Lesley Katon

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LM network resources

Lesley Katon is a public relations executive. She is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network in that she is a director and member of the founding team of East London Science School [1], has spoken at the Battle of Ideas [2], participated in Debating Matters [3], was a founder reader of Spiked [4] and was the business manager of Channel Cyberia[5]. Her Twitter account follows Frank Furedi and a number of other LM Network associates.

Lesley studied Fine Art and Art History at Goldsmiths, University of London.


Twitter “[ https://twitter.com/LesleyKaton]”


  1. "[ http://eastlondonscienceschool.co.uk/team]” East London Science School website, accessed 2 Sept 2013
  2. Speaker detail” Battle of ideas website, accessed 30 Aug 2013
  3. ”[ http://www.debatingmatters.com/search/results/2fefe6e42dda0da6f9cb0498c97819ab/ People]” Debating matters website, accessed 30 Aug 2013
  4. Letters” Spiked website, accessed 30 Aug 2013
  5. Pagefield - Our people” Pagefield website, accessed 30 August 2013