East London Science School

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LM network resources
The logo of the East London Science School the first venture of the LM network into running an educational establishment

East London Science School is a secondary school based in Bromley-by-Bow in East London. It opened for its first intake on 7 September 2013 and is run by the East London Science School Trust (created 23 February 2012, company number 07962059).

The East London Science School Trust was founded by David Perks, Mark Smith and Jenny Davey.[1] It is part of the libertarian anti-environmental LM network in the sense that almost all of those associated with it have multiple connections to LM network associated organisations.


Circa August 2013

According to the ELSS website in August 2013 the following people constituted the 'team': David Perks Principal Designate | Mark Smith Director/Chair | Jenny Davey Founder Member | Tom Ogg Director | James Woudhuysen Director | Dave Clements Director - i/c Social Media | Lesley Katon | Jane Sandeman | Mat Sheldon | Martyn Perks Volunteer - Design/IT | Alka Sehgal Cuthbert Volunteer[1]


According to the school Prospectus there are four governors. The Board of governors is chaired by Mark Smith and also includes:

Steering Committee

A Steering Committee of volunteers 'are working alongside the governing body to prepare the school for opening in 2013.' They include: Alka Sehgal-Cuthbert, Hans Bhurruth, Anita Zarska, Mark Taylor, Sharmini Brookes, Jenny Davey, Sonia Galea, David Clements, Lesley Katon, George Pender and Martyn Perks.[3]


According to Companies House the following people are or have been directors (date of appointment in brackets)[4]:


Address: The Clock Mill, Three Mill Lane, Bromley-by-Bow, London E3 3DU[1]
email: info AT eastlondonscienceschool.co.uk
Tel: 020 7042 5910
Web: eastlondonscienceschool.co.uk
Facebook: EastLondonScienceSchool
Twitter: @elss_freeschool


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 ELSS Our team, retrieved from the Internet Archive of 7 August 2013 on 27 august 2013
  2. Debating Matters Alumni: Tom Ogg, Graveney School, accessed 30 August 2013
  3. 3.0 3.1 East London Science School School Prospectus 2013, p. 18, retrieved from the Internet Archive of 7 August 2013 on 30 August 2013.
  4. Data from Companies House, accdessed 28 August 2013
  5. LinkedIn Mark Smith, accessed 28 August 2013.