New Atlantic Initiative

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The New Atlantic Initiative (NAI) was initiated on May 10-12, 1996, at the Congress of Prague, "where over 300 political, intellectual, and business leaders gathered to debate the new agenda for transatlantic relations ... In June 1996, the NAI was established as a public policy research center. It is headquartered at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C."[1]

"The NAI's central objective is to strengthen Atlantic cooperation in the post-cold war world by bringing together Americans and Europeans to work toward common goals, including:[2]

  • The reinvigoration of Atlantic institutions of political cooperation and consultation.
  • The admission of Europe's fledgling democracies into the institutions of Atlantic defense and European economic cooperation, notably NATO and the European Union.
  • The establishment of free trade between an enlarged European Union and the North American Free Trade Area as a complement to strengthening global free trade.
  • The NAI also sponsors conferences, debates, and roundtable discussions in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere.


The Atlantic Initiative is an attempt to carry the lobbying methods of AIPAC to Europe. Its related organizations, all with an "Atlantic" in their names, aim to influence policy throughout Europe. There are now Atlantic Initiatives/Foundations in about ten European countries, and most Eastern European countries, the "new Europe", have Atlantic representation. Much of the initial emphasis of these foundations is to foster friendly relations vis-a-vis Israel, to scuttle attempts to impose sanctions, and to crack down on anti-semitism.


Executive Director

International Advisory Board

Henry Kissinger – Chairman Dennis L. Bark Brian Beedham Christopher Bertram Alain Besançon
John BoltonRobert Bork Zbigniew Brzezinski Richard BurtLord Chalfont
Robert Conquest Midge DecterPaula Dobriansky Pete du Pont Paul Fabra
Joachim Fest Edwin Feulner Thomas FoleyMilos Forman Herbert Giersch
Newt GingrichGyörgy Granasztói Miriam Gross Fr. Tomáš HalíkOwen Harries
Anthony Hartley Brian HindleyRobert D. Hormats Karen Elliot House Samuel P. Huntington
Géza Jeszenszky Tomás Jezek Josef JoffeDonald Kagan Max Kampelman
Adrian KaratnyckyJack Kemp Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Charles KrauthammerWilliam Kristol
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie Michael LedeenHenri Lepage Charles M. Lichenstein Georges LiébertNicholas Lobkowicz R. F. M. Lubbers Pierre ManentAntonio Martino Mitch McConnell Ivan MiklošKenneth Minogue Joshua Muravchik Luc de la Barre de NanteuilWilliam E. Odom Daniel Oliver Janusz OnyszkiewiczViktor Orbán Richard N. Perle Lucie PilipováDaniel Pipes Norman Podhoretz Sir Charles PowellColin L. Powell David Pryce-Jones Jean-François RevelPeter Rodman Donald H. Rumsfeld Giuseppe SaccoAntxón Sarasqueta Karel Schwartzenberg Roger ScrutonWilliam C. Steere, Jr. Irwin Stelzer Hanna SuchockaClaudio Veliz Lord Weidenfeld W. Bruce WeinrodAlan Lee Williams Robert Bruce Zoellick


Website: website
