leprosy Mission 10 10
Lev Malka 100 100
LJGH 180 180
Lolev Charitable Trust 770 690 280 1,740
Lompim Talmudk Academy 50 50
London Bnos Yerushalayim School 200 600 800
London Jewish Family Centre 100 100
London Jewish Girls School 180 180
Lubavitch of Edgware 100 200 300
Macmillan Cancer Support 20 20
Magen David Adom 500 1,150 1,650
Manchester Yeshiva Kolel 50 50 100
Manna 100 100
March of the Living (UK) Limited 10,000 25,000 46,000 81,000
Mare and Foal Sanctuary 3 3
Matan Baseser 50 50 100
Mechinah Golders Green 2,000 360 2,360
Medical Mission International 20 30 50
Meir Panim 100 100
Mencap 10 10
Menorah Primary School 16,000 16,000
Mercaz Hatorah Netzach Yisroel 32,500 42,000 36,000 110,500
Mercaz Hatorah 10,000 10,000
Mercy Corps 10 10 20
Mercy Ships UK 10 10
Mesanshei Lev 120 120
Michelstadt Yesamach Levav Trust 200 200
Mifal Hachesed Sanz 150 150
Mifal Temicha Lenitzrachim 200 200
Mifal Tov Vochesed 50 50
Mifal Tzedaoko Vochesed 200 200
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF UK) 10 10
Mosad Darkei Menachem 50 50
Mosdos Baal Shem Tov 50 50
Mosdos Meah Sharim 100 100
Mother Teresa Children's Foundation 20 20
Mouth & Food 20 20
MS society 10 10 20
MTT Foundation 150 150
Muscular Dystrophy 10 10
Nachlas Da'as 100 100
Najos 36,000 36,000
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) 20 20
Neve Yerushalaim 100 200 300
Nightingale Hammerson 100 100
Nightingale House 200 200
Nir Chemed 100 100
Noam Primary School 360 360 360 1,080
Noam Shabbos 50 50 100
North West London Talmudical College 350 350
Norwood 100 100
Nosdos Belz Tel Aviv 100 100
NW London Commual Mikvah 200 200
NWCP 200 200
Ohr Halacha 50 50
Ohr Shalom Vechesed 50 50
Oir Torah Itkchid 250 250
One Family U.K. 100 100
Operation Wheelchairs Committee 100 200 300
Or Hatzafon 50 50
Orah Vesimcha 100 100 200
ORBIS 30 20 50
Otzar Gemilus Chasodiim / Otser Geminus Chasdaim 100 200 300
Oursha Welfare Foundation 10 10
Oxford Synagogue 100 100
Pardes House Grammar School 1,000 27,500 28,500
Peylim 100 100
Pikvach Nefesh Ltd 50 50
Pinto Talmudical Centre 50 50 100
Practical Action 10 10 20
Prisoners Abroad 10 10
Progress 10 10
Progresso 10 10
Prostate Cancer 10 10
Queen Alexandra Hospital Home 50 50
Railway Children 10 10
Rarmonim 100 100
Rav Chesed Trust 20 100 250 370
Reach Out UK 50 50
Refuah Vochesed 300 300
Reichman Torah 50 50
Royal Air Force Benevelent Fund 100 100
Royal British Legion 150 50 200
Royal Hospital for Neuro Disability 17 10 17 44
Royal Marsden Charity 10 20 30
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) 10 10
Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)) 10 10
Royal Star & Garter Home 20 25 45
Russian Immigration Aid Fund 100 100
S F N W L TAL COLL 50 50
S Pinter Youth Project 100 100
S.O.F.T 2,935 6,278 1,825 11,038
Salvation Army 10 10
Samaritans 10 60 70
Save the Children 10 10
Scope 40 40
Security Appeal 120 120
Sense 10 10
Shaarei Chesed London 55 185 240
Shaarei Daas 80 80
Shaarei Zedek UK 400 300 700
Shabaton L'menucha Trust 100 100
Sharei Halacha 50 50
Shelter 20 20
Shine 20 20
Shomrei Emunim Bnei Brak 150 150
Side by Side School Ltd 200 100 10,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 180,300
Sightsavers 10 10 20
Simcha Train 10 10
Simon Marks Jewish Primary School Trust 300 5,000 15,000 15,000 35,300
SKA 90 90
Slabodka Yeshiva Trust 500 500
SMFT 50 50
Smile Train 25 30 55
Social Square 150 150
Society of Friends of the Torah Limited 703,100 46,084 749,184
Spinal Research 35 35
St Johns Ambulance 10 10
Starlight Child Foundation 20 20
Stroke Association 40 30 70
Sunderland Kollel 100 100
T.M.T. 50 50
Talmud Torah D'Chasdei Gur Limited 10,000 10,000
Talmud Torah Ohel Torah 50 50
Talmud Torah School Hadarzian 100 100
Talmud Torah Tashbar (TTT) 50 180 230
Talmud Torah Tiferes Shlomo 300 300
Tavistock Mikvah 500 500
Teamfund 10 10
Teen Action 10 10
Tel Hai Fund Shiloh 300 300 600
Telz Academy Trust 3,000 5,000 5,000 13,000
Terence Higgins Trust 10 10 20
Tiferes Zvi 100 200 300
Tiferet Bachurim 50 50
Tikva Ledoros 50 50
Tikva 200 100 300
Timimil Lev 100 100
TLNF 10 10
Tmimiei Lev 50 50
Together Against Cancer 10 10
Tomchei Cholim Trust 400 400
Tomchei Shaarei Zion 100 100
Tomchei Yotze Angua 100 100
Torah 5759 300 300
Toras Chaim 50 50
Toras Chesed London Trust 100 380 480
Total Education Trust 100 100
Tov Vochesed 100 100 200
Trumos 6,000 6,000
TTD Gur 100 100 200
TTMK 150 150
TYY School 50 100 150
Tzedokath Yosef Naftali 100 100
Tzidkath Yoseph Naphtali 50 50
U.K. Friends of Ohr Akiva 50 50
U.K. Friends of Shneider Children's Hospital 450 450
UK Friends of Afikim 100 100
UK Friends of Eretz Chemda 200 200
UK Friends of Nahar Deiah 100 100
UK Friends of Ohr Torah 50 50
UK Friends of Shaaman College 450 450
UK Toremet Limited 500 3,660,000 1,565,500 5,293,400 2,861,159 983,400 14,363,959
UKAJ Akim 100 100
Union of Orthodox Hebrew 300 300
United Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA) 10,000 10,000 15,000 25,000 60,000
United Synagogue 860 860
University Jewish Chaplaincy 250 250 500
Up N Away 300 300
US Chesed Pesach Appeal 100 100
US Futures 100 100
UTA Imrei Yehuda 150 150
UTA 600 600
Uzhcavod Keren Shmuel 100 100
Water Aid 10 20 30
Well Child 10 10
WIZO UK 200 100 300
Wlodowa Rehabilitation Trust 50 350 400
Womankind Worldwide 10 10
World Cancer Research Fund 10 10 20
World Children's Fund UK 20 10 30
World Jewish Relief 400 500 900
World Relief Mission 10 10
World Village for Children 30 20 50
WRN 10 10
WTA 100 100
Y. Bais Israel Ashdod 300 300
Y.A.I 10 35 45
Yad Eliezer Trust 150 50 125,000 125,200
Yad Ephraim Achisomoch 100 100
Yad Ezra 50 50
Yad La'em Post Natal Support 100 100
Yad Toiva Trust 100 50 150
Yad Tova Trust 50 50
Yad Vashem UK Foundation 250 250
Yad Vchesery Orchos Sara 50 50
Yad Vochesed 65 65
Yad Yisrael Belaris 300 300
YAME 50 50
Yeaidim UK Foundation 100 500 600
Yedidim 200 200
Yesamach Levav 300 450 20,000 77,000 35,000 132,750
Yeshiva Horomo Talmudical College 100 950 1,050
Yeshiva Kesser Torah 240 240
Yeshiva Lereirih Tiferes Yacor 360 360
Yeshiva Ohel Shimon Trust 300 300
Yeshiva Sheeris Yosef Asher 100 100
Yeshiva Tiferes Yacov 100 100
Yeshiva Wolozin 300 300
Yeshivas Birkas Mordechai 100 100
Yeshivas Chay Olam 50 50
Yeshivas Keser Talmud 100 100
Yeshivas Lev Simcha Limited 45,630 45,630
Yeshivas Shaarei Torah 750 750
Yeshivat Beit Halevi 100 100
Yeshivat Bet Abraham 100 100
Yeshivat Beth Abraham Slonim 100 100
Yeshivat Birchat Mordechai 100 100
Yeshivat Chevron 50 50
Yeshivat Tifrach 100 100
Yeshivo Horomo Talmudical College 100 100
Yeshua Adler Memorial Fund 100 100
Yeshuas Chaim Synagogue 100 45,950 26,200 62,200 21,800 156,250
Yesodey Hatorah Schools 720 30,000 177,200 52,800 34,700 61,000 49,000 35,000 440,420
Yismach Moshe Community Group 200 200
YL Trust 50 50
YLMH 100 200 300
YLT 1,060 610 510 2,180
YMER 100 100
Youth Aliya Child Rescue 100 300 400
Youth Direct 100 100
Zekter Yitechok 50 50
Zichron Ahron Trust Limited 92,600 45,000 137,600
Zichron David 50 50
Zichron Menachem 100 100
Zichron Moshe Foundation 100 100
Zichron Yecheskel Trust 450 450
Zir Chemed 400 400
Ziv Hatorah 100 100
ZSV Trust 120 350 470
Other grants below £10,000 43,798 51,434 44,225 139,457
Other grants below £45,000 270,007 221,195 93,986 585,188
Total 101,445 130,141 625,873 6,870,963 1,576,958 3,532,924 8,274,157 5,375,301 1,902,836 28,390,598

Data sources


