Tim Montgomerie

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Tim Montgomerie is the founder and editor of the website ConservativeHome.com.

Montomerie was born in 1970, and grew up in Hampshire and Germany. He studied Economics and Geography at Exeter University.[1]

In December 1990, he founded the Conservative Christian Fellowship with David Burrowes. He was the organisation's director for 13 years.[2]

From 1998 to 2003, Montgomerie ran the Conservative Party's outreach to faith communities and the voluntary sector. He was Iain Duncan Smith's chief of staff for his last two months as Conservative leader and in 2004 helped him to establish the Centre for Social Justice.[3]

Montgomerie launched the ConservativeHome website in 2005.[4]

In November 2008 he launched the London Centre for the Study of Anti-Americanism. In June 2009 he launched ConservativeIntelligence.com.[5]

Montgomerie is a co-founder of Nothing British.[6]



Tim Montgomerie and Sajid Javid created the Exeter Enterprise Forum while they were at Exeter University together in the early 1990's. The forum was a campaign group created in order to 'promote capitalism to students'.[7] While acting as president of the Exeter Enterprise Forum, Montgomerie also founded and became chairman of the Conservative Christian Fellowship.[8] Montgomerie regularly contributed letters to broadsheet newspapers in his capacity as chairman of the Conservative Christian Fellowship between 1991-1994. He continued to write the letters following this period but instead of being the chairman he described himself as 'director' or 'director of fellowship'.[9][10]

In early 1997 40 Conservative MP's and four cabinet ministers were members of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, members included Brian Mawhinney, Peter Lilley, John Gummer, Anne Widdecombe and Lord Mackay. At this time the group were receiving advice from the U.S. on how best to 'strip Tony Blair's New Labour of its claims to be Christian'. Montgomerie was also working as a banker during this period.[11] Montgomerie worked at the Bank of England, where his responsibilities included the Russian economy and the study of systemic risk in financial systems.[12]

In September 1997 Montgomerie criticised William Hague for sharing a hotel room with his then fiancee Ffion Jenkins for the 1997 Conservative conference in Blackpool, Montgomerie criticised the arrangement because it 'fell short of the Christian ideal'.[13] According to Nick Cohen, writing in the Observer, Tim Montgomerie argued that the Conservative Party 'should not ask gays to vote for us', he argued that instead they must 'expose the unbiblical and the libertine'.[14].

Cohen argues that the Conservative Christian Fellowship's journal 'denounced gay soldiers as suicide risks, security risks, blackmail risks, health risks and rape risks' and that Montgomerie said that he was willing to give 'sacrificial care' to homosexuals who saw the error of the their ways.[15].


In 2000 William Hague set up a task force to shadow Labour's Social Exclusion Unit. The group was mainly funded by Stanley Kalms and Tim Montgomerie was selected to be the groups national director. When the task force was set up Montgomerie argued that 'The Conservative Party has not done enough to show that it cares about the same problems that they [Labour] do. We need to use a different language on some issues and we need to do a lot more policy thinking.'[16]



External Resources


  1. Introducing Tim Montgomerie, ConservativeHome, accessed 14 February 2010.
  2. Introducing Tim Montgomerie, ConservativeHome, accessed 14 February 2010.
  3. Introducing Tim Montgomerie, ConservativeHome, accessed 14 February 2010.
  4. Introducing Tim Montgomerie, ConservativeHome, accessed 14 February 2010.
  5. Introducing Tim Montgomerie, ConservativeHome, accessed 14 February 2010.
  6. Friday BNP news round up, Nothing British, 2 October 2009.
  7. Tim Montgomerie, Sajid Javid selected for Bromsgrove, ConservativeHome.com, Accessed 30-January-2010
  8. Tim Montgomerie, Riots and deprivation, The Times, 27-September-1991
  9. Tim Montgomerie, Letter: The Gospel According to Tony Blair, The Guardian, 10-April-1996
  10. Tim Montgomerie, Letter: Christians bring honesty to Westminster, The Independent, 10-April-1996
  11. Martin Wroe, Tories get US Election Aid for Holy War on Labour, The Independent, 26-January-1997
  12. Profile, Tim Montgomerie, Centre for Policy Studies, Accessed 30-January-2010
  13. Maurice Chittenden and Christopher Morgan, Tories' hotel pillow fight hits Hague where it hurts, The Sunday Times, 28-September-1997
  14. Nick Cohen, Comment: Without Prejudice: Let us pray for William Hague. Oh well, suit yourself, The Observer, 12-September-1999
  15. Nick Cohen, Comment: Without Prejudice: Let us pray for William Hague. Oh well, suit yourself, The Observer, 12-September-1999
  16. Tom Baldwin and Ruth Gledhill, Hague sets up unit to foster one nation, The Times, 8-September-2000