910 Group

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910 Group logo, Screengrab from Gates of Vienna

The 910 Group is the "citizens' network" of the Center for Vigilant Freedom (CVF). According to the CVF, at the time of its foundation in September 2006, the 910 Group had 28 members, expanding within six months to "1,000 active members in 40 U.S. states and 21 countries, organized through online communities."[1]

According to the CVF, local chapters began organising in several countries from March 2007.[2]

Baron Bodissey (Edward S. May) gave the following account of CVF during the 2007 Counterjihad summit in Copenhagen:

CVF is not an alternative news outlet — we are an entirely new form for the propagation and dissemination of information.
The idea is not that everyone should join Vigilant Freedom — heaven forbid! That would make us just another huge and impotent bureaucracy. The 20th century has demonstrated the useless and immovable inertia of bureaucracy.
No, we are a network of networks. Anders and Ted are here to represent their respective organizations, Stop Islamisering Af Danmark and SverigeDemokraterna. Vigilant Freedom exists to coordinate their communications with others and their actions on behalf of the Counterjihad.
There is no chain of command — nor will there ever be — in Vigilant Freedom. No party line. No one in control of what happens. Our unity and mission arise from a common goal: to resist the Jihad in all its forms. Anything else is details.[3]



Although the domain 910group.com was inactive as of December 2009, it was registered to Vicktorya Stone Kaufer at the Center for Vigilant Freedom.[4]


Many of the 910 Group's members run affiliated blogs, often under pseudonyms.


  1. CVF News, Center for Vigilant Freedom, via the Internet Archive, accessed 5 December 2009.
  2. CVF News, Center for Vigilant Freedom, via the Internet Archive, accessed 5 December 2009.
  3. UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit, Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark, 15 April 2007.
  4. 910Group.us Whois Record, DomainTools.com, accessed 5 December 2009.
  5. Liberating Propaganda: 910 Group Portal , Archived at the Internet Archive, 2 December 2006.
  6. DK Republic, accessed 5 September 2011.
  7. KG, The 910 Group, 4 December 2006.
  8. [1], Archived at the Internet Archive, 12 September 2007.
  9. Daniel Pipes vs. Red Ken, Gates of Vienna, 28 January 2007.