Luke Gittos

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LM network resources

Luke Gittos is a paralegal associated with the libertarian and anti-environmental LM network. He has written for Spiked, [1] and Culture Wars, [2] helped manage the Battle of Ideas, [3] participated in Debating Matters, [4] worked for WORLDbytes[5] and convened the London Legal Salon.[6]

Gittos studied Philosophy and Music at the University of Sussex studying in 2008. He then took a Graduate Diploma in Law at BPP Law School.


Facebook: Luke Gittos
Profile: Luke Gittos
Twitter: lukesgittos1986


  1. Barnados, butt out of the law, Spiked website, accessed 29 October 2011
  2. Luke Gittos Culture Wars website acc 29 October 2011
  3. "Committee", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 29 October 2011
  4. Luke Gittos Debating Matters website acc 29 October 2011
  5. Luke Gittos WORLDbytes website acc 29 Oct 2011
  6. Facebook event Facebook website acc 29 Oct 2011