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Youth education charity WORLDwrite is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network. Established in 1991, [1] it promotes a development agenda.

Its website promotes the Battle of Ideas and Spiked as well as blogs by LM network associates Daniel Ben-Ami, Brendan O'Neill and Rob Killick. [2]

Worldwrite has a staff of 5 FTE and an annual turnover of around £150,000. [3]

WORLDwrite's tour guide trainers include LM associates Ceri Dingle, Viv Regan, Alan Hudson, Ian Abley, James Woudhuysen, Munira Mirza, Jim Butcher and Andrew Calcutt. [4]

It has an permanent video news project, WORLDbytes and a current video history project in East London, London behind the Scenes. These were funded during 2008/9 as follows:

  • Worldbytes - Bloomburg; City Parochial Foundation; Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
  • London Behind the Scenes - Paul Hamlyn Foundation; Wates Foundation.[5]

In 2008, the City Parochial Foundation gave £85,000 towards the launch of Worldbytes.[6]

In 2009, the Esmee Fairabirn Foundation gave £70,671 towards the salary over three years of the assistant director, to run 'WORLDbytes', an “experimental online news magazine channel run by young disadvantaged volunteers”. [7]



The WORLDwrite Centre
Millfields Lodge
201 Millfields Road
London, E5 0AL
Tel/Fax: (0044) 020 8985 5435



  1. "WORLDwrite Annual Report 2008/9", Charity Commission website,
  2. "Home page", WORLDwrite website, accessed 8 May 2010
  3. "WORLDwrite Annual Report 2008/9", Charity Commission website,
  4. London Behind the Scens - Trainer Bios, WORLDwrite website, acc 19 Jan 2011
  5. "WORLDwrite Annual Report 2008/9", Charity Commission website,
  6. Groups funded Trust for London website acc 5 Feb 2011
  7. [ Citizenship or community development] Esmee Fairbairn website acc 5 Feb 2011