Eli Lilly and Company
Eli Lilly and Company Limited is the UK affiliate of the American pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Company of Indianapolis. In itself, Eli Lilly and Co. Ltd. is a major pharmaceutical company.[1].
Lilly has been involved in several significant pharmaceutical developments. In 1928 Lilly scientists developed the first effective treatment for pernicious anaemia, for which they share a Nobel prize. Lilly began production of Penicillin in 1943. In 1986 Lilly began to market selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, used to treat clinical depression. In 2005 Lilly released a new drug for depression, Cymbalta.[2]
Lilly’s current research interests include schizophrenia, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, attention deficit disorder, erectile dysfunction, severe sepsis, depression and bipolar disorder.
Lilly manufactures several well known pharmaceutical products including Zyprexa and Prozac (an SSRI). Zyprexa has been prescribed to nearly 20 million people globally, for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.[3] Prozac is the most widely prescribed antidepressant in history and has been used by over 54 million patients globally to treat depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa and panic disorder.[4]
Eli Lilly’s global sales in 2005 were $14.65B and their research and development spend $3,025M. Zyprexa sales alone totalled $4.20B.[5]
Board of Directors
Eli Lilly and Company list their Board of Directors for 2007 as[6]...
- Sidney Taurel - Chairman & CEO. Taurel's biography[7] describes how he first joined Eli Lilly in 1971 and took up his current positions of CEO in 1998 and Chairman in 1999. He is a member of the boards of IBM Corporation, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., the RCA Tennis Championships, is a member of the board of overseers of the Columbia Business School, a trustee at Indianapolis Museum of Art, a member of The Business Council and The Business Roundtable. He is also on the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations and is an officer of the French Legion of Honor. Taurel was previously president and a member of the executive committee of the board of directors for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
- Winfried Bischoff - Bischoff's biography[8] reports that he joined Eli Lilly in 2000. Bischoff is also chairman of Citi Europe, on the management committee of Citi Inc., a nonexecutive director of The McGraw-Hill Companies and Land Securities plc, a member of the City Promotion Panel and a member of the Council for Industry and Higher Education. His previous involvements include serving J Henry Schroder & Co. Limited, Schroders Asia Limited and Schroders plc. He has also previously served on the boards of Siemens Holdings plc, Cable and Wireless plc and IFIL Finanziaria di Partecipazioni SPA, Italy.
- J. Michael Cook - Cook's biography[9] reports that he joined Eli Lilly in 2005. Cook also serves as a member of the Advisory Council of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, is a trustee of the Scripps Research Institute, is on the boards of Comcast Corp., International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., AT&T Corp., Fidelity Group of Mutual Funds, HCA – The Healthcare Co., Northrop Grumman Corp. and Rockwell International. He is chair of the audit committees for Comcast and International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.. He also serves as chairman of the Accountability Advisory Council to the Comptroller General of the United States, is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors Blue Ribbon Panel on Corporate Governance and was named the 62nd member of the Accounting Hall of Fame in 1999. Cooks previous involvements include serving as chairman and chief executive officer of Deloitte and Touche LLP and as past president of the Institute of Outstanding Directors. Cook is also reported to have 'written and spoken extensively on international accounting standards, business globalization, auditor independence, corporate governance, gender equality in the workplace, tort and securities law reform, and he has often testified before Congress on professional issues'.
- Martin S Feldstein - Feldstein's biography[10] reports that he joined Eli Lilly in 2002. Feldstein is also the George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard University, President and CEO of the National Bureau of Economic Research, a member of the American Philosophical Society, the Institute of Medicare of the National Academy of Sciences, and is a fellow of the British Academy, the Econometric Society and the National Association for Business Economics. Feldstein is a member of the executive committee of the Trilateral Commission, a director of the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Feldstein is also a director of American International Group and is reported to be an economic advisor to several businesses in the United States and abroad whilst also contributing regularly to The Wall Street Journal. His previous involvements include serving as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and as President Ronald Reagan's chief economic advisor. He also previously served as a fellow at Nuffield College (1964-67), was a lecturer in public finance for Oxford University and served as an assistant professor (in 1967), associate professor (in 1968) and full professor (in 1969) at Harvard University.
- George M C Fisher - Fisher's biography[11] reported that he is also a Senior Advisor for Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Company and Presiding Director of General Motors Corporation. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the International Academy of Astronautics. Fisher's previous involvements include serving as chairman & CEO for Motorola Inc. and the Eastman Kodak Company. He worked for ten years in research and development at Bell Telephone Laboratories, served as Chairman of PanAmSat Corporation and was on the boards of AT&T, American Express Company, Comcast Corporation, Delta Air Lines Inc., Eastman Kodak Company, Hughes Electronics Corporation, Motorola, Inc., Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Brown University and The National Urban League Inc. Fisher also served as chairman of the National Academy of Engineering (2000-2004), is a former member of the boards of the University of Illinois Foundation (1997-1999) and the U.S.-China Business Council (1997-1999), former chairman the Council on Competitiveness (1991-1993), former member of the World Wildlife Fund National Council and Trustee Emeritus of George Eastman House. He also previously served as Vice Chairman for The Business Council (1997-1999) and as Chairman of the Industry Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC). It is also reported that Fisher 'has been active in U.S./International trade issues through advisory groups to the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. Secretary of Commerce'. Fisher's previous involvements also include serving as member of the President's Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations which he joined in 1997[12]
- J Erik Fyrwald - Fyrwald's biography[13] describes how he is currently also Group Vice President of DuPont Agriculture & Nutrition (since 2003), having served DuPont in a variety of areas since he joined them in 1981. Fyrwald also serves on the boards of CropLife International President's Advisory Group, Des Moines Art Center, Greater Des Moines Partnership (Public and Private Collaboration) and The Solae Company.
- Alfred G Gilman - Gilman's biography[14] reports that he joined Eli Lilly in 1995. Gilman is also Executive Vice President for academic affairs and provost at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, where he also serves as regental professor of pharmacology and as Dean of Southwestern Medical School. He is a member of the board of directors of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.. Gilman previously served ten years with the University of Virginia in Charlottesville (commencing in 1971), where his positions included assistant, associate, and professor of pharmacology, and director of the medical scientist training program. He was also the editor of Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics from 1980–1990.
- Karen N Horn - Horn's biography[15] reports that she joined Eli Lilly in 1987. Horn is also Senior Managing Director for the Brock Capital Group (since 2004), is a Director of T Rowe Price Mutual Funds, The U.S. Russia Investment Fund (a presidential appointment), the Simon Property Group and Fannie Mae. Horn has also served on the President's Bipartisan Commission on Entitlements. Her previous involvements include serving as President for Private Client Services, senior managing director and head of international private banking for Bankers Trust Company, chairman and CEO of Bank One, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Treasurer of the Bell Telephone Company, Vice President of First National Bank of Boston, and between 1999 to 2003, as Managing Director of Marsh Inc. (a subsidiary of MMC).
- John C Lechleiter - President & CEO. Lechleiter's biography[16] describes how he joined Eli Lilly in 1979 and served in a variety of positions (including the company's policy and strategy committee and as Vice President for development and regulatory affairs) before taking up the positions of CEO and President in 2008. Lechleiter is also a member of the American Chemical Society, a member of the board of trustees of Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), was appointed to the Visiting Committee of Harvard Business School and to the Health Policy and Management Executive Council of the Harvard School of Public Health (in 2004). He also serves as distinguished advisor of The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, is a member of the board of directors and executive committee of Fairbanks Institute, is on the board of Indianapolis Downtown Inc. and is a member of the United Way of Central Indiana board of directors.
- Ellen R Marram - Marram's biography[17] reports that she is also President of The Barnegat Group LLC, Advisor to North Castle Partners L.L.C. (where she was formerly Managing Director 2000-2005), member of the Board of Directors of Ford Motor Company, The New York Times Company and several other companies who's names are not disclosed. She is a Trustee of the Conference Board and also serves on the boards of The New York & Presbyterian Hospital, Lincoln Center Theater, Families and Work Institute, and Citymeals-on-Wheels. Marram's previous involvements include serving as a member of the Board of Associates of Harvard Business School, President and Chief Executive Officer of Tropicana and the Tropicana Beverage Group (1993-1998) and President and CEO of the Nabisco Biscuit Company (1987-1993). Between 1970 to 1986, she is reported to have 'held a series of marketing positions at Nabisco/Standard Brands, Johnson & Johnson and Lever Brothers.
- Franklyn G Prendergast - Prendergast's biography[18] reports that he joined Eli Lilly in 1995. Prendergast is a member of the American Chemical Society, American Society for Photobiology, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Biophysical Society, Sigma Xi, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and American Cancer Society. His biography describes how he has served the Mayo Medical School and the Mayo Foundation since joining the Mayo Medical School in 1975.
- Kathi P Seifert - Seifert's biography[19] reports that she joined Eli Lilly in 1995. Seifert is also Chairman of Pinnacle Perspectives LLC, a member the board of directors of Supervalu Inc., Revlon Consumer Products Corporation, Lexmark International Inc., Appleton Papers Inc., the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center. Seiferts previous involvements include serving Procter & Gamble, Beatrice Foods, Fort Howard Paper Company and as Executive Vice President for Kimberly-Clark Corporation (where she held a variety of positions between 1978-2004)
Executive Management
Eli Lilly and Company list their Executive Management for 2007 as comprising[20]...
- Sidney Taurel - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
- Robert A Armitage - Senior Vice President and General Counsel
- Robert W Armstrong - Vice President, Global External Research and Development, Lilly Research Laboratories
- Alex M Azar II - Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Communications
- Alan Breier - Vice President for Medical and Chief Medical Officer
- Bryce D Carmine - President, Global Product Development
- William W Chin - Vice President, Discovery Research and Clinical Investigation
- Robert A Cole - Vice President, Global Engineering and Environmental Health and Safety
- Deirdre P Connelly - President, Lilly USA
- Newton F Crenshaw - President and General Manager, Lilly Japan
- Andrew M Dahlem - Vice President, Lilly Research Labs Operations
- Frank M Deane - President, Manufacturing
- Alecia A DeCoudreaux - Vice President and General Counsel
- Johanna Carmel Egan - Vice President, Project Management
- Timothy R. Franson - Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs
- Thomas W Grein - Vice President and Treasurer
- Simon N R Harford - Vice President and Controller
- Michael C Heim - Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
- Abbas Hussain- Vice President Europe
- Patrick C James - President, Elanco Animal Health
- Peter J Johnson - Executive Director, Corporate Strategic Planning
- Elizabeth H Klimes - Vice President, Six Sigma
- John C Lechleiter - President and Chief Operating Officer
- Patricia Martin - Vice President, Global Diversity
- Anthony Murphy - Senior Vice President, Human Resources
- Anne Nobles - Vice President, Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management and Chief Compliance Officer
- Steven M Paul - Executive Vice President, Science and Technology, President of Lilly Research Laboratories
- Richard D Pilnik - Group Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
- Derica W Rice - Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
- Gino Santini - Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Policy
- Sharon L Sullivan - Vice President, Human Resources–Global Compensation and HR Services
- Lorenzo Tallarigo - President, International Operations
- Jacques Tapiero - President, Intercontinental Operations
- Albertus van den Bergh - Vice President, Global Customer Solutions
- Thomas Verhoeven - Vice President for Process and Product Development
- Fionnuala Walsh - Vice President of Quality
- James A Ward - Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer
Patient Groups
Eli Lilly and Company UK report their relationships with Patient Groups in 2006 as follows[21]...
- British Lung Foundation - £20,000, all of which is dedicated to the UK Lung Cancer Coalition.
- Cancer Research UK Scotland - £1,500
- Cancerbackup - £23,000
- Continence Foundation - £11,800 (Lilly in partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Depression Alliance - $15,000 (Lilly in partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Diabetes UK - £31,836
- Diabetes UK Scotland - £500
- Hafal - £5,000
- MDF The BiPolar Organisation - £5,000
- Men’s Health Forum - £7,500
- Men’s Health Forum Scotland - £500
- Mesothelioma UK (National Macmillan Mesothelioma Resource Centre) - £20,000
- National Schizophrenia Fellowship (Scotland) - £5,000
- Rethink - £25,000
- Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation - £2,000
- Royal National Institute of the Blind Scotland - £4,000
- Sexual Dysfunction Association - £25,000
In 2006, the Lilly Grants Committee has made the following grants:
- Amersham and High Wycombe Branch of the Parkinson´s Disease Society - £400
- Birmingham Parents Group - £200
- British Lung Foundation Scotland - £900
- Centre for Mental Health - £15,000 (in partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim)
- Children´s Holiday Foundation Devon - £250
- Clydebank Asbestos Group - £17,560
- Diabetes Calshot Holiday - £100
- Diabetes West Midlands - £200
- Macmillan Cancer Relief - £2,000
- Mencap - £100
- National Osteoporosis Society (Winchester Support Group) - £100
- National Osteoporosis Society - £250
- Perth and Kinross ADHD Support Group - £1,412
- SeeAbility - £100
- TB Alert - £1,500
- The Tern Veterinary Group - £100
- Winchester Deanery Children´s Society - £150
Eli Lilly list some of their alliances with other organisations as follows[22]. The exact nature and timescales of the alliances are not disclosed.
- Alkermes Inc. - Research & Development alliance to develop inhaled formulations of insulin
- Nicholas Piramal India Limited - Research & Development alliance in the development of several pre-clinical drug candidates
- Structural GenomiX Inc. - Research & Development alliance.
- Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. - Commercialization alliance, development and commercialization of diabetes therapies.
- Quintiles Transnational Corp. - Commercialization alliance, promotion & marketing
- Boehringer Ingelheim - Commercialization alliance, promotion & marketing
- Lonza Group - Manufacturing alliance
Particia Martin, Executive Director of alliance management at Eli Lilly reported to Pharmaceutical Executive [23] that Lilly has been partnering for a long time and is involved in hundreds of alliances.
Eli Lilly provided generous support for the Expert Consensus Guideline Series: Treatment of Schizophrenia 1999 an initiative aiming at establishing uniform medication guidelines for schizophrenia[24]. It is reported that this was an initiative 'supported exclusively by 6 pharmaceutical companies: Eli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceutica Inc., Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Pfizer Inc. and Zeneca Pharmaceuticals' (now known as AstraZeneca). Michael Hogan and Laurie Flynn were also involved in this initiative.
Eli Lilly and Company was a donor to the Science Media Centre in 2004 and 2005 according to the SMC.[25]
Public Relations, Lobbying and Business Intelligence Firms
Eli Lilly is listed as a client for Business Insights[26], The Gorlin Group[27], Butler Kelly and Brevia Consulting.
In 2008, Lilly is listed as a client of Innovex[28], as a member of the American Benefits Council[29] and a member of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations[30]
The Centre for Responsive Ethics report the following as agencies hired to assist in Eli Lilly's lobbying activities in 2007[31]...
- McManus Group - $180,000
- Nickles Group - $169,500
- Barbour, Griffith and Rogers - $120,000
- Ricchetti Inc - $120,000
- Foley Hoag LLP - $100,000
- OB-C Group - $60,000
- Capitol Hill Consulting - $40,000
- Sidley, Austin et al - $40,000
- Monument Policy Group - $33,000
Other agencies hired previous to 2007 (during the period 1999-2006) are reported as...
- PodestaMattoon
- Legislative Strategies Group
- McDermott, Will & Emery
- Albers & Co
- Crowell & Moring
- Bennett, Turner & Coleman
- Clark & Weinstock
- Ernst & Young
- HC Assoc
- Policy Directions Inc
- Baker & Hostetler
- Shook, Hardy & Bacon
- Alexander Strategy Group
- Verner, Liipfert et al
- Strategic Health Solutions
- Venn Strategies
- Ropes & Gray
- Mayer, Brown et al
- Greenberg Traurig LLP
- Andreae & Assoc
- Andreae, Vick & Assoc
- Westin Rinehart Group
- Guida Consulting Services
- Spencer-Roberts
- Venable LLP
- Pillsbury, Winthrop et al
Government and the Corporate Purse
The Centre for Responsive Ethics report the following political contributions by Eli Lilly[32]...
- 2007-2008 $341,006 (51% Democrat, 49% Republican) -note:full contributions not yet calculated for this cycle.
- 2005-2006 $746,660 (27% Dems, 72% Reps)
- 2003-2004 $981,252 (27% Dems, 73% Reps)
- 2001-2002 $1,665,031 (26% Dems, 74% Reps)
- 1999-2000 $1,759,025 (20% Dems, 80% Reps)
Lobbying expenditure is reported as follows[33]...
- 2007 - $1,960,000 (total amount not yet available)
- 2006 - $3,700,000
- 2005 - $3,086,890
- 2004 - $3,400,000
- 2003 - $4,760,000
- 2002 - $6,800,000
- 2001 - $6,500,000
- 2000 - $5,300,000
- 1999 - $4,590,000
Influencing Doctors
In 2007, Shahram Ahari former pharmaceutical sales representative for Eli Lilly makes clear the influence that pharmaceuticals firms have over doctors in the Public Library of Science (PLoS) journal[34].
'It's my job to figure out what a physician's price is... at the most basic level, everything is for sale and everything is an exchange'.
See How the Pharmaceutical Industry Influences Doctors for details
- ↑ http://www.lilly.co.uk/Nitro/index.jsp (Eli Lilly and Co. Homepage)
- ↑ http://www.lilly.co.uk/Nitro/newTemplates/general/Content_IT_LBCT.jsp?page=1198 (Eli Lilly History online)
- ↑ http://www.zyprexa.com/index.jsp (Zyprexa online from Eli Lilly)
- ↑ http://www.prozac.com/index.jsp (Prozac online from Eli Lilly)
- ↑ Gray, N. (2006) Changing Landscapes: A special Report on the World’s Top 50 Pharma Companies, Pharmaceutical Executive. Available online at: pharmexec.findpharma.com/pharmexec/2005-Pharm-Exec-50-revised/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/354138
- ↑ Elli Lilly and Company Director Profiles Accessed 27th December 2007
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Sidney Taurel Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Winifried Bischoff Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly Company J Michael Cook Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Martin S Feldstein Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company George M C Fisher Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Clinton Presidential Centre President Names Members to Advisory Committee for Trade Policy Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company J Erik Fyrwald Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Alfred G Gilman Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Karen N Horn Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company John C Lechleiter Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Ellen R Marram accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Franklin G Prendergast Accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Kathi P Seifert accessed 31st January 2008
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Executive Management Accessed 27th December 2007
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Patient Group Relationships Accessed 31st December 2007
- ↑ Eli Lilly and Company Alliances Accessed 31st December 2007
- ↑ Pharmaceutical Executive Biotech and Pharma - Why Alliances FailAccessed 31st December 2007
- ↑ Weibert, S. The Genesis of President Bush’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Teenscreen Truth. Accessed 9th January 2008
- ↑ Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013.
- ↑ Business Insights Patient Power: The shift towards more informed, more powerful consumers of drugs Accessed 5th February 2008
- ↑ The Gorlin Group Clients Accessed 20th March 2008
- ↑ Innovex Our Customers Accessed 12th February 2008
- ↑ American Benefits Council Memberships Accessed 26th February 2008
- ↑ International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations Members Accessed 11th March 2008
- ↑ The Centre for Responsive Ethics Lobbying/Eli Lilly & Co Accessed 12th March 2008
- ↑ The Centre for Responsive Ethics Eli Lilly and Company Accessed 12th March 2008
- ↑ The Centre for Responsive Ethics Lobbying/Eli Lilly & Co Accessed 12th March 2008
- ↑ Public Library of Science Following the Script: How Drug Reps Make Friends and Influence Doctors Accessed 28th March 2008