Aspen Institute Berlin
The Aspen Institute Berlin is the German branch of the Aspen Institute.
- Shepard Stone (1974 - 1988)
- David Anderson (1989 - 1997)
- Catherine McArdle Kelleher (1998 - 2000)
- Jeffrey Gedmin (2001 - 2006)
- Charles King Mallory IV (since 2007)[1]
- Evan Bayh
- Georges Berthoin
- Prof. Kurt Biedenkopf
- Bill Bradley
- Dr. Marion Gräfin Dönhoff
- Lawrence Eagleburger
- Hans-Dietrich Genscher
- Dr. Manfred Gentz
- Prof. Bronislaw Geremek
- François Heisbourg
- Hans-Olaf Henkel
- Dr. Catherine McArdle Kelleher
- Prof. Charles B. Knapp
- Georg Krupp
- Dr. Alexander A. Kwapong
- Prof. Wolf Lepenies
- Prof. David Marquand
- Ann McLaughlin
- Dominique Moïsi
- Dr. Horst Niemeyer
- Jürgen Reuning
- Edzard Reuter
- Dr. Harald J. Schröder
- Dr. Klaus Schütz
- Carlo Scognamiglio
- Prof. Fritz Stern
- Prof. Rita Süssmuth
- Prof. Werner Weidenfeld
- Dr. Richard von Weizsäcker