Barbara Hewson

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LM network resources

Barbara Hewson is a barrister associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network, having written for Spiked for over ten years[1], contributed to the Pro-Choice Forum[2] and spoken at Manifesto Club events.[3] Her May 2013 call for the age of consent to be lowered to 13 and a statute of limitations to be applied to sexual offences against minors[4] received a great deal of coverage.


Professional profile “People - Barbara Hewson”, Hardwicke website accessed 11 May 2013


  1. Abortion traffic 14 Feb 2002’, Spiked website accessed 11 May 2013
  2. Ireland and Abortion’, Pro-Choice Forum website accessed 11 May 2013
  3. The Last Gap’, Manifesto Club website accessed 11 May 2013
  4. Yewtree is destroying the rule of law’, Spiked 8 May 2013, accessed 11 May 2013