Center for Vigilant Freedom

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According to its website, the Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF) was founded in September 2006 with 28 members in the "910 Group", its citizens' network.[1]

CVF claims to be a 'fast-growing international citizen's network' with a mission to 'to protect liberty, counter sharia laws that oppose human rights, and defeat terrorist and extremist ideologies.'[2]

According to the Gateway Pundit, CVF co-operated with Freedom's Watch in releasing videos in support of the US presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. [3]

The CVF runs the CounterJihad Europa project, a website intended as a "clearinghouse for national initiatives to oppose the Islamisation of Europe." [4]


Origins: The 910 Group

According to its website, the CVF "started in late September 2006 with 28 members in the "910 Group," our citizens' network."[5] According to 910 Group blogger KG, the 910 Group began in the comments on a Gates of Vienna post.[6]

In this post, "Baron Bodissey" (Edward S. May) stated:

We agree with Fjordman and many others that the Jihad is just a symptom, and that the enemy lies within. This war is a civil war within the West, between traditional Western culture and the forces of politically correct multicultural Marxism that have bedeviled it for the last hundred years. It is being fought in the back halls and cloisters of the culture, with untenured nobodies like me wielding a salad fork against the broadswords and maces of the fully-armored knights of the media and the academy.[7]

In a subsequent October 2006 post, Bodissey/May stated:

A group of commenters, more or less led by Vicktorya and Beach Girl, became energized by the idea of taking a proactive stance against the Great Jihad and its enablers on the Left. Vicktorya opened a discussion group on Yahoo (so far known only by its number, “910”, although its members like to refer to it as “VRWC”), invited all interested parties to join, and a new and vigorous initiative has started rolling. If you’re curious, revisit the comments on the post and get involved in the group.[8]

The website of the Center for Vigilant Freedom (which now redirects to the rebranded International Civil Liberties Alliance) was registered on 12 December 2006, also by Christine Brim. Brim gave an email address at the Envoy Group, a private consultancy company based in her home town of Fairfax, Virginia. [9] According to the Jigsaw Contacts Database, Brim is the owner and CEO of the company. [10] According to Zoom Information Inc, the President of Envoy Group is/was Dr. Thomas Blau (the information is current as of 30 May 2005). The contact details given for Blau included a now defunct page on the website of George Mason University. [11] Thomas Blau now works at the National Defence University. [12]

Center for Vigilant Freedom was set up as a non-stock incorporated company, Center for Vigilant Freedom Incorporated, on 1 March 2007 under Corporation ID number 0670082-7. The registration agent for the company was Christine Brim. [13]

CounterJihad Summit Copenhagen 2007

On 14 April 2007, the Center held a 'CounterJihad summit' in Copenhagen, with representatives from the US, UK, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Christine Brim and Kyle Shideler were designated as the center's press contacts for the event.[14]

There were two British and two American representatives of CVF present, according to blogger Baron Bodissey (Edward S May), who spoke at the event.[15]

July 2007 donation and project announcement

The CVF announced significant funding in its July 2007 newsletter:

Good news! The Center for Vigilant Freedom has received a contingent pledge from a benefactor of $70,000, to be paid in six equal payments over six months. Projects will be shared between the U.S./Canada and Europe. The CVF Board is preparing project plans in the following areas, based on your suggestions over the last few months in the forum and email exchanges:
1. Infrastructure
2. Legislative clearinghouse (national, state, province and local governments) - defense & offense
3. Political coalition building (national, state, province and local governments)
4. International alternative media network
We hope that you will be interested in working on these projects. We are looking for part-time contractor assistance for each project area in the U.S. and in Europe, both to do most of the project work and to work with volunteer staff and our many coalition partners. If you are interested in helping on these projects either as a hard-working underpaid contractor (for really low fees - $70,000 doesn't go far in four project areas across two continents over six months) or as a volunteer, please send your resume, or an email with contact information and a description of your interests, background and skills, to , with the subject heading "CVF Projects"
We are happy to announce that we have two members who have taken us up on this offer to help as contractors - details to follow. We still need people in the U.S. and Europe to help build the legislative clearinghouse, technical assistance on the joomla website, political coalition building in the U.S. and building the alternative media network in Europe.[16]


Baron Bodissey gave the following account of CVF during the 2007 Counterjihad summit in Copenhagen:

CVF is not an alternative news outlet — we are an entirely new form for the propagation and dissemination of information.
The idea is not that everyone should join Vigilant Freedom — heaven forbid! That would make us just another huge and impotent bureaucracy. The 20th century has demonstrated the useless and immovable inertia of bureaucracy.
No, we are a network of networks. Anders and Ted are here to represent their respective organizations, Stop Islamisering Af Danmark and SverigeDemokraterna. Vigilant Freedom exists to coordinate their communications with others and their actions on behalf of the Counterjihad.
There is no chain of command — nor will there ever be — in Vigilant Freedom. No party line. No one in control of what happens. Our unity and mission arise from a common goal: to resist the Jihad in all its forms. Anything else is details.[17]





Contact, Resources and Notes


  • Center for Vigilant Freedom Inc.
  • 910 Group
  • P.O. Box 2773
  • Fairfax, VA 22031
  • Telephone: 1.571.331.3256
  • Fax: 1.360.899.1784
  • Email:


Corporate filings


  1. CVF News, Center for Vigilant Freedom, via the Internet Archive, accessed 19 September 2009.
  2. CVF News, Center for Vigilant Freedom, via the Internet Archive, accessed 19 September 2009.
  3. Pro-US Freedom's Watch Releases Video to Support Troops, The Gateway Pundit, 22 August 2007.
  4. About - CounterJihad Europa, accessed 18 February 2008.
  5. ABOUT CVF, Centre for Vigilant Freedom, via the Internet Archive, page archived 2 January 2008.
  6. KG, The 910 Group, 4 December 2006.
  7. Baron Bodissey, The Emperor is Naked, Gates of Vienna, 4 September 2006.
  8. Baron Bodissey, The War Against… What?, Gates of Vienna, 5 October 2006.
  9. Copy of Who is record for, from Domain Tool, 4 June 2009
  10. Jigsaw Contacts Database, accessed via Lexis Nexis, 4 June 2009 12:00:23
  11. Zoom People Information, accessed via Lexis Nexis, 4 June 2009 12:05:16
  12. Screengrab of Thomas Blau's biography from the National Defence University, created 4 June 2009
  13. Clerk's Information System, Virginia State Corporation Commission, accessed 14 December 2008.
  14. [ US, UK and Scandinavian, Counter-Jihad Summit], Center for Vigilant Freedom, 18 April 2007.
  15. Baron Bodissey, Report on the Counterjihad Summit, Gates of Vienna, 19 April 2007.
  16. Vigilant Freedom Newsletter, 21 July 2007, archived at the Internet Archive.
  17. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007/.
  18. Clerk's Information System, Virginia State Corporation Commission, accessed 14 December 2008.