All-Party Parliamentary Furniture Industry Group

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The All-Party Parliamentary Furniture Industry Group was set up in the hope:

'To raise awareness of the furniture industry and to publicise and promote the industry in the UK in order to protect jobs and investment.'[1]


The group provides an arena in which to discuss issues and problems involving the furniture industry, such as the economic recovery, small business lending and fire regulation. The group draws membership from across the party spectrum and both parliamentary chambers.[2]

Re-establishment after the general election

After the All-Party Parliamentary Furniture Industry Group was reformed after the 2015 general election, the chairman of the British Furniture Confederation, Paul von der Heyde said:

'I'm very pleased to confirm that the APPFIG has been successfully re-established following the General Election. The Group provides a valuable forum to discuss issues of importance to the furniture, furnishings and bed industry, including biomass subsidies, apprenticeships and flammability regulations. I wish the Group the best in its work over this Parliament, and am excited to be working with Members going forwards.'[3]


Officers, September 2015



The British Furniture Confederation, a furniture trade association, pays Brevia Consulting to act as the groups secretariat, funding the groups activities and managing day to day affairs.

Registered benefits

By July 2015, Brevia Consulting had paid (in bands of £1,500) £22,501-£24,000 in benefits to the group.[1]


Will Smith of Brevia is the group's Public Enquiry Point.

Address: 5 Salamanca Place, London SE1 7HP

Tel: 020 7091 1650



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 'Furniture Industry APPG',, accessed 11 November 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 British Furniture Confederation: All-Party Group, British Furniture Confederation, accessed 11 November 2015
  3. Westminster All Party Group Re-established,FIRA, accessed 11 November 2015