Norwood Ravenswood

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Norwood Ravenswood (Company number 03263519, Charity number: 1059050, often simply called Norwood) is a children and families charity which describes itself as a 'safety net of the community, tackling issues which hit at the very heart of Anglo-Jewry and threaten its future...'[1]


  • Richard Desmond - President. Desmond gave £2million to Norwood prior to his appointment. It is reported that a big row broke out over the appointment over another matter. According to the Daily Mail, the Jewish Chronicle devoted its front page and leader column to questioning the appointment. It reportedly printed a list of Desmond's 'exotic TV interests', as well as the claims he makes for them. These include: 'Red Hot Only 18: If you like them pure and fresh, Red Hot Only 18 shows the sexiest, fresh-faced beauties misbehaving'; and 'Television X Raw: Real, raw, amateur sluts All night, every night, unpolished, home-grown hussies doing what they love.' Honorary Life President and Council member Trevor Chinn is reported to have supported Desmond by saying: 'These activities (adult TV) are marginal[2].
  • Trevor Chinn - Honorary Life President and member of the Norwood Council

Honorary Officers



Her Majesty The Queen

Patron of Children’s Services

Cherie Blair


Richard Desmond

Trustee Board

Michael Teacher (Chairman) | David Ereira (Deputy Chairman) Gary Sacks (Fundraising Chairman) Russell Tenzer (Treasurer) Julia Chain Ian Fagelson Alfred Garfield Roni Goldberg Ronnie Harris Andrea Kelmanson Bernie Myers Beverly Taylor

Chief Executive

Norma Brier

Honorary Life Presidents

Sir Trevor Chinn CVO Clive Marks OBE Sir Evelyn de Rothschild

Norwood Council

Professor Simon Baron-Cohen | Max Caller | Judith Charlesworth | Sir Trevor Chinn CVO | Gill Gallick Dr Danya Glaser Gillian Howard Ruth Fasht OBE John Libson Jack Rabinowicz Dr Valerie Sinason[3]

Charity trustees

Name Role Date of appointment Other trusteeships
Neville Kahn Chair 31-Mar-18 Norwood Schools Ltd | The Hope Charity
Cassy Martell Trustee 26-Sep-23 None on Record
Dr Mark Orlin Berelowitz Trustee 15-Aug-23 None on Record
Miles Jason Webber Trustee 15-Aug-23 The Bubble Theatre Company Limited | The Institute For Jewish Policy Research | The Sylvia Webber Trust
Ronnie Michael Harris Trustee 17-Mar-22 None on Record
Benjamin Elliot Freeman Trustee 19-May-21 Norwood Schools Ltd | Sussex Tikvah | The Hope Charity
Timothy Keith Isaacs Trustee 21-Oct-20 Norwood Schools Ltd | The Hope Charity
Justine Helen Harris Trustee 21-Apr-20 None on record
Rachael Lee Davis-Stollar Trustee 31-Jan-20 None on Record
Tamara Finkelstein Trustee 16-Mar-18 The Leadership Centre For Local Government
Glynnis Joffe Trustee 16-Mar-18 Mind In Haringey
Angela Hodes Trustee 25-Nov-16 Genesis Research Trust
Gary Hilton Sacks Trustee 04-Dec-15 The Abraham Effect


Wigoder Family Foundation | Reuben Foundation | Stanley Kalms Foundation | Exilarch's Foundation | Pears Foundation | Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe | The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation | The Bloom Foundation | The Clore Duffield Foundation | The Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation | David & Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust | The Eranda Rothschild Foundation | The Lewis Family Charitable Trust | Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust


See also


  1. Norwood Children and Families Trust Welcome Accessed 26th July 2008
  2. HARDCASTLE, E. (2006) Untitled. Daily Mail 31st March 2006
  3. Norwood Honorary Officers Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 25th July 2008