Catherine McArdle Kelleher

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Former Director of the Aspen Institute Berlin (until 2001).

Professor Catherine McArdle Kelleher is professor of strategic research at the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, and senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University. Her government service includes service as Clinton’s deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, and the secretary of defense's representative to NATO in Brussels, and on President Carter's National Security Council staff. She is a former senior fellow of foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution, and she directed the Aspen Institute Berlin. Kelleher has taught and written extensively on conventional and nuclear arms control as well as on German, Russian, and European security issues. She has been decorated for her public service by both the American and German governments and received a DLitt from Mt. Holyoke College and a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Kelleher founded the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) and was the first president of Women in International Security (WIIS). In 2005, she completed 15 years of service as vice chair of the Committee on International Security and Arms Control of the National Academies of Sciences and directed annual policy dialogues with China, Russia, and India.[1]

Her own web page [2]gives her biography as below:

1998-2001 Director, Aspen Institute Berlin, 1998-2001

1996-1998 Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia (RUE), International Security Policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense

1994-1996 Secretary of Defense’s Personal Representative in Europe and Defense Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to NATO

1990-1994 Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

1982-1991 Professor, University of Maryland, School of Public Affairs

1985-1991 Director, Center for International Security Studies, University of Maryland

1980-1982 Professor, Military Strategy Department, US National War College

1979-1983 Professor, University of Denver, Graduate School of International Studies,

1977-1978 Staff Member, US National Security Council

1973-1978 Associate Professor, University of Michigan, Political Science

1973-1978 Research Associate, Institute for Social Research

1975-1976 Fellow, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London[3]

This omits that she is also a member of the Centre for European Reform although possibly this is mentioned under Advisory Boards as the Council on European Reform. The site also notes she is on the Editorial Boards of International Security and Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft and the Advisory Boards of:

Arms Control Association

Center for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces, Geneva, Switzerland

Hamburg Peace Research Institute Germany

Hessische Stiftung fuer Friedensforschung (PRIF)

Institute of Europe, Columbia University, New York

Social Science Foundation, University of Denver

Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB), Germany

Women in International Security (WIIS) President Emerita

Die Zeit Foundation, Hamburg

Isodarco, Rome, Italy

Participation in commissions, panels include: APSA Annual Meeting, Panels 2004-2008; ISA Annual Meeting, 2004-20086; CISAC, National Academies of Sciences; Liaison to Amaldi Conference of Europe 2004-2006; Member, NAS Naval Studies Boad 2008-present. She also has Memberships in professional organizations: American Political Science Association, Council on Foreign Relations and the International Studies Association.

Kelleher's CV[4]also notes her Honours & Awards:

  • 2003 Manfred Woerner Medal, Ministry of Defense, Germany
  • 2001 Ehrenkreuz in Gold der Bundeswehr, Federal Republic of Germany
  • 1998 Directors Medal, Defense Intelligence Agency
  • 1996 Distinguished Public Service Medal, Department of Defense
  • 1992 Visiting Research Fellow, Trinity Term, All Souls College, Oxford
  • 1988-1989 Kistiakowsky Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • 1981-1985 Ford International Security Studies Fellow
  • 1980 D. Litt., Mt. Holyoke College
  • 1980-1982 NATO Research Fellow
  • 1976-1977 Council on Foreign Relations, International Affairs Fellow

It also lists selected publications:

  • Atlantis Lost: The Transatlantic Relationship in the 21st Century, Baden-Baden:Nomos Verlaggesellschaft, (forthcoming)
  • "The Impact of the Solana Strategy: perspectives from the United States," commissioned

article in The Solana Strategy, edited by Sven Biscop, Palgrave, London, forthcoming

  • "Europe 10 years On" in series. The Future of Cooperative Security, Nancy Gallagher

and John Steinbruner, eds., CISSM , University of Maryland, forthcoming

  • DARE Report, The Future of a Strategic Triangle, Report to Carnegie Corporation,

Watson Institute, Brown University, June, 2005

  • "The New Definition of Security" in Charles Heimbold, ed. The Baltic Security Agenda ,

Stockholm, 2002

  • German-American-Russian (GARD) Dialogue for the 21st Century Report, sponsored by

Carnegie Corporation , 2002

  • "NATO and The Global War on Terror," in Andrew Ross and Brian Lucas, Strategy Task

Group, The Newport Papers, 2003.

  • "Foreign Policy Culture in the United States and Europe" in Bo Huldt, Sven Rudberg,

Elisabeth Davidson, eds. The Transatlantic Link (Stockholm: The National Defense College, 2001).

  • The Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe: The Politics of Post-Wall Arms Control

with Lawrence Freedman and Jane M.O. Sharp, eds., (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1996).

  • Ethnic Conflict in the Post-Soviet World, with Leokadia Drobizheva, Rose Gottemoeller,

and Lee Walker, eds., (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1996).

  • The Future of European Security: An Interim Assessment (Washington, DC: The

Brookings Institution, 1995).

  • "Cooperative Security in Europe," Janne E. Nolan, ed., Global Engagement: Cooperative

Security in the 21st Century (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1994).

  • "Defense Policy of Germany," with Cathleen Fisher, in Douglas Murray and Paul Viotti,

eds., Defense Policies of Nations, 3rd. Ed. (Johns Hopkins University Press: U.S. Air Force Academy, 1994).

  • "Soldiering On: U.S. Public Opinion on the Use of Force," Brookings Review, vol. 12

(Spring 1994) vol. 12 (Spring 1994)

  • "America's European Agenda: Learning from the Past and Creating for the Future,"

Helga Haftendorn, Christian Tuschhoff eds., America and Europe in an Era of Change, (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992).

  • "The New Germany: Unification One Year On," Brookings Review (Winter 1991).
  • "Nuclear Architecture in Europe: 1945-2000," Beatrice Heuser, ed., The Future of

Nuclear Weapons in Europe (November, Center for Defense Studies, London, 1991).

  • "President Bush's Nuclear Weapon Initiatives: an ACA press briefing," Arms Control

Today, October 1991.

  • "Tactical Nuclear Weapons," CISSM Commentary, November 1991.
  • "Economic, Social, Political, and Military Costs of Verification," in Europe in Transition:

Arms Control and Conventional Forces in the 1990's, Alan Sweedler and Randy Willoughby, eds., (University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, LaJolla, 1991).

  • "Classical Arms Control in a Revolutionary Future: Europe,"Daedalus (Winter 1991).
  • "The Future of the US-Soviet Strategic Relationship," contributing author, National

Academy of Sciences, Committee on International Security and Arms Control (September, 1991).

  • "Restructuring Military Forces and Doctrine: The Role of Arms Control," in Annals of

the 40th Pugwash Conference (September, 1991).

  • "The Changing Currency of Power: Paper 1, The Future of the U.S. Influence in Western

Europe and Northeast Asia," in Adelphi Papers No. 256, (Winter, 1990-1991).

  • "Negotiations on Short-Range Nuclear Weapons, " Arms Control Today, (January 1991).
  • "U.S. Foreign Policy and Europe, 1990-2000," Brookings Review 8, Nr. 4, (Fall 1990):


  • Nuclear Missiles, " in SIPRI Yearbook 1990: World Armaments and Disarmaments,

(Oxford: Oxford University, 1990).

  • "Fundamentals of German Security, The Creation of the Bundeswehr: Continuity and

Change," in Stephen Szabo, ed. The Bundeswehr and Western Security (London: Macimillian, 1990)

  • Intelligence in the Arms Control Process: Lessons from "INF," co-edited with Joseph E.

Naftzinger, CISSM Occasional Paper Series, (College Park, MD: Center for International Security Studies at Maryland, 1990).

  • "Conventional War in the Postwar International System" David Carlton and Carlo Scharf, eds., in Perspectives on the Arms Race, (London: Macmillan, 1989).
  • "History of the Development and Deployment of BNW," with Ernest R. May, in Stephen

D. Biddle and Peter Feaver, eds., Battlefield Nuclear Weapons: Issues and Options, CSIA Occasional Paper No. 5 (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1989).

  • "The Budget and the Alliance: Old Wine, Old Bottles," (with Lisa Mages and Eric Munz)

in The Military Budget On A New Plateau: Strategic Choices For The 1990's, (Washington, D.C.: The Committee for National Security, 1988).

  • "Countdown on Conventional Forces in Europe: A Briefing Book," (with Jeffrey

Boutwell, William Ayres and John Holdren), (Cambridge: American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Ploughshare's Fund, 1988).

  • "Alliance Issues," in Reykjavik and Beyond: Deep Reduction in Strategic Nuclear

Arsenals and the Future of Arms Control, (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences Press, 1988).

  • "Implications for NATO of Changes in U.S. Access to British Bases," CSIS British

Nuclear Allergies Project (Washington, D.C.:: Center for International and Strategic Studies, 1988).

  • "Managing NATO's Tactical Nuclear Operations," Survival, (January/February 1988).
  • "The Politics of ATBMS: The United States and The Alliance," with Ernest May, in

Donald Hafner and John Roper, eds., ATBMS and Western Security: Missile Defense for Europe, (Cambridge, Ballinger, 1988).

  • "Consensus Lost? Domestic Politics and the 'Crisis' in NATO," with William K. Domke

and Richard C. Eichenberg, World Politics 39, no. 3 (Spring 1987).

  • Evolving European Defense Policies, co-editor, with Gale A. Mattox (Lexington, MA:

D.C. Heath, 1987); Including authored chapters: "National State and National Security Issues in Postwar Europe," and "Old Bargains, New Opportunities, "

  • "NATO Nuclear Operations," in Ashton B. Carter, John D. Steinbruner and Charles A.

Zrakat, eds., Managing Nuclear Operations, (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1987).

  • Testimony: "the United States Policy Toward Europe," Hearing before the Subcommittee

on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 100th Congress, First Session, 2 December 1987.

  • "Will the Reagan Administration Accept its Own INF Proposal?" Arms Control Today

17, no.3 (April 1987).

  • "Arms Control and Deterrence Stability: Myths, Achievements Selected Titles and

Challenges," in Peter C. Sederberg, ed., Nuclear Winter, Deterrence and the Prevention of Nuclear War (New York: Praeger, 1986)

  • "Containment in Europe: The Critical Context," in Terry Deibel and John Gaddis, eds.,

Containment, (Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1986).

  • Nuclear Deterrence: New Risks, New Opportunities, co-editor, with Frank Kerr and

George Quester (New York/London: Pergamon-Brassey, 1986).

  • "Alternative Models for Middle Power Navies: Europe," in Geoffrey Till, ed., The Future

of British Seapower, (London: Macmillan, 1985).

  • "The Central Defense Organization of the Federal Republic," in Robert Art, Vincent

Davis, and Samuel Huntington, eds., Reorganizing America's Defense: Leadership in War and Peace, (New York/London: Pergamon-Brassey, 1985).

  • "America Looks at Europe: Change and Continuity in the 1980's," in Lawrence

Freedman, ed., The Troubled Alliance, (London: Heinemann, 1983); Also published in revised form in Washington Quarterly 7, no. 1, (Winter 1984).

  • Editor (with Betty A. Nesvold), SETUPS II: Cross-Nvolumes: Washington, D.C. APSA, 1976-1978).

The Watson Institute

The Watson Institute for International Studies is based at Brown University, Providence, RI.[5]Its Faculty includes Richard C. Holbrooke[6]and Romano Prodi.[7]

Its Board of Overseers[8]include Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Kathryn S. Fuller (chair of the Ford Foundation and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund), Vartan Gregorian (president of the Carnegie Corporation of New York), The Hon. Lee H. Hamilton, Karen Elliott House, William R. Rhodes, Norman Pearlstine (senior advisor at The Carlyle Group), Sir Crispin Tickell and others.

Watson's Research Areas include Global Security Projects:[9]

  • Critical Oral History
  • Dialectics of World Orders
  • Global Military Studies
  • Nuclear Dilemmas in the 21st Century: this is led by Nina Tannenwald, author of (2007) The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Nonuse of Nuclear Weapons since 1945 (Cambridge University Press, December 2007); Kelleher and Senior Fellow Sue E. Eckert.
  • Post-Soviet Policy: this featured Catherine McArdle Kelleher as a Senior Fellow, Director of D.A.R.E (Dialogue among Americans, Russians and Europeans) meeting "What Next in Transatlantic Relations?[10]Kelleher's previous initiative -the German, American, Russian Dialogue (GARD) was also supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. DARE drew on groups of GARD alumni from Russia, Germany, and the United States, but aimed to include "younger, emerging leaders from old and new Europe."[11]
  • Terrorist Networks and Finances: which features the Targeted Sanctions Project, which in 2001 collaborated "with Naval War College to analyze Restructuring Sanctions against Iraq (replacing comprehensive sanctions with a targeted sanctions and inspections regime)".[12]This involves the work of Sue E. Eckert author of the (2007) Countering the Financing of Terrorism[13].
  • The Politics of Policing Illicit Flows
