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[[Iraq War 2003 Timeline]]
==The Oil Factor==
==Documents & Doctrines==
*[[National Security Strategy September 2002|The Bush Doctrine]]
*[[National Intelligence Estimate September 2002|National Intelligence Estimate]]
*[[One Percent Doctrine]]
*[[A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm]]
*[[Coping with Crumbling States: A Western and Israeli Balance of Power Strategy for the Levant]]
=Key Players=
=Key Players=
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*[[Irving Libby]]
*[[Irving Libby]]
*[[David Wurmser]]
*[[David Wurmser]]
*[[John Hannah]]
*[[Office of Global Communications]]
*[[Office of Global Communications]]
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*[[Office of Special Plans]]
*[[Office of Special Plans]]
**[[Douglas Feith]]
**[[Douglas Feith]]
**[[Michael Ledeen]]
**[[William Luti]]
**[[Abram Shulsky]]
**[[Michael Rubin]]
**[[Harold Rhode]]
**[[David Schenker]]
**[[Michael Makovsky]]
**[[Larry Franklin]]
**[[Youssef Aboul-Enein]]
**[[William Bruner]]
**[[Kevin Jones]]
**[[Ladan Archin]]
*[[Office of Strategic Influence]]
*[[Office of Strategic Influence]]
*[[Information Operations Task Force]]
*[[Information Operations Task Force]]
*[[Policy Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group]]
**[[David Wurmser]]
**[[Michael Maloof]]
**[[Christina Shelton]]
**[[Chris Carney]]
*[[Office of Net Assessment]]
**[[Andrew Marshall]]
**[[Harold Rhode]]
===Department of State===
===Department of State===
*[[John Bolton]]
*[[John Bolton]]
===National Security Agency===
*[[John Hannah]]
===National Security Council===
*[[Elliot Abrams]]
*[[Elliot Abrams]]
*[[Stephen Hadley]]
===Defence Policy Board===
===Defence Policy Board===
*[[Richard Perle]]
*[[Richard Perle]]
*[[James Woolsey]]
*[[Ken Adelman]]
==The Legislative==
==The Legislative==
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==Civil Society==
==Civil Society==
===Think Tanks===
===Think Tanks===
*[[Project for the New American Century]]
*[[American Enterprise Institute]]
*[[American Enterprise Institute]]
**[[Laurie Mylroie]]
**[[Joshua Muravchik]]
**[[Michael Ledeen]]
**[[Richard Perle]]
*[[Washington Institute for Near East Policy]]
*[[Washington Institute for Near East Policy]]
*[[Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs]]
*[[Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs]]
*[[Center for Security Policy]]
*[[Center for Security Policy]]
**[[Frank Gaffney]]
*[[Saban Center for Middle East Policy]]
*[[Saban Center for Middle East Policy]]
**[[Martin Indyk]]
**[[Kenneth Pollack]]
===Citizens and Pressure Groups===
===Citizens and Pressure Groups===
*[[Elie Wiesel]]
*[[Elie Wiesel]]
*[[Freedom's Watch]]
*[[David Kay]]
===Publications and pundits===
*[[New York Times]]
**[[Jeffrey Goldberg]] - New Yorker
**[[David Rose]] - Vanity Fair, The Observer
**[[New York Times]]
**[[Judith Miller]]
**[[Thomas Friedman]]
**[[Kenneth M. Pollack]]
**[[Michael Gordon]]
*[[Washington Post]]
*[[Washington Post]]
*[[Judith Miller]]
**[[Charles Krauthammer]]
*[[Michael Gordon]]
**[[Jim Hoagland]]
*[[Charles Krauthammer]]
**[[George Will]]
*[[George Will]]
*[[Weekly Standard]]
*[[Thomas Friedman]]
**[[William Kristol]]
*[[Kenneth Pollock]]
*[[Fox News]]
*[[Rendon Group]]
==Iraqi Exiles==
*[[Iraqi National Congress]]
**[[Ahmad Chalabi]]
*[[Iraqi National Accord]]
**[[Iyad Allawi]]
*[[Laith Kubba]]
==External Resources==
==External Resources==
*James Bamford, [http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/10962352/iran_the_next_war Iran: The Next War], ''Rolling Stone'', August 10 2006
*David Miller (ed.), [http://homepages.strath.ac.uk/~his04105/publications/Tellmelies.html Tell Me Lies]: Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq], Pluto Press 2004.
*David Miller (ed.), [http://homepages.strath.ac.uk/~his04105/publications/Tellmelies.html Tell Me Lies]: Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq], Pluto Press 2004.
*Paul de Rooij, [http://www.counterpunch.org/rooij02062003.html A Riposte to Gen. Powell: Where are the Incubators?], CounterPunch, 6 Feb. 2003.  (curious element of this article is that it was published in CounterPunch two hours after the infamous speech)
*Seymour Hersh, [http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2003/05/12/030512fa_fact Selective Intelligence], ''New Yorker'', 12 May 2003
*Paul de Rooij, [http://www.counterpunch.org/rooij04012003.html Arrogant Propaganda: US Propaganda During the First 10 Days of the Iraq War], CounterPunch, 31 March 2003.
*Paul de Rooij, [http://www.counterpunch.org/rooij02062003.html A Riposte to Gen. Powell: Where are the Incubators?], CounterPunch, 6 Feb. 2003.  (curious element of this article is that it was published in ''CounterPunch'' two hours after the infamous speech)
*Paul de Rooij, [http://www.counterpunch.org/rooij05142003.html The Hydra's New Head: Propagandists and Selling the US-Iraq War], CounterPunch, 14 May 2003.
*Paul de Rooij, [http://www.counterpunch.org/rooij04012003.html Arrogant Propaganda: US Propaganda During the First 10 Days of the Iraq War], ''CounterPunch'', 31 March 2003.
*Paul de Rooij, [http://www.counterpunch.org/rooij05142003.html The Hydra's New Head: Propagandists and Selling the US-Iraq War], ''CounterPunch'', 14 May 2003
*[http://fanonite.org/2007/08/22/the-fifth-estate-the-lies-that-led-to-war/ The Fifth Estate: The Lies That Led To War], ''CBC'', 7 March 2007
[[category:Iraq War 2003]]

Latest revision as of 23:30, 1 October 2010

Iraq War 2003 Timeline

The Oil Factor

Documents & Doctrines

Key Players

The Executive

Vice President's Office

Department of Defense

Department of State

National Security Council

Defence Policy Board

The Legislative

Civil Society

Think Tanks

Citizens and Pressure Groups



Publications and pundits


Iraqi Exiles

External Resources
