Conrad Black

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Conrad Black

Conrad Black is a former media mogul whose Hollinger International empire once included the Daily Telegraph, the Jerusalem Post and the Chicago Sun-Times. He was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for fraud and obstruction of justice in December 2007.[1] While Black was the proprietor of The Telegraph the newspapers journalists complained that his pro-Israeli views were affecting editorial policy. According to a report in The Guardian:

"Three prominent writers - all of them past contributors to Mr Black's Telegraph group have signed a letter to the Spectator accusing him of abusing his responsibilities as a proprietor. Such is the vehemance with which Mr Black has expounded his pro-Israeli held view, they say, no editor or reporter would dare to write frankly about the Palestinian perspective"[2].





  1. RightWeb profile - Conrad Black, accessed 4 March 2007.
  2. Matt Wells, The Black arts leave writers riled, The Guardian, 16-March-2001, Accessed 06-October-2009
  3. RightWeb profile - Conrad Black, accessed 4 March 2007.