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:Their purpose is to persuade the visitors to all of these separate blogs to come together and spend their time at Pajamas Media buying products offered there (Dave of Israelly Cool in his diatribe against this post doesn’t seem to understand that I’m speaking of ads–so let me spell it out to ya Dave). A multi-author blog will (the founders hope) give the new site the heft needed to bring major online advertisers to the venture and pay the participants handsomely for their efforts.<ref>Richard Silverstein, [http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2005/10/20/pajamas-medias-tilt-toward-israeli-right/ "PAJAMAS MEDIA’S TILT TOWARD ISRAELI RIGHT"], Tikun Olam, 20 October 2005</ref> | :Their purpose is to persuade the visitors to all of these separate blogs to come together and spend their time at Pajamas Media buying products offered there (Dave of Israelly Cool in his diatribe against this post doesn’t seem to understand that I’m speaking of ads–so let me spell it out to ya Dave). A multi-author blog will (the founders hope) give the new site the heft needed to bring major online advertisers to the venture and pay the participants handsomely for their efforts.<ref>Richard Silverstein, [http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2005/10/20/pajamas-medias-tilt-toward-israeli-right/ "PAJAMAS MEDIA’S TILT TOWARD ISRAELI RIGHT"], Tikun Olam, 20 October 2005</ref> | ||
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+ | In March 2009 Simon informed a PJ affiliate that they pay for advertising space that PJ planned to "wind down." This may explain the vastly reduced blogger network it now displays. | ||
+ | |||
+ | :As the end of the first quarter approaches and we near the production phase of Pajamas TV, we will continue to build our emphasis in this area. As a result we have decided to wind down the Pajamas Media Blogger and advertising network effective March 31, 2009. The PJM portal and the XPressBlogs will continue as is.<ref name=protein>Protein Wisdom, [http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=14222 "What getting kicked to the curb in the age of new media looks like"], Protein Wisdom, 30 January 2009, accessed on 30 October 2010</ref> | ||
==History== | ==History== |
Revision as of 01:30, 31 October 2010
Pajamas Media (PJ) is a right-wing blog aggregator co-founded in 2005 by Charles Johnson (founder of Little Green Footballs)[1] and Roger L. Simon. After briefly changing its name to Open Source Media (OSM™), it reverted to its original in November 2005.[2] According to Simon the purpose of Pajamas Media is "to give bloggers access to more advertising revenue" and "to develop a Blog News Network that will do what many bloggers fear Google will no longer do; aggregate blog posts on various topics and present them for bloggers and blog readers to peruse and search through."[3] Upon its inception Richard Silverstein pointed out that in addition to spreading mostly right-wing commentary, the owners will also profit "handsomely" by advertising to readers:
- Their purpose is to persuade the visitors to all of these separate blogs to come together and spend their time at Pajamas Media buying products offered there (Dave of Israelly Cool in his diatribe against this post doesn’t seem to understand that I’m speaking of ads–so let me spell it out to ya Dave). A multi-author blog will (the founders hope) give the new site the heft needed to bring major online advertisers to the venture and pay the participants handsomely for their efforts.[4]
In March 2009 Simon informed a PJ affiliate that they pay for advertising space that PJ planned to "wind down." This may explain the vastly reduced blogger network it now displays.
- As the end of the first quarter approaches and we near the production phase of Pajamas TV, we will continue to build our emphasis in this area. As a result we have decided to wind down the Pajamas Media Blogger and advertising network effective March 31, 2009. The PJM portal and the XPressBlogs will continue as is.[5]
Johnson and Simon were encouraged by their experience of "two events that marked the growing influence of blogs on society: a blog-driven investigation into the United Nations Oil for Food scandal and another into the falsified military records cited by CBS News in coverage of President George W. Bush." [1] "[A]lready friends via their blogs, Little Green Footballs and Roger L. Simon ... as they talked to other participants in the ever-expanding blogosphere, an idea began to take shape." This eventually took the form of Pajamas Media.
In 2005 PJ's editorial board members and contributors included 'Instapundit' Glenn Reynolds; CNBC's Larry Kudlow; Michael Barone, blogger and senior writer, U.S. News & World Report; David Corn, blogger, columnist and Washington, D.C. editor for The Nation; and Claudia Rosett, the journalist who played a key role on breaking the UN 'Oil for Food' controversy.[6]
In operation since 2005, PJ has increased its web popularity over the years. The majority of PJ's bloggers hold right-wing political views, but PJ also includes bloggers that are considered Liberal, such as David Corn (formerly The Nation editor) and Marc Cooper (who is no longer part of the PJ network). As Cooper notes, PJ did not market itself as right-wing in the beginning, but quickly progressed in that direction over the years.[7] In 2007 Richard Silverstein discussed PJ's popularity in comparison to other sites:
- Alexa ranks the site 51,000 which, while being semi-respectable doesn’t come near ranking of the liberal media news sites Huffington Post (3,000) or Talking Points Memo (21,000), the conservative Drudge Report (1,000), or the centrist Politico (12,000). But the truth is that aside from Michelle Malkin and Little Green Footballs they never attracted the big name right-wing bloggers that might’ve brought them the readers they expected.[1]
In October 2010 Alexa ranks PJ as 5,965,[8] still behind Politico (3,997)[9] and far behind the Huffington Post (151).[10]According to Alexa, PJ's number highest traffic source resides first in the US and 2nd in Israel.
PJ's website no longer contains a dedicated list of editorial members but on its "About" page PJ lists the following people with editorial positions:[11]
- Aaron Hanscom – Managing Editor
- Rick Moran – Chicago Editor
- Charlie Martin – Science and Technology Editor
- Stephen Green – Denver Editor
In September 2010 a Politico report revealed that multi-millionaire Aubrey Chernick provided millions in seed money to Pajama's Media (Chernick also funds David Horowitz's Freedom Center's Jihad Watch) when it was first beginning:
- A onetime trustee of the hawkish Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Chernick led the effort to pull together $3.5 million in venture capital to start Pajamas Media, a conservative blog network that made its name partly with hawkish pro-Israel commentary and of late has kept up a steady stream of anti-mosque postings, including one rebutting attacks by CAIR against Spencer — who Pajamas Media CEO Roger Simon called “one of the ideological point men in the global war on terror.”[12]
As of October 2010 PJ includes the following bloggers in its PajamasXpress section:
- Roger L. Simon - Roger L. Simon
- Victor Davis Hanson - Works and Days
- Roger Kimball -Roger's Rules
- Ron Radosh -Ron Radosh
- Michael Totten -Michael Totten
- Claudia Rosett -The Rosett Report
- Michael Ledeen -Faster, Please!
- Richard Fernandez -Belmont Club
- Bill Whittle - Eject Eject Eject
- Phyllis Chesler -Chesler Chronicles
- Stephen Green - Vodkapundit
- Edgelings -Tech Blog
- Ed Driscoll - EdDriscoll.com
A 2005 list of bloggers (web archive) who had signed up with Pajamas Media OSM.
Beginning in September 2005, Pajamas Media provided profiles of the bloggers who had signed up for its services. Among the profiles were:
- Aussie Dave's Israellycool (anonymous blogger)
- La Shawn Barber's La Shawn Barber's Corner
- Michael Barone's Barone Blog at US News & World Report Online
- Austin Bay's Austin Bay Blog
- Tim Blair's Tim Blair
- Baron Bodissey and Dymphna's Gates of Vienna Blogspot (pseudonymous bloggers)
- Kim Bloomer's Bark 'N' Blog at aspenbloom-wellpet.com
- Tammy Bruce's TammyBruce.com
- John Cole's Balloon Juice
- Marc Cooper's marccooper.com
- David Corn's DavidCorn.com
- Pieter Dorsman's Peaktalk
- Daniel W. Drezner's Daniel W. Drezner Blog
- Edward B. Driscoll, Jr.'s EdDriscoll.com
- Dean Esmay's Dean's World
- Richard Fernandez's The Belmont Club Blogspot
- Jeff Goldstein's protein wisdom
- Stephen Green's Vodkapundit and the Weblog of Tomorrow
- "Grim"'s Grim's Hall Blogspot (pen name)
- Jose Guardia's Barcepundit Blogspot (English edition); Barcepundit Blogspot (Spanish edition)
- Nathan Hamm's Registan.net
- Celia D. Hayes (aka "Sgt. Mom")'s "The Daily Brief" at sgtstryker.com
- James D. Hudnall's Hud's Blog-o-Rama
- Steve Janke's Angry in the Great White North
- Amy Lopez's Pea Pies Designs Blogspot
- Jeremy Lyon's futurismic blog
- Evan Coyne Maloney's brain terminal
- The Manolo's Manolo's Shoe Blog
- Frank Martin's Varifrank
- Mohammed and Omar's Iraq the Model Blogspot (Iraqi dentist brothers)
- "neo-neocon"'s neo-neocon Blogspot (pen name)
- Juliette Ochieng's baldilocks
- Pamela's Atlas Shrugs Blog
- John Podhoretz, Blogger at "The Corner" in the National Review Online
- Rob Port's Say Anything Blog
- William T. Quick's Daily Pundit
- Vik Rubenfeld's The Big Picture Weblog
- Cathy Seipp's Cathy's World
- Dr. Rusty Shackleford's The Jawa Report
- Laurence Simon's This Blog Is Full Of Crap
- Don Singleton's Don Singleton Blogspot
- Martin Solomon's Solomonia dot com
- Michael J. Totten's Middle East Journal
- Eric Umansky's EricUmansky.com
- Eugene Volokh's The Volokh Conspiracy
- Sissy Willis's sisu
Pajamas Media Editorial Advisory Board in 2005
As of October 2010 these names are listed on PJ's website with editorial positions, but no full Editorial page is open to the public anymore. As of November 23, 2005 the following names were listed as members of PJ's advisory board (the links are no longer active):
- Glenn Reynolds, Chair | Michael Barone | Austin Bay
- Adam Bellow
- Tim Blair
- Tammy Bruce
- Marc Cooper
- David Corn
- Richard Fernandez
- Jose Guardia
- Jane Hall
- Larry Kudlow
- Michael Ledeen
- Clifford D. May
- John Podhoretz
- Claudia Rosset
- Mark Steyn
Pajamas Media is listed as one of the four 'favorite' media sources by the neoconservative Foundation for the Defense of Democracies along with Steve Emerson's Counterterrorism Blog, William Kristol's Weekly Standard and National Review Online.
Contact details
Pajamas Media Los Angeles headquarters
100 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 275
El Segundo, CA 90245
Telephone: 877 676-2564
URL: http://pajamasmedia.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/pajamasmedia
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pajamasmedia
- Wikipedia Pajama Media
External articles
- Roger L. Simon, "An Open Letter to All Bloggers," RogerLSimon.com, April 28, 2005.
- Armed Liberal, "The New New Media," Winds of Change, April 29, 2005.
- Daniel W. Drezner, "Some changes are coming on Internet ads," DanielDrezner.com, April 29, 2005.
- Darren Rowse, "Pajamas Media - Proceed with Caution," Problogger, May 2, 2005.
- "'Pajamas' Blog Ad Network Being Stitched Together," Marketing Vox, May 2, 2005.
- Roderick Boyd, "Three Political Web Logs Make a Run for the Mainstream," New York Sun, May 3, 2005.
- Roger L. Simon, "Pajamas Media Meets Mainstream Media," RogerLSimon.com, May 3, 2005.
- "Blog Collaboration: Pajamas Media," Slant Point, May 3, 2005.
- Tim Oren, "Pajamas Media: Breaking Cover," Scoble's Link Blog, May 5, 2005.
- Peter Hannaford, "Pajama Game," The American Spectator, May 12, 2005.
- John Hawkins, "An Interview With Marc Danziger, One Of The Pajamas Media Partners," Right Wing News, May 16, 2005. re Marc Danziger
- FrankJ, "Pajamas Media," IMAO, May 16, 2005.
- Eric, "Pajamas Media Update," Myopic Zeal, May 16, 2005.
- Pejman Yousefzadeh, "The Rise of Pajamas Media," Tech Central Station, May 20, 2005.
- Ilkya Damen, "An Idle Question Which May or May Not Be Intended to Stir up Trouble," Ilkya Damen, June 19, 2005.
- "How do you like those pajamas?" Althouse, July 30, 2005.
- "Pajamas Media vs. BlogAds -- the blogger's perspective," Althouse, July 31, 2005.
- "Althouse, Vanderleun and Pajamas Media," The Anchoress Online, August 1, 2005.
- "Blog Ad Wars," Confederate Yankee, August 1, 2005.
- "Why I won't sign up with Pajamas Media," Zacht Ei, August 10, 2005.
- Kathy Herrmann, "Pajamas Media -- Two week post-launch review," Big Cat Chronicles Blogharbor, August 17, 2005.
- "Pajamas Media ramping up," L.A.Observed, September 26, 2005.
- "New Blog Venture Unveils All-Star Contributors, Prepares for November Debut," PR Newswire, October 17, 2005.
- Doug Williams, "Too Small To Wear Pajamas?" Bogus Gold, October 17, 2005.
- Elinor Mills, "Bloggers unite for aggregation site," CNET News, October 17, 2005.
- Jack Grant, "My experience with Pajamas Media," Random Fate, October 17, 2005; also posted on The Moderate Voice.
- Micah L. Sifry, "Pajamas Media Plays Peek-a-Boo," Personal Democracy, October 18, 2005.
- Richard Silverstein, "Pajamas Media’s Tilt Toward Israeli Right," Tikun Olam, October 20, 2005.
- "Sorry, But You’re Probably Not Going To Make Money With Pajamas Media," Dennis The Peasant, October 20, 2005.
- "Pajamas Media Blog Network Announced," Marketing Vox, October 24, 2005.
- "Some Thoughtful Comments Spur Further Discussion About On Pajamas Media," Dennis The Peasant, October 24, 2005.
- David Cohn, "Will Pajamas Media Wake Up Blogs?" Wired, October 26, 2005.
- Joseph, "All Media Considered," Martini Republic, October 26, 2005. Scroll down to commentary on Pajamas Media.
- James Wolcott, "Pajama Bottoms," JamesWolcott.com, October 30, 2005.
- Meghan Clyne, "Blogger Malkin Is Part of 'Pajamas Media' Rollout," The New York Sun, November 15, 2005.
- Joseph, "The Pajamas Media Charade," Martini Republic, October 28, 2005. Key note speaker at the November 16, 2005, launch? Go here and click on link for surprise photo.
- "Pajamas Media," ishkabible, October 29, 2005: "The site, when it launches, won't be called Pajamas Media. And right there you can start to taste the disaster in the air."
- Andrew Leigh, "Pajama-Clad Revolutionaries. Bloggers get organized," National Review Online, November 15, 2005.
- "Vaporware," The Talent Show, November 16, 2005.
- "More on Open Source Media," FBIHOP blogspot, November 16, 2005.
- James Joyner, "Open Source (Pajamas) Media: An Early Assessment," Outside the Beltway, November 17, 2005.
- Dean Esmay, "Pajamas Media/Open Source Media Faux Pas?" Dean's World, November 17, 2005.
- commisar, "Pajamas Media - The Monster of the Blogosphere," The Politburo Diktat, November 22, 2005.
- Dan Gillmor, "Pajamas Media, Redux," Bayosphere, November 22, 2005.
- Kevin Aylward, "
Open Source MediaPajamas Media Logo Contest," Wizbang Blog, November 23, 2005. - Stephen Bainbridge, "The Pajamas Media Blog Jam," ProfessorBainbridge.com, November 24, 2005.
- Paul McLeary, "Pajamas Media Rolls Out Of Bed, Falls on Face," CJR Daily, November 28, 2005.
- commissar, "Flannels Media," The Politburo Diktat, November 28, 2005.
- Dan Reihl, "Pajamas Media Again," Riehl World View, December 2, 2005.
- Tex MacRae, "Propagandists in Pajamas?" AntiWar.com, December 3, 2005.
- Tony Pierce, "why im so glad im not a Right Wing Blogger in 2005-2006 or a member of Pajamas Media," TonyPierce.com Blog, December 3, 2005.
- Dan Riehl, "Pajamas Media: This Makes No Sense," Riehl World View, December 10, 2005.
- Kevin Aylward, "Pajamas Media - Building A Better Echo Chamber," Wizbang Blog, December 14, 2005.
- James Wolcott, "The Right Side of History, The Wrong Side of Roger," JamesWolcott.com, December 20, 2005.
- Russ Baker, "Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution", Columbia Journalism Review"", January/February 2006.
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Richard Silverstein, "CHARLES JOHNSON AXED FROM PAJAMAS MEDIA MANAGEMENT", Tikun Olam, 3 December 2007
- ↑ Jennifer Guevin, "Open Source Media group met with harsh criticism", CNet News, 17 November 2005, accessed on 30 October 2010
- ↑ Pejman Yousefzadeh, "The Rise of Pajamas Media", Tech Central Station (web archive), 20 May 2005
- ↑ Richard Silverstein, "PAJAMAS MEDIA’S TILT TOWARD ISRAELI RIGHT", Tikun Olam, 20 October 2005
- ↑ Protein Wisdom, "What getting kicked to the curb in the age of new media looks like", Protein Wisdom, 30 January 2009, accessed on 30 October 2010
- ↑ Press Release, PR Newswire, 17 October 2005
- ↑ Marc Cooper, "Pajamas Media Drops Trou (Updated)", MarcCooper.com, 26 June 2010
- ↑ Alexa, "pajamasmedia.com", Alexa, accessed on 30 October 2010
- ↑ Alexa, "politico.com", Alexa, accessed on 30 October 2010
- ↑ Alexa, "huffingtonpost.com", Alexa, accessed on 30 October 2010
- ↑ PJ, "About Us", Pajamas Media, accessed on 30 October 2010
- ↑ Kenneth P. Vogel and Giovanni Russonello, "Latest mosque issue: The money trail", Politico, 4 September 2010, accessed on 29 October 2010