Clark & Weinstock

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Clark & Weinstock describes themselves as 'one of Washington’s most highly-regarded government relations and public affairs consulting firms'[1].

On their website they boast that...

'Because we have broad experience in both political parties and across so many areas of government, the private sector and the news media, Clark & Weinstock has the capability to communicate effectively with virtually any decision-maker or opinion leader who might influence a policy decision important to our clients'[2].


Weber served in the United States House of Representatives from 1981 to 1993 and according to his biography,

'Vin is one of the most prominent and successful strategists in the Republican Party and enjoys strong bipartisan relationships across the Legislative and Executive branches of government. He serves as a trusted advisor to senior officials in the Administration and on Capitol Hill, and has counseled numerous Presidential campaigns'.

Weber previously co-chaired a major 'independent' task force on U.S. Policy Toward Reform in the Arab World with former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Prior to 1994, Vin was president and co-director of Empower America a public policy advocacy group alongside other co-directors Jack Kemp, Jeane Kirkpatrick and Bill Bennett. He was a member of the Appropriations Committee and an elected member of the House Republican Leadership and prior to this was campaign manager and chief Minnesota aide to Senator Rudy Boschwitz (1978-1980)

Weber is a contributing columnist to The Hill newspaper and was the publisher of The Murray County Herald from 1976-1978. He has featured in numerous national publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, the Associated Press, National Journal and The New Republic. He has also appeared on NBC’s Nightly News, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS, ABC’s This Week, the CBS Early Show, Fox News Channel, CNN and MSNBC.



  1. Clark & Weinstock Home Page Accessed 20th March 2008
  2. ibid
  3. Clark & Weinstock Davis Weinstock Accessed 20th March 2008
  4. Clark & Weinstock Vin Weber Accessed 20th March 2008
  5. The Centre for Responsive Ethics Lobbying-Pfizer Accessed 11th March 2008