Tim Evans

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Tim Evans Stockholm Network Profile

Tim Evans works closely with a number of Libertarian think-tanks. He is the Chief Executive of the Cobden Centre and President of the Libertarian Alliance. Evans also sits on the advisory board of Nurses for Reform, a think tank directed by his wife Helen Evans.[1] He is the chairman of the Economic Policy Centre, Global Health Futures Ltd and a senior fellow with the Adam Smith Institute.[2] He is the former director of development at the Stockholm Network. [3] He is also a media commentator as described in his profile on the Cobden Centre Website:

A regular commentator on television and radio, his articles have appeared in the The Guardian, Economist, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal Europe and a host of other newspapers around the world. The author of numerous books, monographs and articles he has been published by think tanks that include the Adam Smith Institute, Centre for the New Europe, Fabian Society, Institute of Economic Affairs, Fraser Institute, Libertarian Alliance, Heritage Foundation, and the Independent Healthcare Association.[4]


2005-2009 The Stockholm Network

Tim Evans became the Director of Development at the Stockholm Network (SN) presumably around 2005 which is when he left the Centre for the New Europe.[9] Evans role at the SN involved working 'across the spectrum of policy issues to ensure that the Stockholm Network continues to promote its work and develop support across a range of constituencies and interests'.[10] Various sources cite Evans leaving the Centre for the New Europe in 2005, however his profile on the archived SN website shows that he 'retained his association' with the Centre for the New Europe, which had close ties with the SN, as a senior fellow.

Helen Disney withdrew membership Stockholm Network membership from two think tanks closely associated with Tim Evans in 2009. These were the Libertarian Alliance and Nurses for Reform, membership was withdrawn because Disney 'felt we no longer had a shared vision of what the Stockholm Network was trying to achieve'.[11]


Cobden Centre | Libertarian Alliance | Nurses for Reform | Economic Policy Centre | Global Health Futures | Adam Smith Institute | Stockholm Network | Centre for the New Europe | Fabian Society | Institute of Economic Affairs | Fraser Institute | Heritage Foundation | Independent Healthcare Association | Foundation for Defence Studies | Mont Pelerin Society


  1. Staff Profiles, DR Tim Evans, Stockholm Network Archived Website 24-November-2007, Accessed 24-June-2010
  2. Zarathustra, Where are all the 'Nurses' for Reform?, Liberal Conspiracy, 25-January-2010
  3. Staff Profiles, DR Tim Evans, Stockholm Network Archived Website 24-November-2007, Accessed 24-June-2010
  4. Steven Baker, Our Team, The Cobden Centre, 24-April-2009
  5. Steven Baker, Our Team, The Cobden Centre, 24-April-2009
  6. Steven Baker, Our Team, The Cobden Centre, 24-April-2009
  7. Steven Baker, Our Team, The Cobden Centre, 24-April-2009
  8. Steven Baker, Our Team, The Cobden Centre, 24-April-2009
  9. Steven Baker, Our Team, The Cobden Centre, 24-April-2009
  10. Staff Profiles, DR Tim Evans, Stockholm Network Archived Website 24-November-2007, Accessed 24-June-2010
  11. Helen Disney, RE:Stockholm Network Members, Stockholm Network, 27-May-2010, 10:04, E-mail to Steven Harkins