Chris Evans (Chris Ellison)

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Chris Evans (also known as Chris Ellison, his 'party' name in the Revolutionary Communist Party) is an academic at Brunel University lecturing in multimedia[1] and is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network. In particular, he wrote for Living Marxism and Spiked,[2] was a co-founder (in 1998) of the Campaign for Internet Freedom/Internet Freedom,[3], spoke at The Great Debate on Technophobia and Technophilia in November 2002.[4]

In a pattern followed by many in the LM network Evans had links with conservative think tanks. For example, he published in the journal of the Institute of Economic Affairs in 1999.[5] His Brunel University web page mentions the IEA publication, and also a further publication on the internet from 2002. It neglects to mention that this was published by the Institute of Ideas.[6] His Brunel page also does not mention any of his RCP/Living Marxism publications (listed below).



  1. Brunel University Chris Evans, Brunel Business School, accessed 15 September 2013
  2. "Copyright in the digital age", Spiked website, 19-Sep-2002, accessed 1 Dec 2010
  3. "Oppression Net" SSRN website, accessed 2 May 2010
  4. The Internet: Brave New World? Book review by David O'Toole, The Great Debate', 2003
  5. Evans, C., Oppression net, Journal of Economic Affairs 1999, 20 (1) : 21- 28.
  6. Information given by Evans: (2002) EVANS, C., Copyright and the NET. In: The internet: Brave new world?. Hodder & Stoughton 19- 38.; Full reference: Debating Matters, The Internet: Brave New World?, Institute of Ideas, Hodder and Stoughton,2002.