Tiffany Jenkins

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Tiffany Jenkins in 2011

Tiffany Jenkins is associated with the libertarian and anti-environmental LM network. She has written for Living Marxism, is director of the arts and society programme at the Institute of Ideas [1] and has written for Spiked. [2]


"Tiffany Jenkins is an author, academic, broadcaster and columnist who writes a weekly column on social and cultural issues in the Scotsman. Her writing credits include BBC Culture, the Independent, the Art Newspaper, the Guardian and Spectator. She was the presenter of the Radio 4 programme ‘Beauty and the Brain’, which explored what brain science can tell us about art. She was previously the director of the Arts and Society Programme at the Institute of Ideas and has been a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics, Department of Law. She divides her time between London and Edinburgh."[3]

Jenkins was a contributor to the online magazine Spiked between 2001 and 2014.[4] She was also a speaker at the Battle of Ideas debating events in 2011[5], 2012[6], 2014[7] and 2015.[8]

Jenkins is Secretary of MacWhirter Associates; journalist Iain MacWhirter is Director of the company.[9]


Jenkins has a degree in art history and a PhD in sociology.[10]


Books, Book Chapters & Journals

  • Institute of Ideas and Tiffany Jenkins (ed) (2002), Alternative Medicine: Should We Swallow It? (Debating Matters), Hodder & Stoughton.
  • Institute of Ideas and Tiffany Jenkins (2002), Ethical Tourism: Who Benefits? (Debating Matters), Hodder & Stoughton.
  • Ellie Lee and Tiffany Jenkins (2002), Teenage Sex: What Should Schools Teach Children? (Debating Matters) by Institute of Ideas, Hodder & Stoughton.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2002), Management Speak Critical Quarterly (44) 4: 17-20.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2003), 'Dead Heads: medical and artistic attitudes towards the dead body', in: Kaplan, J. ed. Exhumed at the Museum of Garden History. London: Parabola Press. pp.14-16.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2004), 'Human Remains: objects to study or ancestors to bury?', Occasional Paper. London: Institute of Ideas.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2006), 'The Question of Sacred Items and Their Censure in Museums'. Nuances: Newsletter of the Association for the Respect for the Integrity of Artistic Heritage (36-37) (Trans. Christine Vermont):17-20.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2006), 'Passion and Possession: a museum polemic'. Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief, 2 (3) pp. 353-358.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2007), 'Victims Remembered'. In: Watson, S. ed. Museums and their Communities. London: Routledge, pp. 448-451.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2008), 'Dead bodies: the changing treatment of human remains in British museum collections and the challenge to the traditional model of the museum'. Mortality, 13(2) pp. 105–118.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2010), Contesting Human Remains in Museum Collections: The Crisis of Cultural Authority (Routledge Research in Museum Studies).
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2011), 'Just Say No: You Cannot Be Too Careful In Embracing Disposal' in Davies, P.(ed) Museums and the Disposals Debate. MuseumsEtc
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2011), 'Re-envisioning a Common, Capable Public', Curator: The Museum Journal. Vol: 52 No.1 January.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2012), 'Old Skeletons, Pagans and Museums: Why human remains are a bone of contention' Book chapter in: Best, J. and Harris, S. New Images, New Issues: Constructing social problems in a new century. Lynne Reinner Publishers.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2012), 'Who are we to decide -The targeting of professional authority in the contestation over human remains in British museums', Journal of Cultural Sociology 6 (3).
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2012), 'Inverting the Nation at the British Museum', Conference paper at ‘Great Narratives of Past Traditions and Revisions in National Museums. Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen', Paris 28 June – 1 July & 25–26 November 2011.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (ed) (2013), Special Issue on Cultural Interventions Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding (7), 2. Taylor Francis.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (ed) (2015), Political Culture, Soft Interventions and Nation Building, Routledge.
  • Tiffany Jenkins (2016 estimated), Keeping Their Marbles, Oxford University Press.

Popular press, magazines articles and web publications




  1. "Profile of Tiffany Jenkins", Institute of Ideas website, accessed 2 May 2010
  2. "Archaeology on the Front Line", Spiked website, accessed 2 May 2010
  3. 'Tiffany jenkins Bio', TMA Agency website. Last accessed 28 January 2016.
  4. Tiffany Jenkins Author Archive, Spiked. Last accessed 28 January 2016.
  5. 'Tiffany Jenkins - Battle of Ideas 2011', Battle of Ideas. Last accessed 28 January 2016.
  6. 'Tiffany Jenkins - Battle of Ideas 2012', Battle of Ideas. Last accessed 28 January 2016.
  7. 'Tiffany Jenkins - Battle of Ideas 2014', Battle of Ideas. Last accessed 28 January 2016.
  8. 'Tiffany Jenkins - Battle of Ideas 2015', Battle of Ideas. Last accessed 28 January 2016.
  9. 'MacWhirter Associates Officers', Last accessed 28 January 2016.
  10. 'Tiffany Jenkins - About', Tiffany Jenkins website. Last accessed 29 January 2016.

Contact details
