New Labour nexus

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This page includes information on neoliberal think tanks and associated policy non-governmental organisations in the UK. It focuses especially on New Labour think tanks, but given the corporate capture of New Labour also includes information on the integration of 'New Labour' networks with those of the free market right.

Most of the information here relates to New Labour, but the networks which resulted in the creation of New Labour have a long history and so there is also material here on the subversion of the labour movement by the British intelligence services and by the CIA as well as the Atlanticist movement within the labour movement.

New Labour circles

The New Labour Nexus


Further Reading

The Clandestine Caucus

External links

  • Tom Easton, Who were they travelling with?, From Lobster 31, Review of 'SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party'Ivor Crewe and Anthony King, Oxford University Press, 1995, £25 [21]
  • Richard Fletcher 'Who were they travelling with? CIA and the Labour Party: How CIA Money Took the Teeth Out of Socialism', originally written for the Sunday Times in 1972, but never published by them. [22]
  • Robin Ramsay, 'The influence of intelligence services on the British left' A talk given by Robin Ramsay to Labour Party branches in late 1996. This is an adaptation and massive compression of the pamphlet The Clandestine Caucus written and published by Robin Ramsay in 1996. In that the sources for most of the claims contained in this talk are to be found. [23]