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*[[Aspen Institute Berlin]] German arm of the neo-conservative think-tank. From 2001 to 2007, the Institute was headed by Dr [[Jeffrey Gedmin]], the former Executive Director of the AEI's New Atlantic Initiative. In January 2007, the Institute sponsored a London lecture by former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entitled 'The Legal Case against Iran's President.
*[[Aspen Institute Berlin]] German arm of the neo-conservative think-tank. From 2001 to 2007, the Institute was headed by Dr [[Jeffrey Gedmin]], the former Executive Director of the AEI's New Atlantic Initiative. In January 2007, the Institute sponsored a London lecture by former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entitled 'The Legal Case against Iran's President.
*[[Fondazione Magna Carta]] (Magna Carta Foundation)
*[[Fondazione Magna Carta]] (Magna Carta Foundation) Italian think-tank with close links to the American Enterprise Institute.  The two foundations co-sponsored a conference in Rome in June 2007 to coincide with George Bush's visit to Italy. Prominent neo-cons in attendance included John Bolton, Gary Schmitt, Reuel Marc Gerecht and Jeffrey Gedmin.
Italian think-tank with close links to the American Enterprise Institute.  The two foundations co-sponsored a conference in Rome in June 2007 to coincide with George Bush's visit to Italy. Prominent neo-cons in attendance included John Bolton, Gary Schmitt, Reuel Marc Gerecht and Jeffrey Gedmin.
*[[Policy Exchange]] An influential British think-tank employing Dean Godson, former Telegraph leader writer, special assistant to Conrad Black, and brother of Roy Godson.  Policy Exchange successfully campaigned for the British Government to downgrade contacts with the Muslim Council of Britain, notably in the pamphlet When Progressives Treat with Reactionaries by journalist Martin Bright. It has since been accused by the BBC of employing fabricated evidence to link British mosques with extremism.
*[[Policy Exchange]] An influential British think-tank employing Dean Godson, former Telegraph leader writer, special assistant to Conrad Black, and brother of Roy Godson.  Policy Exchange successfully campaigned for the British Government to downgrade contacts with the Muslim Council of Britain, notably in the pamphlet When Progressives Treat with Reactionaries by journalist Martin Bright. It has since been accused by the BBC of employing fabricated evidence to link British mosques with extremism.
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*[[International Media Intelligence Analysis]] European –based organisation focusing on threats from the Middle East. Affiliated with the newsletter Realite-EU, and jointly owned by ‘terror expert’ [[Simon Barrett]] and businesswoman [[Jill Sinclair]].
*[[International Media Intelligence Analysis]] European –based organisation focusing on threats from the Middle East. Affiliated with the newsletter Realite-EU, and jointly owned by ‘terror expert’ [[Simon Barrett]] and businesswoman [[Jill Sinclair]].
*[[European Strategic and Intelligence Center]]
*[[European Strategic and Intelligence Center]] Think-tank headed by [[Realite-EU]] expert Claude Moniquet.
Think-tank headed by [[Realite-EU]] expert Claude Moniquet.

Revision as of 14:51, 24 September 2008

  • American Enterprise Institute Key US neo-conservative think-tank which in 1996 launched the New Atlantic Initiative at the 'Congress of Prague', and which publishes a regular European Outlook. At the AEI's 2007 dinner, Bernard Lewis delivered the keynote address on Europe and Islam.
  • National Strategy Information Center US think-tank headed by neo-conservative covert action theorist Roy Godson. Through its Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, the Center maintains links with Britain’s Security and Intelligence Studies Group.
  • Policy Forum on International Security Affairs A London-based think-tank that organises off-the-record discussions between US policymakers and the international press corps. Director Devon Gaffney Cross co-ordinates closely with Eric Edelman, the neo-conservative who replaced Douglas Feith as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. She has been linked to two hard-line Likudist organisations, One Jerusalem and Case for Freedom, and is an advisor to the Lincoln Group, which won a Pentagon contract to carry out psychological warfare in Iraq.
  • The Social Affairs Unit is a longstanding rightwing think tank which published the Henry Jackson Society manifesto and has also produced scaremongering and evidentially flawed reports on British Islam.
  • Hollinger International A Canadian media company formerly owned by Conrad Black, who appointed Richard Perle as one of its directors. One of Hollinger’s UK publications, the Daily Telegraph, was successfully sued by MP George Galloway after it published documents purportedly uncovered in Baghdad concerning his relationship to the Iraqi regime.
  • FAES - Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales (Foundation for Social Research and Analysis) Spanish think-tank headed by former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, a member of the Committee on the Present Danger. Among the trustees is former foreign Minister Ana Palacio, a frequent speaker at functions of the American Jewish Committee. FAES is part of the Stockholm Network. It co-organised the Prague Democracy and Security Conference in June 2007, a major gathering of neo-conservatives, along with the Prague Security Studies Institute and the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, an Israeli think-tank chaired by Natan Sharansky.
  • Prague Security Studies Institute Czech think-tank whose co-founder Roger W. Robinson, Jr is a former chairman of the William J. Casey Institute of the Center for Security Policy. Frank Gaffney, of the Committee on the Present Danger and the Project for a New American Century, is on the Institute's executive committee. Vaclav Havel is one of several members of the Committee on the Present Danger on the Institute's international advisory board. Robert Pfalzgraff is also affiliated with the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, while Michael Novak is also affiliated with the Social Affairs Unit. The Institute co-organised the Prague Democracy and Security Conference in June 2007.
  • The Jean-Jacques Rousseau Institute Paris-based 'organization for pro-West political action in Europe.' Executive Chairman Michel Gurfinkiel is a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Commentary, the Weekly Standard and the Jerusalem Post.
  • CounterJihad Europa Project of the Center for Vigilant Freedom, intended as 'clearing house for national initiatives to oppose the Islamisation of Europe.' Website emerged out of the Counterjihad Brussels Conference in 2007, which featured speakers from across Europe as well as Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
  • Aspen Institute Berlin German arm of the neo-conservative think-tank. From 2001 to 2007, the Institute was headed by Dr Jeffrey Gedmin, the former Executive Director of the AEI's New Atlantic Initiative. In January 2007, the Institute sponsored a London lecture by former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entitled 'The Legal Case against Iran's President.
  • Fondazione Magna Carta (Magna Carta Foundation) Italian think-tank with close links to the American Enterprise Institute. The two foundations co-sponsored a conference in Rome in June 2007 to coincide with George Bush's visit to Italy. Prominent neo-cons in attendance included John Bolton, Gary Schmitt, Reuel Marc Gerecht and Jeffrey Gedmin.
  • Policy Exchange An influential British think-tank employing Dean Godson, former Telegraph leader writer, special assistant to Conrad Black, and brother of Roy Godson. Policy Exchange successfully campaigned for the British Government to downgrade contacts with the Muslim Council of Britain, notably in the pamphlet When Progressives Treat with Reactionaries by journalist Martin Bright. It has since been accused by the BBC of employing fabricated evidence to link British mosques with extremism.
  • Centre for Social Cohesion Think-tank founded by Civitas in 2007, with prominent British neo-conservative Douglas Murray as director. The Centre has maintained a persistent and hostile focus on British Islam.
  • Euston Manifesto Group Coalition of writers and bloggers dedicated to advancing neo-conservative ideas on the British left. Membership overlaps with a number of other neo-conservative and Zionist groups, notably the online journal Democratiya and the Pro-Israel lobby group Engage.
  • Open Europe Part of the Stockholm network of right-wing European think tanks. Held a joint briefing with International Media Intelligence Analysis on 'Iran, Britain and Europe: Post hostage crisis, what can we expect next?' at the House of Commons in London.
